近年来,随着互联网技术日新月异的发展,迅速崛起的新媒体逐渐进入了人们的视 野。新媒体的精准性、互动性、实时性等特点,迎合了广大受众的消费需求,彻底改变 了媒介形态和传播模式。主流广播电视媒体面对收视率下降、广告份额下滑、传播渠道 单一、内容缺乏创意、受众流失等问题,其生存空间逐渐受到了新媒体侵蚀。互联网时 代,作为地方广播电视媒体要在竞争激烈的媒介市场中站稳一席之地,巩固和壮大主流 思想文化阵地,提升主流媒体传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力,势必要深入探索传统 媒体和新媒体在渠道、技术、内容、管理等方面融合、升级、创新发展路径,改变过去 单向线性传播格局,建立全媒体立体传播生态体系,研究融媒体发展战略,已成为媒体 从业者亟待解决的一项紧迫的课题,具有较好的现实研究意义。 本文坚持互联网思维导向,以笔者工作的一家地方广播电视台作为研究对象,采用 文献研究法、实地调研法、PEST分析方法、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析方法、EFE矩阵、IFE矩阵、 SWOT分析方法。绪论部分综合了业内部分专家、学者对融媒体研究的成果,结合新闻学、 传播学、管理学、市场营销等学科理论基础,提出笔者自己对融媒体概念的理解,进而 设计相应的技术路线。核心章节通过对AM广播电视台(以下简称AM台)融媒体发展的 外部环境、内部环境做详细分析,推导融媒体发展的战略设计,并制定战略的具体实施 方案和融媒体发展的支撑举措,提出了要实现“前沿媒体”的战略目标,并选择了一体 化战略、移动优先战略、创新产品战略让媒体融合向纵深发展,以及科技兴业战略打造 融媒体新型业务板块,重塑了媒体商业模式、构建企业核心竞争力,以期打造具有海峡 西岸区域特色的主流前沿媒体。 关键词:AM广播电视台;融媒体;发展战略 II RESARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF AM RADIO AND TV STATION’S MEDIA CONVERGENCE IN THE INTERNET ERA ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet technology, the rapid rise of new media has gradually entered people's vision. The characteristics of new media, such as accuracy, interactivity and real-time, cater to the consumer demand of the masses, and completely change the media form and communication mode. In the face of the decline of ratings, the decline of advertising share, the single channel of communication, the lack of creativity in content and the loss of audience, the living space of mainstream radio and TV media is gradually eroded by new media. In the Internet era, as a local radio and TV media, it is necessary to consolidate and strengthen the mainstream ideological and cultural position, enhance the communication, guidance, influence and credibility of the mainstream media, so as to further explore the integration, upgrading and innovative development path of traditional media and new media in channels, technology, content and management, it has become an urgent task for media practitioners to change the past one-way linear communication pattern, establish an all media three-dimensional communication ecosystem, and study the development strategy of media convergence has become an urgent issue to be solved by media practitioners, which has a good practical significance. This paper adheres to the guidance of Internet thinking, and takes a local radio and TV station where the author works as the research object. It adopts the methods of literature research, field research, PEST analysis, industry environment analysis, EFE matrix, IFE matrix and SWOT analysis. The introduction part synthesizes the research results of some experts and scholars in the industry, combines the theoretical basis of journalism, communication, management, marketing and other disciplines, puts forward the author's own understanding of the concept of media convergence, and then designs the corresponding technical route. In the core chapter, through the detailed analysis of the external and internal III environment of AM Radio and TV Station (hereinafter referred to as AM Station), the paper deduces the strategic design of media convergence development, formulates the specific implementation plan of the strategy and the supporting measures of media convergence development, puts forward the strategic goal of "cutting-edge media", and selects the integration strategy, mobile priority strategy and innovative products strategy, which enables the media integration to develop in depth, as well as the strategy of science and technology to create a new media business sector, reshape the media business model and build the core competitiveness of enterprises, with a view to creating a mainstream cutting-edge media with the characteristics of the west coast of the Taiwan straits. KEY WORDS: AM Radio and TV Station; media convergence; development strategy IV 目 录 摘要 .................................................................. I ABSTRACT ............................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及选题意义 .................................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究目的及意义 ...................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ...................................................... 2 1.3 研究方法和主要创新点 ................................................ 3 1.3.1 研究方法 ............................................................ 3 1.3.2 主要创新点 .......................................................... 4 第二章 AM台融媒体发展外部环境分析 ....................................... 6 2.1 宏观环境PEST分析 ................................................... 6 2.1.1 政治环境 ............................................................ 6 2.1.2 经济环境 ............................................................ 6 2.1.3 社会环境 ............................................................ 8 2.1.4 技术环境 ............................................................ 9 2.2 微观环境分析 ........................................................ 9 2.2.1 新媒体对受众的影响 .................................................. 9 2.2.2 目标受众分析 ....................................................... 11 2.2.3 业务伙伴分析 ....................................................... 12 2.2.4 内容供应商分析 ..................................................... 13 2.3 AM台的EFE矩阵分析 ................................................. 13 2.3.1 运用EFE矩阵对AM台外部环境分析 .................................... 13 2.3.2 AM台EFE矩阵分析模型的构建与应用 .................................. 14 第三章 AM台融媒体发展内部环境分析 ...................................... 17 3.1 AM台历史发展沿革 ................................................... 17 3.1.1 主要历史事件 ....................................................... 17 3.1.2 区域发展形势 ....................................................... 17 V 3.1.3 主要业务拓展 ....................................................... 18 3.2 广播电视台资源分析 ................................................. 19 3.2.1 人力资源分析 ....................................................... 19 3.2.2 技术力量状况分析 ................................................... 19 3.2.3 栏目设置及收视率分析 ............................................... 20 3.2.4 广告来源及收入分析 ................................................. 23 3.3 AM台融媒体发展现状分析 ............................................. 24 3.3.1 构建全媒体立体传播矩阵 ............................................. 24 3.3.2 新媒体形式特征与效果分析 ........................................... 24 3.4 AM台的IFE矩阵分析 ................................................. 25 3.4.1 运用IFE矩阵对AM台内部环境分析 .................................... 25 3.4.2 AM台IFE矩阵分析模型的构建与应用 .................................. 26 第四章 AM台融媒体发展战略设计 .......................................... 29 4.1 AM台融媒体发展的顶层战略 ........................................... 29 4.1.1 融媒体发展SWOT分析 ................................................ 29 4.1.2 企业使命和愿景 ..................................................... 30 4.1.3 企业战略选择 ....................................................... 30 4.1.4 商业模式重塑 ....................................................