随着经济迅速发展,大多数企业积累了海量的业务数据,为评估分析工作提 供大量数据欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的同时也加大了分析难度,大数据共享服务中心经过萌芽、初潮, 现在已经进入了蓬勃发展期,评估公司建立大数据共享服务中心,不仅会取得提 高效率、减少成本、精简人员等基础性进步,还会逐渐将其转变为企业的利润中 心、数据中心、战略中心等重要角色,最大程度的挖掘大数据共享服务中心的价 值,为资产评估欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司提供新的工作方式与工作理念,才能使该欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司向科学化、全 面化、公平化方向发展,进而做到可持续化发展。近年来,我国越来越多的评估 公司开始关注并建立大数据共享服务中心,但由于大数据共享服务中心的发展较 国外晚很多年,所以在建立及应用过程中存在很多问题。 本文以鹏信公司为案例,详细分析了其在资产评估工作流程中存在的问题及 优化的必要性,以建立鹏信公司大数据共享服务中心为切入口,从组织结构、业 务流程、绩效评价、信息系统等四方面进行优化。首先提出为了建立大数据共享 服务中心而必须做出的组织结构改变,然后分析大数据背景下的共享中心可以为 业务流程带来的变化,继而产生绩效评价方面的改变,最后提出系统集成,目的 是为了完善业务流程使之一体化、智能化。通过对案例公司的特点归纳,分析企 业的业务特征,得出在评估时,面临的难题主要包括大数据获取困难、企业的未 来发展与盈利难以准确预测、评估方法的选取困难。接下来针对以上评估业务难 点利用大数据技术进行工作流程优化设计,利用大数据的数据查询分析技术,在 数据库中调取业务相关数据、参数及案例,解决项目摸底及风险预测问题,提高 编制资产评估计划的质量;利用大数据的数据采集与预处理技术数据库进行收集、 整理、清洗、转换解决评估人员收集整理评估欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司流程中的难题;大数据的数据 查询分析技术及可视化技术将数据进行模型分析处理之后以图形或图像的形式在 屏幕上展示出来,此项技术解决了评定估算形成结论流程中的难题。该设计可以 对鹏信公司大数据共享服务中心的建立提供参考,也能为其它评估公司建立和优 化大数据共享服务中心提供借鉴。 关键词:大数据,共享服务,资产评估,业务流程,系统集成 II Abstract Along with the rapid development of economy, most enterprises have accumulated vast amounts of business data, provide evaluation analysis with a large amount of data at the same time also increased the analysis difficulty, large data after germination, menarche, Shared service center is now in the booming development, establish large data sharing assessment service center, will not only get to increase efficiency, reduce costs, streamline and other basic progress, also will gradually turn it into a corporate profit center, data center, strategy and other important role, the greatest degree of digging the value of big data Shared service center, for the assets appraisal industry provides a new way of work and the work ethic, Only in this way can the industry develop in a scientific, comprehensive and fair way, and then achieve sustainable development. In recent years, more and more evaluation companies in China have started to pay attention to and set up big data sharing service centers. However, due to the late development of big data sharing service centers, there are many problems in the establishment and application process. Taking pengxin company as a case, this paper analyzes in detail the problems existing in the asset appraisal workflow and the necessity of optimization. Taking the establishment of the big data sharing service center of pengxin company as the entry point, it optimizes from four aspects: organizational structure, business process, performance evaluation and information system. First put forward in order to build big data Shared service center and must make the organization structure change, and then analysis under the background of big data sharing center can bring business process change, then the effect of performance evaluation of the change, finally puts forward the system integration, the purpose is to improve the business process integration and intelligent. By summarizing the characteristics of the case company and analyzing the business characteristics of the enterprise, it is concluded that the difficulties faced in the evaluation mainly include the difficulty in obtaining big data, the difficulty in accurately predicting the future development and profit of the enterprise, and the difficulty in selecting evaluation methods. Next, according to the above difficulties in the assessment business, the big data technology is used to optimize the workflow design, and the data III query and analysis technology of the big data is used to retrieve the relevant data, parameters and cases from the database, so as to solve the problem of project tracking and risk prediction, and improve the quality of the asset assessment plan. The data acquisition and pretreatment technology database of big data is used to collect, sort out, clean and transform to solve the difficult problems in the process of collecting and sorting the evaluation data of the evaluators. The data query analysis technology and visualization technology of big data show the data in the form of graph or image on the screen after the model analysis and processing. This design can provide reference for the establishment of the big data sharing service center of pengxin company, and it can also provide reference for other evaluation companies to establish and optimize the big data sharing service center. Key words: Big date, Shared services, Asset evaluation, The business process, System integration IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 选题背景与研究意义 ........................................... 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 文献回顾 ..................................................... 2 1.2.1 大数据技术 ............................................. 2 1.2.2 大数据技术与资产评估流程 ............................... 5 1.3 研究内容与研究思路 ........................................... 6 1.3.1 研究内容 ............................................... 6 1.3.2 研究思路 ............................................... 7 第二章 大数据背景下鹏信公司资产评估工作流程及存在的问题 ............ 9 2.1 鹏信公司及其资产评估工作流程 ................................. 9 2.2 鹏信公司资产评估工作流程所存在的问题 ........................ 10 2.2.1 组织结构的设置不合理 .................................. 10 2.2.2 部分业务流程不完善 .................................... 11 2.2.3 绩效评价制度不科学 .................................... 12 2.2.4 缺乏统一的信息系统 .................................... 12 第三章 鹏信公司资产评估工作流程优化的原则、目标和路径 ............. 14 3.1 优化原则 .................................................... 14 3.1.1 在管理层推动下有效实施 ................................ 14 3.1.2 注重全程规划与设计 .................................... 15 3.1.3 全面加强质量管理 ...................................... 15 3.1.4 强化内部控制 .......................................... 15 3.2 优化目标 .................................................... 16 3.2.1 提高运营效率 .......................................... 16 3.2.2 加强管理质量 .......................................... 16 3.2.3 减轻员工工作负担 ...................................... 16 3.2.4 实现人才转型 .......................................... 17 3.2.5 建立现代化集成系统 .................................... 17 V 3.3 优化路径 .................................................... 17 3.3.1 组织结构的优化 ........................................ 18 3.3.2 业务流程的优化 ........................................ 20 3.3.3 绩效评价的优化 ........................................ 20 3.3.4 信息系统的优化 ........................................ 21 第四章 大数据背景下鹏信公司资产评估工作流程优化方案 ............... 22 4.1 组织结构的优化设计方案 ...................................... 23 4.2 业务流程的优化设计方案 ...................................... 24 4.2.1 编制资产评估计划流程的优化 ............................ 25 4.2.2 收集整理评估欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司流程的优化 ............................ 28 4.2.3 评定估算形成结论流程的优化 ............................ 30 4.3 绩效考核的优化设计方案 ...................................... 33 4.3.1 多维度考核 ..............