Mobile Advertising Benchmark Report Q2 2022Executive Summary iOS versions where AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) was enabled reached mass adoption in June 2021, so we can now do a full comparative Year-over-Year (YoY) analysis of its impact on mobile app advertisers. In this report, we break down the impact on app advertisers’ media mix over this period. The key headline is the comparison between Facebook and Apple Search Ads’ (ASA) advertiser adoption and share-of-wallet changes YoY. ASA joined the duopoly of Facebook and Google at the top table of advertiser adoption as it grew adoption nearly four percentage points YoY to 94.8%, while Facebook adoption declined three percentage points to 82.8%. This trend also played out with share-of-wallet as ASA gained ?ve percentage points YoY reaching a 15% share, whilst Facebook declined four percentage points YoY, still ?nishing signi?cantly ahead with a 28% share. Facebook also recovered share-of-wallet when comparing Q4 21 to Q2 22, suggesting that they’re starting to recover from initial ATT headwinds. Google remained fairly steady on both metrics as most of their inventory sits on the Android platform. The question now is how