在新媒体时代的主流下,互联网信息技术受到越来越多社会群体的使用和喜爱, 新媒体、自媒体的爆发式发展急速占领着传统广播电视媒体的广告市场空间。在此背 景下,地方广播电视台应正视当前新媒体发展态势的事实,在充分学习和运用市场营 销理论前提下,及时对广告营销策略进行改革和提升,打造适应新媒体时代的广告业 务营销策略。在此基础上,地方广播电视台才能充分吸收新媒体技术发展的红利,进 一步强化其品牌形象及媒体传播力,利用具有鲜明地方色彩的本土节目在其信号覆盖 范围内的形成显著的传播优势。本文为传统广播电视媒体在新媒体时代面对激烈竞争 环境,谋求生存和进一步发展所需要的广告营销策略提供理论框架及指导建议,具有 为地方广播电视台广告业务的改革和提升提供借鉴的积极意义。 本文以 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销策略为研究对象,系统分析了其在广告营 销方面存在的问题及原因,并结合广告业务营销环境提出广告业务营销策略优化设 计。具体来说,主要有以下几个方面的内容:一是对文本研究的背景、意义、方法思 路及国内外研究综述进行了简要介绍;二是对新媒体、广告等有关概念及研究中主要 运用的市场营销理论——4Ps 营销理论进行了回顾和梳理;三是分析 AQ 广播电视台 广告业务营销的内部环境、外部环境及竞争环境,运用 SWOT 分析法分析其面临的 机遇挑战,并结合对广告主、广告营销人员的深入采访,以及对本地区消费者的问卷 调查,深层次分析 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销的机遇和目标市场;四是全面了解 AQ 广播电视台广告业务的营销现状,并从产品、价格、渠道、促销等四个方面对 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销情况进行细致的梳理分析,在此基础上找出其在广告营 销上的问题并对问题形成的原因进行分析。最后,在结合新媒体时代特征下,利用 4P 营销理论给出了 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销策略优化建议,为 AQ 广播电视台 及处在相同困境下的地方广播电视台提供了参考和视角。 关键词:新媒体;AQ 广播电视台;广告业务;营销策略优化新媒体时代 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销策略优化 I ABSTRACT In the mainstream of the new media time, Internet information technology is used and loved by more and more social groups. The explosive development of new media and we media rapidly occupy the advertising market space of traditional radio and television media. In this context, local radio and television stations should face up to the fact that the current situation of new media development, in the full study and application of marketing theory, timely reform and upgrade the advertising marketing strategy, and create advertising business marketing strategy to adapt to the new media era. On this basis, local radio and television stations can fully absorb the dividends of the development of new media technology, further strengthen their brand image and media communication power, and make use of the local programs with distinctive local color to form a significant communication advantage in the signal coverage range. This paper provides a theoretical framework and guidance for the advertising marketing strategies of traditional radio and television media in the new media era, which are needed for survival and further development. It has positive significance for the reform and promotion of advertising business of local radio and television stations. This paper takes the advertising business marketing strategy of AQ radio and television station as the research object, systematically analyzes the problems and causes in advertising marketing, and puts forward the optimization design of advertising business marketing strategy combined with the advertising business marketing environment. Specifically, it mainly includes the following aspects. First, it briefly introduces the background, significance, methods and ideas of text research, as well as domestic and foreign research review. Second, it reviews and sorts out the relevant concepts of new media and advertising and 4Ps marketing theory, which is mainly used in the research. Third, it analyzes the internal marketing of advertising business of AQ radio and television station Environment, external environment and competitive environment, SWOT analysis method is used to analyze the opportunities and challenges it faces. Combined with interviews with advertisers and advertising marketing personnel, as well as questionnaire survey of local consumers, this paper analyzes the marketing opportunities and target markets of AQ radio and television station advertising business. Fourthly, it comprehensively understands the current marketing situation of AQ radio and televisionABSTRACT II station advertising business This paper makes a detailed analysis of the advertising business marketing of AQ radio and television station from four aspects of product, price, channel and promotion. On this basis, it finds out the problems in advertising marketing and analyzes the causes of the problems. Finally, combined with the characteristics of the new media era, this paper uses 4P.marketing theory to give AQ radio and television station advertising business marketing strategy optimization suggestions, which provides a reference and perspective for AQ radio and television stations and local radio and television stations in the same predicament. KEYWORDS: New media; AQ radio and television station; Advertising business; Marketing strategy optimization新媒体时代 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销策略优化 1 目 录 第一章 绪论 ····1 第一节 选题背景与研究意义·················1 一、选题背景·················1 二、研究意义·················2 第二节 国内外研究综述·····3 一、国内外研究综述 ·······3 二、述评·····4 第三节 研究思路、研究方法与内容········5 一、研究思路·················5 二、研究方法·················6 三、研究内容·················7 第二章 相关概念和营销理论···8 第一节 相关概念 ·············8 一、新媒体··8 二、广告·····7 第二节 4Ps 营销理论······10 第三章 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销环境分析 ············13 第一节 内部环境分析·····13 一、AQ 广播电视台概况13 二、AQ 广播电视台资源条件············13 三、AQ 广播电视台广告业务 ···········14 第二节 宏观环境分析······16 一、经济环境···············16 二、政治环境···············16 三、文化环境···············16 四、科技环境···············17目录 2 第三节 SWOT 分析········17 一、优势···17 二、劣势···18 三、机会···20 四、威胁···20 第四节 AQ 广播电视台广告业务市场的问卷调查 ······21 一、问卷的设计与样本选择 ··············21 二、调查结果与分析 ·····22 第四章 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销现状与问题 ·········27 第一节 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销现状 ···············27 一、广告产品现状 ········27 二、广告价格现状 ········27 三、收视渠道现状 ········27 四、宣传促销现状 ········28 第二节 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销存在的问题 ······28 一、产品质量不高 ········28 二、广告经营粗放 ········29 三、营销渠道狭窄 ········29 四、宣传力度不足 ········29 第三节 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销问题成因 ·········30 一、营销管理组织体系不成熟 ···········30 二、人力资源管理水平有限 ··············30 三、制度建设和技术保障落后 ···········30 第五章 新媒体时代 AQ 广播电视台广告业务的营销策略优化············32 第一节 产品策略············32 一、提供差异化节目 ·····32 二、创新广告产品 ········33 第二节 定价策略············33 一、市场定价策略 ········33 二、折扣定价策略 ········34新媒体时代 AQ 广播电视台广告业务营销策略优化 3 第三节 渠道策略············34 一、线上销售渠道 ········34 二、线下销售渠道 ········35 第四节 促销策略············35 一、线上线下互动 ········36 二、开展特色营销活动 ··36 三、活动平台整合营销 ··36 第五节 保障措施············36 一、完善营销管理组织体系 ··············36 二、提升人力资源管理水平 ··············37 三、加强制度与技术建设 ·················37 第六章 结论与展望 ···········40 第一节 研究结论············40 第二节 研究不