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加班对于大多职场人士而言可谓司空见惯,“过劳死”、“996”等实例所引发 的思考与讨论一直层出不穷。这无疑折射出当前劳动力市场供求结构性不平衡所 引发一系列工作场所中一线员工管理的新问题。如何应对工作中的加班要求,解 决这些人力资源管理的实践问题,正是管理学者和实践者不断探索和研究的热点 话题。 本文针对加班相关的现实问题进行深入探讨,结合文献查阅和初步调研,聚 焦于两个主要研究问题:一是加班能否对工作投入和主观职业成功产生积极影 响?二是这种影响过程究竟如何发生,是否存在某种中介和调节机制?本文选择 有代表性的企事业单位员工开展深度访谈和前期调查获得一手数据,梳理已有文 献研究,将研究问题转化为可操作化的研究变量,并基于工作要求—资源理论和 压力交易理论的视角进行理论推演,构建出理论假设模型。然后,制定研究设计, 开展预调研并分析结果,修改完善后分为两个时间点发放调查问卷,经过筛选与 匹配,最终得到209份有效数据。再运用数理统计分析工具对所获得的样本数据 进行实证分析,结果表明:加班时间与工作挑战感呈显著正相关,工作挑战感与 工作投入、主观职业成功均呈显著正相关;工作挑战感中介了加班时间与工作投 入、加班时间与主观职业成功之间的关系;和谐型激情促进了加班时间对工作挑 战感的正向影响,而强迫型激情没有明显的调节作用。最后,对研究结果做了充 分讨论与提炼,据此提出工作设计要设置合理的挑战性工作要求、提供关键有效 的工作资源和调动和谐型激情等管理建议,同时对本研究存在的不足之处进行归 纳总结以及提出了未来的研究方向。 关键词:加班,工作投入,主观职业成功,工作挑战感,工作激情 II WILL OVERTIME WORK HAVE IMPACTS ON WORK ENGAGEMENT AND SUBJECTIVE CAREER SUCCESS? -- FELT JOB CHALLENGE AS MEDIATOR AND WORK PASSION AS MODERATOR Abstract Overtime work is commonplace in the workplace, and the dispute caused by such negative cases as "overwork" and "996" have been endless. This undoubtably reflects further studies on the employee management, especially the staff time conflicts and banlance between work and life in the current labor market. How to deal with these conflicts caused by overtime work and solve them? It is a hot topic in organizational behaviors (OB) and human resources management (HRM) field by management scholars and practitioners. In this paper, we explore the practical problems related to overtime work in depth, combined with literature review and preliminary investigation. We focus on the two main research questions: first, can employees overtime work have a positive impact on their work engagement and subjective career success? Second, how exactly does this impact process occur, and is there some mediation and moderation?We select representative enterprises and institutions staff to carry out in-depth interviews and preliminary investigation to obtain first-hand data, comb the existing literature research, transform the research questions into operable research variables, and based on job demand-resource theory and transactional theory of stress. From the perspective of the two theories to construct a theoretical hypothesis model. Next, we make research design, carry out the pre-investigation and analyze the results, and modify and improve; the formal investigation is divided into two time points to send out questionnaire, after screening and matching, finally get 209 valid questionnaires. Then, we use mathematical statistics analysis tool to analyze the sample data. The results show that overtime is positively related to felt job challenge, felt job challenge III is positively related to work engagement and subjective career success. Felt job challenge mediates the relationship between overtime and work engagement, overtime and subjective career success. Harmonious passion promotes the positive impact of overtime on felt job challenge. And obsessive passion has no obvious moderating impact.Finally, this paper further summarizes the research results and discussions, and proposed that the job design of should set up reasonable challenging job demands, provide key and effective job resources, mobilize harmonious passion and other management, and summarize the shortcomings of this study and put forward the future research direction. Keywords: overtime work, work engagement, subjective career success, felt job challenge, work passion IV 目 录 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................I Abstract ................................................................................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景与问题提出 ...................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 .......................................... 1 1.1.2 问题提出 .......................................... 2 1.2 研究目的与研究意义 ...................................... 2 1.2.1 研究目的 .......................................... 2 1.2.2 理论意义 .......................................... 3 1.2.3 实践意义 .......................................... 4 1.3 研究方法、内容与技术路线 ................................ 4 1.3.1 研究方法 .......................................... 4 1.3.2 研究内容 .......................................... 5 1.3.3 技术路线 .......................................... 6 1.4 创新点 .................................................. 6 第二章 文献综述 ................................................................................................ 8 2.1 理论基础 ................................................ 8 2.1.1 工作要求—资源理论 ................................ 8 2.1.2 压力交易理论 ..................................... 10 2.2 相关变量的研究综述 ..................................... 11 2.2.1 加班 ............................................. 11 2.2.2 工作投入 ......................................... 14 2.2.3 主观职业成功 ..................................... 16 2.2.4 工作挑战感 ....................................... 19 2.2.5 工作激情 ......................................... 21 2.3 研究评述 ............................................... 25 2.3.1 加班与工作投入的研究评述 ......................... 25 2.3.2 加班与主观职业成功的研究评述 ..................... 26 第三章 研究假设与理论模型 .......................................................................... 28 V 3.1 研究假设 ............................................... 28 3.1.1 加班与工作挑战感的关系 ........................... 28 3.1.2 工作挑战感与工作投入、主观职业成功的关系 ......... 29 3.1.3 工作挑战感的中介作用 ............................. 29 3.1.4 工作激情的调节作用 ............................... 30 3.2 理论模型 ............................................... 31 第四章 研究设计 .............................................................................................. 32 4.1 研究变量的选择与测量 ................................... 32 4.1.1 加班 ............................................. 32 4.1.2 工作投入 ......................................... 32 4.1.3 主观职业成功 ..................................... 32 4.1.4 工作挑战感 ....................................... 32 4.1.5 工作激情 ......................................... 33 4.1.6 控制变量 ......................................... 33 4.2 研究样本 ............................................... 33 4.2.1 样本选取 ......................................... 33 4.2.2 调研过程 ......................................... 33 4.3 问卷设计与预调研 ....................................... 34 4.3.1 问卷设计 ......................................... 34 4.3.2 预调研 ........................................... 35 4.4 正式调研与信效度分析 ................................... 38 4.4.1 数据匹配与清理 ................................... 38 4.4.2 样本的描述性统计 ................................. 39 4.4.3 信效度分析 ....................................... 39 4.5 共同方法偏差控制与检验 ................................. 42 第五章 数据分析与结果讨论 .......................................................................... 44 5.1 描述性分析 ............................................. 44 5.2 相关性分析 ............................................. 45 5.3 假设

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