UK Digital StrategyThis document is an edited, printer friendly version of the full, accessible policy paper on gov.uk.Contents Contents Ministerial foreword and executive summary Where we are today 4 10 1. Digital foundations 16 1.1 World class and secure digital infrastructure 1.2 Unlocking the power of data 1.3 A light-touch and pro-innovation regulatory regime 1.4 Security and the digital economy 16 18 19 24 2. Ideas and intellectual property 29 2.1 Supporting universities to develop new ideas and technologies 2.2 Incentivising businesses to innovate 2.3 Innovation in the NHS 29 32 34 3. Digital skills and talent 36 3.1 Strengthening the digital education pipeline 3.2 Increasing awareness of pathways into digital occupations 3.3 Developing advanced digital skills 3.4 Lifelong digital skills 3.5 Collaborating with the private and third sector on digital skills 3.6 Attracting the brightest and best globally 37 39 40 41 44 46 4. Financing digital growth 56 4.1 Seed investment 4.2 Early stage and scale-up investment 4.3 Making the UK the global tech IPO capital 57 57 60 5. The whole UK: spreading prosperity and levelling up 63 5.1 Supporting the UK’s businesses throu