I 摘要 此论文为SH科技人工智能自适应教育创业计划书。 人工智能自适应教育发源于美国,目前已经历20余年的发展。是一种人机交 互的新型教学模式。该教学模式旨在借用人工智能及数据处理技术来改善传统教 育存在的一些弊病,以实现教育真正意义上的因人而异,因材施教。国内的人工 智能自适应教育起源于2013年,目前国内做得比较出色的线上自适应教育产品主 要集中在语言类学习及K12学科类学习领域,该市场尚处于相对蓝海的竞争状态。 从市场规模来看,在线教育市场规模截止19年已达600多亿元,预计在2022年 会突破1500亿元的大关。而SH科技的项目身处于在线教育这样的大欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司之中, 对于项目的发展来说,市场信息给予了利好反馈。本创业计划书对于SH科技的创 业项目具有两方面意义。第一方面,帮助团队梳理项目现状,同时推演项目后续 发展;另一方面,本创业计划书也可作为团队后续融资的依据。 SH科技想要制作的自适应教育产品表现形式为一款教育类APP,目标用户为 初一到高三的学生,第一阶段涉及学科为数学。产品主要有两个核心功能,第一, 自适应题库,用于搜集学生学习行为数据,诊断学生知识薄弱点;第二,配合自 适应题库的教学短视频,以便学生在使用题库检测出学习盲点后扫除知识盲点。 产品的学习模式可以概括为“测-学-测-学”的多次循环,产品所应用的核心技术 为贝叶斯算法。 本文严格遵守创业计划书的撰写逻辑。撰写过程中运用的分析工具包括:PEST 分析法,波特五力分析模型,STP理论,内部因素评价矩阵,SWOT分析法与事 故树分析法。行文结构依次为项目概述,市场数据分析,战略选择,产品介绍, 营销推广,商业模式,运营规划,财务预测,风控分析以及总结与展望。通过几 大模块儿层层分析,本创业计划书得出结论为,SH科技的创业项目具备可操作性, 可发展性以及前景明朗等特点,并为团队后续的创业路线指明了方向。 关键词:创业计划书,人工智能自适应教育,在线教育 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT This thesis is SH technology artificial intelligence adaptive education business plan. Artificial intelligence adaptive education originated in the United States, has experienced more than 20 years of development. It is a new teaching mode of human-computer interaction. The teaching mode aims to use artificial intelligence and data processing technology to improve the shortcomings of traditional education, so as to realize the true meaning of education, individualized teaching. Domestic artificial intelligence adaptive education originated in 2013. At present, domestic online adaptive education products with relatively excellent performance mainly focus on language learning and K12 subject learning. This market is still in a relatively blue sea of competition. From the perspective of market size, the market size of online education has reached more than 60 billion yuan by the end of 19 years, and is expected to exceed 150 billion yuan in 2022. The project of SH Technology is in such a big industry as online education, and the market information gives positive feedback to the development of the project. This business plan has two meanings for SH technology's business project. First, help the team sort out the project status and deduce the follow-up development of the project; On the other hand, the business plan can also serve as the basis for the follow-up financing of the team. SH Technology wants to produce an adaptive education product in the form of an education APP, which is targeted at students from the first grade to the third grade. The first stage involves mathematics. The product mainly has two core functions. First, the adaptive question bank is used to collect students' learning behavior data and diagnose students' weak points of knowledge. Secondly, the short teaching video of the adaptive question bank can be used to help students to clear up the knowledge blind spots after the question bank is used to detect the learning blind spots. The product learning mode can be summarized as "test-learning-test-learning" multiple cycles, and the core technology applied by the product is Bayesian algorithm. This thesis strictly follows the writing logic of business plan. Analysis tools used in the writing process include PEST analysis, Porter's five Forces analysis model, STP theory, internal factor evaluation matrix, SWOT analysis and accident tree analysis. The ABSTRACT III writing structure includes project overview, market data analysis, strategic selection, product introduction, marketing promotion, business model, operation planning, financial forecasting, risk control analysis and summary and outlook. Through the analysis of several modules, this business plan draws the conclusion that SH technology's business project has the characteristics of operability, developability and bright prospect, and points out the direction for the subsequent business route of the team. Keywords: Business Plan, Artificial intelligence adaptive education, Online education 目录 IV 目录 第一章 商业计划概述 ....... 1 1.1 项目背景 ............... 1 1.2 项目概述 ............... 2 第二章 市场分析及战略选择 .......................... 4 2.1 市场调研数据 ....... 4 2.1.1 K12在校学生数据分析 ............. 4 2.1.2 K12教育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司总体规模及增长率 ............................ 5 2.1.3 K12在线教育总体规模及增长率 ............................ 6 2.1.4 AI+K12在线教育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场规模及增长率 .............. 7 2.1.5 人工智能自适应教育学习效果分析 ....................... 7 2.1.6 国内知名在线教育产品数据分析 ........................... 8 2.1.7 国内自适应教学产品数据分析 8 2.2 外部环境分析 ....... 9 2.2.1 政治法律环境 ............................ 9 2.2.2 经济环境 ... 10 2.2.3 社会环境 .... 11 2.2.4 技术环境 ... 12 2.2.5 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境与竞争对手分析 ...... 12 2.3 内部环境分析 ..... 16 2.4 战略选择 ............. 19 第三章 产品功能介绍及技术概述 ................ 22 3.1 产品与服务介绍 . 22 3.1.1 自适应题库 .............................. 22 3.1.2 定制化教学短视频 .................. 23 3.2 产品技术概述 ..... 23 3.2.1 自适应学习模型 ...................... 23 3.2.2 贝叶斯算法概述 ...................... 24 3.3 产品发展规划 ..... 25 3.3.1 自适应评估产品 ...................... 26 3.3.2 产品业务模块规划 .................. 26 目录 V 第四章 产品营销与推广 . 28 4.1 市场细分与目标市场选择 ................ 28 4.2市场定位 .............. 30 4.3 营销计划 ............. 30 4.3.1 确定营销体系 .......................... 31 4.3.2 组建增长团队 .......................... 32 4.3.3 用户获取策略 .......................... 34 4.3.4 用户激活策略 .......................... 36 4.3.5 用户留存策略 .......................... 37 第五章 商业模式 ............. 38 5.1 商业模式综述 ..... 38 5.2 商业模式价值主张 ............................ 38 5.3 目标用户 ............. 39 5.4 目标用户关系维护 ............................ 39 5.4.1 线上场景关系维护 .................. 39 5.4.2 线下场景关系维护 .................. 40 5.5 渠道通路 ............. 40 5.5.1 应用商店优化 .......................... 40 5.5.2 用户推荐 ... 40 5.6 收入来源 ............. 41 5.6.1 定制化学习服务营收分析 ...... 41 5.7 关键业务 ............. 42 5.8 核心资源 ............. 43 5.9 相关合作 ............. 43 5.10 成本结构 ........... 44 第六章 项目发展规划 ..... 45 6.1 项目实施步骤 ..... 45 6.2 人力资源规划 ..... 45 6.2.1 现有团队分工明细 .................. 45 6.2.2 人员扩充规划 .......................... 47 6.2.3 团队能力建设规划 .................. 49 6.3 用户获取规划 ..... 50 6.3.1 微信端用户获取规划 .............. 50 目录 VI 6.3.2 APP上线后用户获取规划 ....... 51 第七章 融资计划与财务预测 ........................ 53 7.1 资金现状 ............. 53 7.2 股权结构 ............. 53 7.3 融资计划 ............. 54 7.4 财务预测 ............. 56 7.4.1 第一年财务预测 ...................... 56 7.4.2 五年内财务预测 ...................... 60 7.5 项目投资回收期与股权退出机制 .... 62 7.6 财务预测结论 ..... 63 第八章 风险分析 ............. 64 8.1 风险概述 ............. 64 8.2 风险识别 ............. 64 8.3 风控对策 ............. 66 8.4 风险分析总结 ..... 67 结论与展望 ....................... 69 致谢 .... 70