UKGames Industry Census Understanding diversity in the UK games industry workforce Dr. Mark Taylor March 2022Report author: Dr. Mark Taylor Senior Lecturer, University of She?eld In collaboration with: George Osborn & Colm Seeley Design and layout by: Jay Roerade and Alpha Wilson For questions about this report, please contact Ukie at: hello@ukie.uk +44 207 534 5800 @uk_ie2. Who works in games? 2.1 Age 5. Promotion and progression 58 61 26 28 30 31 5.1 Promotion and progression: Seniority 5.2 Promotion and progression: Age 2.2 Ethnic group 62 63 65 2.3 Nationality 5.3 Promotion and progression: Ethnic group 5.4 Promotion and progression: Neurodiversity 2.4 Gender 2.5 Sexuality 32 34 36 38 39 40 41 Contents 6. Mental health: anxiety and depression 67 68 69 2.6 Caring responsibilities 2.7 Conditions 6.1 Mental health: anxiety and depression 6.2 Anxiety and depression by gender & LGBTQ+ status 2.8 Di?culties, aids and adaptations, & disability 2.9 Social background 2.10 School type Foreword 4 7 7. Areas for future consideration 76 78 73 Foreword 7.1 Adjusting for new expectations around work Executive summary Introduction 8 2.11 Education 7.2 Further work on mitig