自互联网诞生之后,数字科技产业呈现出势不可挡的发展趋势,尤其是虚拟现实 技术带给用户视听感全方位沉浸体验。纵观VR技术的发展史从最初的思想萌芽到理 论基础的形成,再到技术逐步完善经历了近百年的时间。目前VR技术已应用于多个 领域,但现在技术处于成长期,所以在体验反馈时出现体验感差,内容资源匮乏,且 缺乏统一管理,导致VR一度陷入低谷。随着今年5G网络进行商用部署,可以解决 目前VR面临的硬件问题,对VR未来方向如何结合实业发展至关重要。 本文的研究对象上海CG公司是一家专门制作三维可视化数字媒体公司,曾给北 京奥运会,上海世博会提供大型可视化数字影像技术,是三维欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的领军企业。目前 该公司将VR硬件结合三维影像技术应用于各欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的品牌形象展示。现阶段的VR产 品在同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场上基本以纯视频展示为主,在内容上无技术门槛且制作成本较低,在 硬件上成本透明化,导致市场竞争激烈。且公司原有的营销策略在执行过程中也出现 一定的问题,产品单一、定价简单、渠道固化、促销传统等弊端让公司的产品利润逐 年减少。基于此现象,此文深入探究如何根据现有市场环境与企业自身发展相结合, 并基于STP以及4V营销组合理论锁定教育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,发掘用户更深层次的需求研发具有 差异化产品,并为后续VR产品营销策略优化提供了一定的借鉴作用。 本文的创新处在于从市场需求角度出发,就目前国内VR教育市场“重教育,轻 技术”的营销策略导致VR教育产品缺少实质性的教学内容,与国家教育政策导向相 脱节。通过结合4V营销理论拉近CG公司与受众的距离,强调企业与消费者之间的 情感沟通,满足受众体的情感需求同时传达更深层的企业文化内涵,与受众群体产生 共鸣,增强对企业品牌的依赖性。 关键词:VR产品;教育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司;营销策略;STP理论;4V理论 III Abstract Since the birth of the Internet, the digital technology industry has shown an irresistible trend of development, especially the virtual reality technology brings users a full range of audio-visual immersion experience. Throughout the history of VR technology development, from the initial ideological germination to the formation of theoretical basis, to the gradual improvement of technology has experienced nearly a hundred years. At present, VR technology has been applied in many fields, but now the technology is in the growth stage, so there is poor experience, lack of content resources, and lack of unified management when experiencing feedback, resulting in a low level of VR. With the commercial deployment of 5G network this year, the hardware problems faced by VR can be solved. It is very important for the future direction of VR to integrate with industrial development. The research object of this paper is Shanghai CG Company, which specializes in the production of three-dimensional visualization digital media. It has provided large-scale visualization digital image technology for Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo. It is a leading enterprise in three-dimensional industry. At present, the company applies VR hardware combined with three-dimensional image technology to brand image display in various industries. At present, the VR products in the same industry market are mainly pure video display. There is no technical threshold in content and low production cost. The cost of hardware is transparent, which leads to fierce competition in the market. And the marketing strategy adopted by the company also has some problems. The disadvantages of single product, simple pricing, channel solidification, promotion tradition and so on make the company's product profit decrease year by year. Based on this phenomenon, this paper deeply explores how to combine the existing market environment with the enterprise's own development, and based on STP and 4V marketing portfolio theory to lock in the education industry, explore the deeper needs of users to develop differentiated products, and provide some reference for the follow-up VR product marketing strategy optimization. The innovation of this paper lies in the fact that from the perspective of market demand, the current marketing strategy of "attaching importance to education and despising IV technology" in domestic VR education market leads to the lack of substantive teaching content in VR education products, which is out of line with the orientation of national education policy. By combining 4V marketing theory to close the distance between CG company and the audience, emphasizing the emotional communication between enterprises and consumers, meeting the emotional needs of the audience while conveying deeper corporate culture connotation, resonating with the audience, and enhancing the dependence on corporate brand. Keywords: VR products; Education Industry; Marketing Strategy; STP theory; 4V theory 目录 致谢 ............. I 摘要 ........... II Abstract .... III 第1章 绪论 ............................. 1 1.1研究背景 ......................... 1 1.1.1 VR教育市场发展回顾与现状 .............. 1 1.1.2现有VR教育市场发展不足与启示 ..... 3 1.2研究对象 ......................... 4 1.3研究目的 ......................... 4 1.4研究意义 ......................... 5 1.5国内外研究现状与文献评述 ........................ 6 1.5.1国外研究现状 .......... 6 1.5.2国内研究现状 .......... 8 1.5.3文献评述 .................. 9 1.6研究内容与研究方法 ... 10 1.6.1研究内容 ................ 10 1.6.2研究思路与方法 .... 11 1.7本文创新点 ................... 12 第2章 相关理论综述 ........... 13 2.1市场细分理论概述 ....... 13 2.1.1市场细分 ................ 13 2.1.2目标市场 ................ 14 2.1.3市场定位 ................ 14 2.2 4V理论 ......................... 15 2.2.1差异化 .................... 15 2.2.2 功能弹性化 ........... 15 2.2.3 附加价值化 ........... 16 2.2.4 共鸣 ....................... 16 第3章 CG公司内外环境分析 ........................... 18 3.1 CG公司背景介绍 ........ 18 3.2 CG公司外部环境因素分析——PEST分析模型 .................... 19 3.2.1政治环境因素 ........ 19 3.2.2经济环境因素 ........ 20 3.2.3社会环境因素 ........ 21 3.2.4科技环境因素 ........ 22 3.2.5分析结论 ................ 22 3.3 CG公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内部环境分析 ....................... 23 3.3.1 三维欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景分析 .............................. 24 3.3.2主要竞争对手分析 24 第4章 上海CG公司VR产品现有市场营销策略及问题分析 ..... 27 4.1上海CG公司VR产品现有营销策略 ...... 27 4.1.1 产品策略 ............... 27 4.1.2 价格策略 ............... 28 4.1.3 渠道策略 ............... 28 4.1.4 推广策略 ............... 29 4.2产品营销指标分析 ....... 29 4.2.1 2017年与2018年主营产品环比分析情况 ....................... 29 4.2.2 2017年与2018年VR产品各欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析情况 ................... 30 4.3上海CG公司VR产品营销问题 .............. 31 4.3.1 VR产品类型单一 . 31 4.3.2 定价策略简单 ....... 31 4.3.3 渠道发展固化 ....... 32 4.3.4 推广方式传统 ....... 32 第5章CG公司VR产品营销策略优化方案 .... 34 5.1上海CG公司VR产品的市场细分与目标市场策略 ............. 34 5.1.1 VR产品的市场细分 ............................ 34 5.1.2 VR产品的市场选择 ............................ 35 5.1.3 VR产品的市场定位 ............................ 37 5.2基于4V营销理论对VR产品营销策略优化方案 .................. 41 5.2.1立足于顾客角度制定差异化营销 ....... 41 5.2.2满足多元化需求打造弹性化VR教育产品 ...................... 42 5.2.3扩展衍生品开发提高VR教育产品附加值 ...................... 44 5.2.4建立品牌忠诚度引发受众群体共鸣 ... 45 第6章 具体实施步骤和实施保障 ...................... 47 6.1实施步骤 ....................... 47 6.2落实保障方案 ............... 48 6.2.1市场调研保障 ........ 48 6.2.2产品研发保障 ........ 49 6.2.3客户管理保障 ........ 50 6.2.4财务预算保障 ........ 51 6.2.5售后服务保障 ........ 52 6.2.6产品定价保障 ........ 53 第7章 结论 ........................... 54 7.1基本结论 ....................... 54 7.2后续研究展望 ............... 55