I 中文摘要 改革开放以来,温州人凭着他们的开拓精神发展起他们的家庭经济和自然 经济,仅在1982年就有超过10万家的个体工商企业,约占全国1/10,从此成 就了“温州模式”。 温州的民营企业除了少数是从公有制企业转制而来,绝大多数是家族企业, 从“前店后厂”的模式中逐渐演变而来,所以家族企业的特征显露无疑。家族 企业是靠血缘、亲缘或地缘关系来维系的“人和”企业,一旦各家族成员之间 因利益的冲突超过了血缘、亲缘或地缘的维系力,就会导致企业分裂甚至倒闭。 经过几十年的发展壮大,很多企业已经不能适应信息时代的发展的需求,这时 变革就显得迫切,职业经理人就会成为选择的对像。 HT公司是一家2003年成立的通讯欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司制造型企业,2013年销售额达到峰 值2.1亿元,之后逐年下滑,到2015年1.1亿元。产生亏损是由于内外部经营 环境的变化,企业暂时遇到瓶颈。 本文针对HT企业目前遇到的困境,评价职业经理人引入的必要性;评估企 业对职业经理人引入的期望;分析职业经理人引入的内外条件,做出职业经理 人引入尝试。通过职业经理人引入后的各方面变化及提升;职业经理人与非职 业经理人的管理结果对比,证明职业经理人引入可以帮助HT企业走出困境。同 时,也发现了职业经理人引入存在的问题。企业所有人的观念上的问题;建立 与完善现代企业管理制度方面存在让问题;企业文化建设方面的问题;以及企 业执行层面上的问题。并针对这些问题提出对策建议,帮助HT公司在职业经理 人引入时提升效率,同时也给其它民营企业职业经理人引入提供借鉴。本文的 实践意义在于把研究理论与企业实际相结合,通过研究HT企业职业经理人引入 案例,对经营管理方面效率显著和竞争力明显增强,使企业得以生存、发展并 壮大,同时为职业经理人引入开辟新思路。 关键词:HT企业;民营企业;家族企业;职业经理人; Abstract II Abstract After the reform and opening up, Wenzhou people develop their family economic and natural economic by their creation spirit. There are more than 100 thousands of individual industrial and commercial enterprises registered in 1982. It is occupied 1/10 of the overall registration in China. The "Wenzhou mode" is coming. Wenzhou private enterprises are family enterprises except a few comes from public ownership enterprise privatization. It is evolved from the mode of "front shop, back factory" gradually. So the characteristic of the family business is clearly. Family enterprises are relying on blood, kinship or regional relations to maintain "peace" enterprise. Once the conflicts of interest among the members’ of family enterprise over the blood, kinship or regional relations sustaining force, it will leads to the family enterprise split even closing their doors. After decades of development, many companies have already can't adapt to the demand of the development, bottleneck appears. The professional managers will be considered for them. HT is a manufacturing enterprise of communications industry that is set up in 2003. And sales revenue gets the peak of 210 million RMB in 2013. Then the revenue began to decline year by year even only 110 million RMB in 2015. Deficit is following. Both the internal and the external business environment bring the loss. HT has encountered temporary bottleneck. In view of the difficulties HT enterprises are facing at present, this paper evaluates the necessity of introducing professional managers, evaluates the expectations of enterprises for introducing professional managers, and analyses the internal and external conditions for introducing professional managers, and makes an attempt to introduce professional managers. By comparing the management results of professional managers and non-professional managers, it proves that the introduction of professional managers can help HT enterprises out of the predicament. At the same time, it also finds the problems in the introduction of professional managers. The conceptual problems of the owner of the enterprise, the problems in establishing and perfecting the modern enterprise management system, the problems in the Abstract III construction of enterprise culture, and the problems in the execution of the enterprise. In view of these problems, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to help HT improve its efficiency when introducing professional managers, and at the same time to provide reference for the reform of professional managers in other private enterprises. The practical significance of this paper lies in the combination of research theory and enterprise practice. By introducing HT enterprise professional managers into the case study, the efficiency and competitiveness of business management are significantly enhanced, so that enterprises can survive, develop and grow, and at the same time, it opens up new ideas for the reform of professional managers. Key words: HT enterprise; private enterprise; family enterprise; professional manager 前言 1 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................ I ABSTRACT ............................................... II 目 录 .................................................. 1 第一章 导论 ............................................ 5 第一节 研究的背景 .............................................. 5 第二节 研究的目的和意义 ........................................ 6 第三节 文献综述 ................................................ 7 第四节 研究的主要内容和方法 .................................... 9 一、研究的主要内容 ...................................................... 9 二、研究方法 ........................................................... 10 三、研究思路与分析框架 ................................................. 10 第五节 不足之处 ............................................... 11 第二章 职业经理人的相关理论基础 ........................ 12 第一节 职业经理人的概念界定 ................................... 12 一、定义 ............................................................... 12 二、分类 ............................................................... 12 第二节 职业经理人相关研究基础 ................................. 13 一、西方国家职业经理人发展 ............................................. 13 二、中国的职业经理人发展 ............................................... 13 三、职业经理人与企业所有人关系 ......................................... 14 (一)雇佣关系 ......................................................... 14 (二)契约关系 ......................................................... 15 (三)合伙关系 ......................................................... 15 第三章 HT公司职业经理人引入的必要性 ................... 17 第一节 HT公司发展现状 ......................................... 17 一、HT公司简况 ......................................................... 17 二、公司的经营状况 ..................................................... 17 前言 2 三、公司发展面临的主要状况 ............................................. 18 (一) 外部环境变迁带来的挑战 ......................................... 18 (二)企业内部管理面临的挑战 ........................................... 19 第二节 HT公司职业经理人引入的必要性和预期目标 ................. 22 一、必要性分析 ......................................................... 22 (一) 公司顶层设计需求 ................................................ 22 (二) 公司战略规划需求 ................................................ 22 (三)企业内部管理需求 ................................................. 22 二、预期目标 ........................................................... 24 (一)规范企业管理 ..................................................... 24 (二)提高企业利润率 ................................................... 24 (三)建立现代企业制度 ................................................. 25 第三节 HT公司职业经理人引入的内外部条件分析 ................... 26 一、HT公司职业经理人引入SWOT分析 ...................................... 26 (一)HT公司与现代企业的差距 ........................................... 26 (二)SWOT分析 ......................................................... 27 二、HT公司职业经理人引入的路径设计与制度安排 ........................... 29 (一)设立引入和选拔制度 ............................................... 29 (二)优化任用制度 ..................................................... 30 (三)完善人才发展机制 ............