近年来,中国汽车欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展速度已经开始下降,汽车相关企业的竞争越来越 激烈。各汽车厂纷纷实施多品种、小批量战略来争夺市场。对于零部件公司而言, 品种增多、总量下降意味着成本增加。如何降低物流成本、提升周转率、降低库存 成为各公司的重点。 本文以汽车零部件制造企业AMC公司为对象,以精益生产,特别是以电子看板 拉动为工具,来研究上述问题。本文在综述相关文献的基础上,首先分析了AMC公 司现有的生产控制系统现状及其存在的问题,其中主要的问题包括生产线断料严重、 线边库存较高及线边库存盘点准确率低等问题。然后通过绘制价值流图(VSM),站 在增值与非增值的角度,从客户端、生产过程以及供应商三个层面分析了流程中存 在的问题及可能改进点。接着,设计了电子看板、电子看板导入方法,并设计了牵 引车和手工车拉动的路线调度方法,引入了RFID来记录牵引车和手工车的节拍时 间,来解决线边库存高、库存准确率低及送料准确率低等问题。然后,在实施中推 行了以五个基础、三个支撑、三个追求目标和四个相关方为主体的精益生产架构, 以及改善开始于5S结束于5S的精益思想。最后,实施结果大幅降低了线边库存、 降低了人工成本和提升了生产管理水平。本文希望通过AMC公司优化拉动生产的推 进研究,可以为其他工厂提供一定借鉴作用。 关键词:汽车零部件 拉式生产 电子看板 精益生产 II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract In recent years, the development speed of China's auto industry has begun to decline, and the competition of auto-related enterprises has become increasingly fierce. Various automakers have implemented multi-variety and small-volume strategies to compete for the market. For component companies, an increase in the number of varieties and a decrease in the total amount means an increase in costs. How to reduce logistics costs, increase turnover rate, and reduce inventory have become the focus of companies. This thesis takes the AMC company, an automobile parts manufacturing company, as the object, and studies the above problems with lean production, especially with electronic Kanban pull. Based on the review of related literatures. First, analyzes the current status of AMC's existing production control systems and their existing problems. The main problems include serious production line breakage, high line side inventory and low on line inventory count accuracy, and so on. Second, by drawing a value stream map (VSM), from the perspective of value-added and non-value-added, it analyzes the problems and possible improvements in the process from the client, production process and supplier level. Third, the electronic Kanban and electronic Kanban import method were designed, and the route scheduling method of tractor and manual car pulling was designed. RFID was introduced to record the circle time of tractor and manual car to solve the on line inventory height and inventory accuracy. Low and low feed accuracy. Then, in the implementation, the lean production structure with five foundations, three pillars, three pursuit goals and four related parties is promoted, and the lean idea that starts at 5S and ends at 5S is improved. Finally, the implementation results have significantly reduced line-side inventory, reduced labor costs and improved production management. This paper hopes that AMC can optimize the production and promote the research, which can provide some reference for other factories.