21世纪的第二个十年,伴随着移动互联网的飞速发展,中国经济保持了高速稳 定增长,同时社会也在不断进步。旅游成为越来越被中国人青睐的休闲方式。2018年, 中国国内旅游市场持续稳定增长,中国国内游客达到55.4亿人次,旅游收入达到5.13 万亿元,年均增长率达到11.5%,其对GDP的综合贡献更是达到9.94万亿元。中国 经济正在由传统的农业和工业向服务业转型,而旅游业作为中国服务业的代表,已成 为中国经济的最重要内容之一。 互联网在中国的高速发展催生了许多提供标准化产品的在线旅游平台,如携程、 飞猪、艺龙等,以及主打自由行的马蜂窝、穷游网等,他们虽然实现了对游客和旅游 目的地的连接和分享,但依然存在着无法满足游客复杂个性化旅游需求、无法为游客 和旅游要素提供方提供深度匹配、无法为旅游主管部门提供决策帮助等问题。因此当 今的旅游业需要一种融汇了最新科技手段,能够真正解决信息不对称与旅游要素匹配 度差的问题,满足旅游业管理和服务创新、提高服务效率、促进旅游全要素协同发展, 并能够实现游客、旅游要素提供方与旅游主管部门价值共创的全新的旅游平台。 在21世纪第三个十年即将到来之际,以大数据、人工智能、VR、AR等技术为核 心的旅游科学的飞速发展为旅游业供需失衡的问题提出了一种新的解决方案。本研究 设计的基于大数据的F公司智慧旅游平台运营系统有三步,首先在比较清晰的界定了 智慧旅游的基础上,通过对F公司的主要业务进行梳理,对其进行智慧旅游平台建设 所面临的内外部环境进行分析,提出其在价值链、供应链和盈利模式方面的可行性, 并从理论上说明其促成旅游主管部门、旅游要素提供方与游客三方进行价值共创的先 进性。随后,提出了基于大数据的F公司智慧旅游平台运营系统设计,需要从分析平 台特征、确定运营目标着手,对其核心的多数据源融合模型进行设计、检验及评价, 并最终形成以全域智慧旅游大数据平台为体,主要为旅游主管部门服务的“智慧旅游 管理平台”和“全域旅游应急指挥中心”、主要为游客服务的“智慧服务应用平台”、 主要为旅游要素提供方服务的“智慧营销应用平台”这“三平台一中心”为用的一整 套智慧旅游平台运营系统的详细设计方案,同时确定了平台的日常运营方案。最后, 分析了平台建设从制度、人员、组织、资源和技术五方面的保障措施。 本研究有利于丰富智慧旅游平台运营系统设计方法,更为关键的是,明确提出大 数据及其算法模型的构建是智慧旅游平台建设和为多方提供智慧旅游服务的核心基 础和关键技术手段,对于促进智慧旅游平台信息流的有序、规范、自由的流动,达到 以旅游科技促进旅游业相关主体形成多方价值共创,发展全域智慧旅游和智慧旅游服 务创新具有广泛的应用价值。 关键词:大数据;智慧旅游;运营管理;数据融合;价值共创 Abstract In the second decade of the 21st century, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, China’s economy has maintained a high-speed and stable growth, the society is also constantly improving. Tourism has become a more and more popular way of leisure in China. In 2018, China's domestic tourism market continued to grow steadily, with 5.54 billion domestic tourists, 5.13 trillion yuan of tourism revenue, and an average annual growth rate of 11.5%. Its comprehensive contribution to GDP reached 9.94 trillion yuan. China's economy is transforming from traditional agriculture and industry to service industry, and tourism, as the representative of China's service industry, has become one of the most important contents of China's economy. The rapid development of the Internet in China has given birth to many online tourism platforms that provide standardized products, such as Ctrip, Feizhu, Yilong, etc., as well as the hornet's nest and destitute travel network, etc. Although they have realized the connection and sharing of tourists and tourism destinations, they still cannot meet the complex and personalized tourism needs of tourists and cannot provide tourists and tourism elements It can not provide decision-making assistance for tourism authorities. Therefore, today's tourism industry needs a new tourism platform that integrates the latest scientific and technological means, can truly solve the problem of information asymmetry and poor matching of tourism elements, meet the management and service innovation of tourism industry, improve service efficiency, promote the coordinated development of all elements of tourism, and can realize the value creation of tourists, tourism element providers and tourism authorities. With the coming of the third decade of the 21st century, the rapid development of tourism science with big data, artificial intelligence, VR, AR and other technologies as the core puts forward a new solution to the problem of imbalance between supply and demand of tourism industry.The operation system of F company's Intelligent Tourism platform based on big data designed in this study has three steps. First, on the basis of clearly defining the intelligent tourism, through combing the main businesses of F company, analyzing the internal and external environment faced by the construction of its intelligent tourism platform, putting forward its feasibility in value chain, supply chain and profit model, and from the perspective of management On the above, it explains that it promotes the advanced value of tourism authorities, tourism elements providers and tourists three parties. Then, it puts forward the design of smart tourism platform operation system of F company based on big data. It needs to start from analyzing the characteristics of the platform and determining the operation objectives, design, test and evaluate the core multi-source fusion model, and finally form a "smart tourism management platform" and "global smart Tourism management platform" which mainly serves the tourism authorities The tourism emergency command center, the "intelligent service application platform" mainly serving tourists, the "intelligent marketing application platform" mainly serving tourism element providers, the detailed design scheme for a set of Intelligent Tourism platform operation system about the "three platforms and one center", and the daily operation scheme for the platform was determined. Finally, it analyzes the guarantee measures of platform construction from five aspects: system, personnel, organization, resources and technology. This study is conducive to enriching the design methods of Intelligent Tourism Platform Operation System.More importantly, it is clearly proposed that the construction of big data and its algorithm model is the core foundation and key technical means for the construction of the Intelligent Tourism platform and the provision of intelligent tourism services for multiple parties. It is also helpful to promote the formation of multi-faceted values co creation of tourism related subjects by tourism technology, and develop the whole domain Intelligent Tourism and intelligent tourism Hui tourism service innovation has a wide range of application value. Key words: Big Data;Intelligent Tourism;Operations Management; Data Fusion;Value Co-Creation I 目 录 1绪论 .............................................................. 1 1.1选题背景与意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1选题背景 .................................................. 1 1.1.2选题意义 .................................................. 2 1.2研究目的与内容 ................................................ 2 1.2.1研究目的 .................................................. 2 1.2.2研究内容 .................................................. 3 1.3研究方法 ...................................................... 3 1.3.1文献分析法 ................................................ 3 1.3.2实地调研法 ................................................ 3 1.3.3定性分析法 ................................................ 4 1.4可能的创新之处 ................................................ 4 2国内外文献综述 .................................................... 5 2.1智慧旅游的概念研究 ............................................ 5 2.2大数据的开发与应用 ............................................ 5 2.3智慧旅游研究的发展与实践 ...................................... 5 2.4国内外研究现状评述 ............................................ 6 3海南F公司智慧旅游平台环境和可行性分析 ............................ 8 3.1海南F公司简介 ................................................ 8 3.1.1