I 摘要 “十三五”期间,我国日用玻璃欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司已将核心放在优化产业结构,推进玻璃产品结 构的优化升级,着力发展高水平、高附加值、潜力高、科技含量高、前景好的日用玻璃 产品,并不断提高欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司创新的能力。同时随着欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司集中度的提高,那些具有技术领先、 产能结构好、品牌知名度高的企业将得到更多支持,不断成长并成为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领先者。在此 背景下,玻璃制品企业间的竞争必将日益加剧,各企业结合外部环境和自身情况选择、 制定并调整竞争战略显得尤为重要。本文的研究目的就是在上述的背景之下,从战略制 定与制定角度探索DF公司应该如何处理发展过程中的瓶颈以及如何有效发挥自身的优 势和核心竞争力,从而增强并保持DF公司的竞争优势。 本文主要从以下四个方面进行研究:首先运用PEST分析法、五力模型等对DF公 司的外部基本环境情况进行了阐述。之后从公司的组织架构、人力资源、营销策略、文 化环境、信息管理现状等方面对DF公司的竞争现状进行了分析,并基于SWOT和 IFE/EFE矩阵制定了备选战略,基于QSPM矩阵选择了DF公司的具体竞争战略。最后, 从战略制定的角度对战略的可行性进行分析,分别从营销策略、文化、组织结构、信息 管理四个方面分别展开论述。 本文通过系统研究可知DF公司具备较好的内外部环境,公司的优势明显多于劣势, 其机遇多于威胁,所以应当主动与同行进行竞争,帮助企业进一步发展。为了能够帮助 DF公司更加科学地选择竞争战略,需要使用QSPM矩阵进行评估文章制定的两个备选 战略,从而帮助DF公司的管理人员清楚地意识到企业当前所处的境遇,制定出更加具 有科学性、全面性以及自适应性的竞争战略方案。通过QSPM矩阵研究最终得出的结 果为差异化战略8.15分,低成本战略7.82分,所以应当以差异化战略作为主要的战略。 在DF公司差异化竞争战略的制定方面,本文重点从营销组合策略差异化,公司文化差 异化,公司组织结构差异化以及公司信息管理差异化等方面提出了具体建议。 关键词:竞争战略;战略选择;战略制定;差异化战略 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, China's daily-use glass industry will focus on optimizing the industrial structure, promoting the optimization and upgrading of the glass product structure, and focusing on the development of high-level, high value-added, high potential, high-tech content, and promising prospects. Products, and constantly improve the industry's ability to innovate. At the same time, with the increase in industry concentration, those companies with leading technology, good production capacity structure, and high brand awareness will receive more support, continue to grow and become industry leaders. In this context, the competition among glassware companies is bound to intensify day by day, and it is particularly important for companies to choose and adjust their competition strategies in light of the external environment and their own circumstances. The purpose of this paper is to explore how DF companies should deal with bottlenecks in the development process and how to effectively play their own advantages and core competitiveness from the perspective of strategy formulation and implementation under the above background, so as to enhance and maintain DF's competitive advantage. This article mainly conducts research from the following four aspects: Firstly, the basic environmental situation of DF company is explained by using PEST analysis method and five-force model. After that, the company's organizational structure, human resources, marketing strategy, cultural environment, information management status and other aspects of the company's competition status were analyzed. Based on SWOT, an alternative strategy was developed, and the specific competition of DF company was selected based on QSPM matrix. strategy. Finally, from the perspective of strategy implementation, the feasibility of the strategy is analyzed, and the four aspects of marketing strategy, culture, organizational structure, and information management are discussed separately. Through systematic research, we can see that DF has a better internal and external environment. The company has more advantages than disadvantages, and more opportunities than threats. Therefore, it should actively compete with its peers to help companies further develop. In order to help DF companies to choose competitive strategies more scientifically, it is necessary to use the QSPM matrix to evaluate the various alternative strategies formulated by the article, so as to help the managers of DF companies clearly realize the current situation of the company and work out more scientific 3. The final result provided by the QSPM matrix research is 8.15 points for the differentiation strategy and 7.82 points for the low-cost strategy, so the differentiation strategy should be the main strategy. In terms of 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT III the implementation of DF company's differentiated competition strategy, this article focuses on specific suggestions from the aspects of marketing mix strategy differentiation, company culture differentiation, company organizational structure differentiation and company information management differentiation. Key words: Competitive strategy; strategic choice; strategy formulation; differentiated strategy 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 IV 目 录 摘要 ......... I ABSTRACT . II 目 录 ........ IV 第一章 引 言 ......................... 1 1.1研究的背景 ......................... 1 1.2研究的目的与意义 ............. 1 1.2.1研究目的 ....................... 1 1.2.2研究意义 ....................... 1 1.3 国内外研究现状 ................. 2 1.3.1竞争战略理论研究方面 .............................. 2 1.3.2企业竞争战略研究方法方面 ...................... 2 1.3.3企业竞争战略选择方面 .............................. 3 1.3.4玻璃化工企业差异化竞争战略研究方面 .. 4 1.3.5国内外相关文献评述 ... 4 1.4研究内容与研究方法 ......... 5 1.4.1研究内容 ....................... 5 1.4.2研究方法 ....................... 6 1.5创新点 .. 7 第二章 竞争战略理论概述 ......... 8 2.1竞争战略理论 ..................... 8 2. 1 .1古典竞争战略理论 ..... 8 2. 1 .2波特竞争战略理论 ..... 8 2. 1 .3核心竞争力理论 ......... 9 2. 1 .4竞争战略理论的新发展 ............................ 9 2.2战略选择理论工具 ........... 10 2.2.1内部因素矩阵 ............. 10 2.2.2外部因素矩阵 ............. 10 2.2.3定量战略计划矩阵 ..... 11 第三章 DF公司竞争战略环境分析 ....................... 12 3.1 DF公司基本情况 ............. 12 3.2宏观环境分析 ................... 12 3.2.1政治环境分析 ............. 12 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 V 3.2.2经济环境分析 ............. 14 3.2.3社会环境分析 ............. 14 3.2.4技术环境分析 ............. 15 3.3欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 ................... 16 3.3.1欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现有竞争者分析 . 16 3.3.2供应商议价能力分析 . 17 3.3.3顾客讨价还价能力分析 ............................ 17 3.3.4潜在进入者分析 ......... 17 3.3.5替代品威胁分析 ......... 17 3.4公司内部环境分析 ........... 18 3.4.1 DF公司组织结构 ....... 18 3.4.2 人力资源 .................... 20 3.4.3 DF公司产品及业务模式分析 .................. 22 3.5 DF公司SWOT分析 ........ 23 3.5.1机遇分析 ..................... 23 3.5.2威胁分析 ..................... 24 3.5.3优势分析 ..................... 24 3.5.4劣势分析 ..................... 26 第四章 DF公司竞争现状与存在问题分析 ........... 27 4.1 DF公司竞争现状分析 ..... 27 4.1.1公司所处欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争地位分析 .................... 27 4.1.2公司技术创新现状分析 ............................ 27 4.1.3公司客户满意度现状分析 ........................ 28 4.2 DF公司竞争中存在问题分析 ........................ 29 4.2.1产品相对单一 ............. 29 4.2.2缺少竞争性的企业文化 ............................ 29 4.2.3组织结构不健全 ......... 29 4.2.4公司信息化管理滞后 . 29 第五章 DF公司竞争战略选择 30 5.1 DF公司备选竞争战略的可行性分析 ............ 30 5.1.1成本领先战略的可行性分析 .................... 30 5.1.2差异化战略的可行性分析 ........................ 30 5.2竞争战略的选择 ............... 31 5.2.1 DF公司玻璃瓶产品外部因素矩阵 .......... 31 5.2.2 DF公司玻璃瓶产品内部因素矩阵 .......... 32 5.3 DF公司差异化竞争战略确定 ........................ 33 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 VI 第六章 DF公司差异化竞争战略的内容制定 ....... 36 6.1营销组合策略差异化 ....... 36 6.1.1产品策略差异化 ......... 36 6.1.2价格策略差异化 ......... 38 6.1.3渠道策略差异化 ......... 39 6.1.4促销策略差异化