多元化经营是现代较为流行的一种增长战略,对推动企业快速发展有很大帮助,但 是经营不善可能导致企业管理质量下降,风险增加。具有较强竞争优势的主营业务是企 业多元化经营的前提条件。以酱油起家的JJ食品公司成立于1996年,目前已形成同时 经营酱油、食用植物油、食醋、鸡精、味精等产品的多元化格局。近年来,随着公司产 品种类不断增加以及业务向非相关领域扩展,JJ食品公司出现了业绩不振、经营风险增 大等问题。面对日益加剧的市场竞争、复杂多样的市场环境、不断进步的技术水平、大 量涌入的外资和精细化多变的消费市场,JJ食品公司如何调整多元化经营战略发展方向, 确保公司健康可持续发展,成为JJ食品公司最急需解决的问题。 本文通过对JJ食品公司实施多元化经营战略现状分析,并基于财务数据从盈利能 力、偿债能力、运营能力和成长能力四个方面进行多元化经营绩效分析,找出其存在的 主要问题。然后基于PEST模型分析公司的宏观环境,分析调味品和粮油欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境,以 及组织管理、人力资源、生产能力、企业文化等公司内部环境,并利用SWOT分析对公 司遇到的机遇和威胁、潜在的优势和劣势进行深入思考,确定了公司要聚焦主业做强做 优,淘汰销量少、低利润产品,在此基础上实施相关多元化的战略定位,提出品牌、渠 道方面的职能战略和多元化经营战略实施方案。最后从优化组织结构、提升人力资源管 理、严格加强财务管理、加强企业文化建设、提高信息化水平五个方面提出了保障措施。 关键词:JJ食品公司;多元化经营战略;相关多元化;SWOT分析 Abstract Diversified operation is a more popular growth strategy in modern times, and it is very helpful to promote the rapid development of enterprises. However, poor management may lead to a decline in the quality of enterprise management and increased risks. The main business with a strong competitive advantage is a prerequisite for diversified business operations. JJ Foods Company, which started with soy sauce, was established in 1996. At present, it has formed a diversified pattern of simultaneously operating soy sauce, edible vegetable oil, vinegar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and other products. In recent years, as the company's product types continue to increase and its business expands to non-related fields, JJ Foods has experienced problems such as sluggish performance and increased operating risks. Faced with increasing market competition, a complex and diverse market environment, continuously improving technological levels, a large influx of foreign capital, and a refined and changing consumer market, how does JJ Foods Company adjust the development direction of its diversified business strategy to ensure the company’s continuous development has become the most urgent problem to be solved by JJ Foods Company. This article analyzes the current status of JJ Foods Company's implementation of a diversified business strategy. Based on the financial data, we conducted a diversified business performance analysis from the four aspects of profitability, solvency, operation ability and growth ability to find out its main problems. Then analyze the company's macro environment based on the PEST model, analyze the condiment and grain and oil industry environment, and the company's internal environment such as organization management, human resources, production capacity, and corporate culture. Use SWOT analysis to think deeply about the opportunities and threats, potential advantages and disadvantages encountered by the company. It was determined that the company should focus on its main business to become stronger and better, eliminate products with low sales volume and low profits, and implement relevant diversified strategic positioning on this basis. The implementation strategy is proposed from product, brand and channel. In the end, guarantee measures were put forward from five aspects: optimizing organizational structure, improving human resource management, strictly strengthening financial management, strengthening corporate culture construction, and improving the level of informatization. Keywords: JJ Foods Company; Diversification Strategy; Related diversification; SWOT analysis 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景、目的及意义 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ............. 1 1.1.2 论文研究的目的 . 1 1.1.3 论文研究的意义 . 2 1.2国内外研究现状 ............. 2 1.2.1国外研究现状 ...... 2 1.2.2国内研究现状 ...... 4 1.2.3国内外研究现状评述 ......................... 7 1.3论文的研究内容与研究方法 ........................ 8 1.3.1论文的研究内容 .. 8 1.3.2论文的研究方法 10 1.4论文创新之处 ............... 10 第2章 JJ食品公司多元化经营现状及问题分析 .............................. 11 2.1 JJ食品公司简介 ........... 11 2.2 JJ食品公司多元化发展进程 ...................... 11 2.2.1 多元化发展历程 .............................. 11 2.2.2 主要产品介绍及发展 ...................... 13 2.2.3 主营业务收入、成本及利润分析 .. 13 2.3基于财务指标的多元化经营绩效分析 ...... 15 2.3.1 盈利能力分析 ... 16 2.3.2 偿债能力分析 ... 16 2.3.3 营运能力分析 ... 17 2.3.4 成长能力分析 ... 18 2.4 JJ食品公司多元化经营存在的问题及其主要成因 ................. 19 2.4.1 存在的问题分析 .............................. 19 2.4.2问题的主要成因分析 ....................... 20 2.5 本章小结 ...................... 21 第3章 JJ食品公司多元化经营战略环境分析 ..... 22 3.1 JJ食品公司宏观环境分析 .......................... 22 3.1.1 政策环境 ........... 22 3.1.2 经济环境 ........... 22 3.1.3 社会环境 ........... 23 3.1.4 技术环境 ........... 24 3.2 JJ食品公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 .......................... 25 3.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的竞争对手分析 .................. 25 3.2.2 潜在的进入者分析 .......................... 26 3.2.3 替代产品分析 ... 26 3.2.4 供应商分析 ....... 26 3.2.5 购买商分析 ....... 27 3.3 JJ食品公司内部环境分析 .......................... 27 3.3.1 组织管理分析 ... 27 3.3.2 人力资源分析 ... 28 3.3.3生产能力分析 .... 30 3.3.4企业文化分析 .... 30 3.4 JJ食品公司SWOT分析 ............................ 31 3.4.1 JJ食品公司多元化经营的优势 ....... 31 3.4.2 JJ食品公司多元化经营的劣势 ....... 32 3.4.3 JJ食品公司多元化经营的机会 ....... 33 3.4.4 JJ食品公司多元化经营的威胁 ....... 34 3.4.5基于SWOT分析的多元化经营战略选择 ..................... 34 3.5 本章小结 ...................... 36 第4章 JJ食品公司多元化经营战略定位与实施 . 37 4.1 JJ食品公司多元化经营战略的定位 .......... 37 4.1.1 多元化经营战略指导思想 .............. 37 4.1.2 多元化经营战略发展原则 .............. 37 4.1.3 多元化经营战略目标 ...................... 37 4.1.4多元化经营战略发展定位 ............... 38 4.2 JJ食品公司多元化经营的职能战略 .......... 39 4.2.1 品牌战略 ........... 39 4.2.2 渠道战略 ........... 41 4.3 JJ食品公司多元化经营战略的实施 .......... 42 4.3.1 提升酱油主业 ... 42 4.3.2拓展相关多元化业务 ....................... 44 4.4 本章小结 ...................... 46 第5章 JJ食品公司多元化经营战略的保障措施 . 47 5.1优化组织结构 ............... 47 5.1.1 重新组建战略管理部 ...................... 47 5.1.2 强化内部控制体系 .......................... 48 5.2 提升人力资源管理 ...... 48 5.2.1 开拓多元化用人机制 ...................... 48 5.2.2 完善人才激励机制 .......................... 49 5.2.3 加强人才培训培养 .......................... 50 5.3 严格加强财务管理 ...... 50 5.3.1 重视财会队伍建设 .......................... 50 5.3.2 增强领导班子财务管理意识 .......... 51 5.4 加强企业文化建设 ...... 51 5.4.1 协调适应战略调整 .......................... 51 5.4.2 注重文化价值宣传 .......................... 52 5.5 提高信息化水平 .......... 52 5.5.1 完善信息管理系统 .......................... 52 5.5.2 持续推进智能制造 .......................... 53 5.6 本章小结 ...................... 53 结论 .............. 55