无论是政策环境的利好,还是互联网和智能手机的普及,或是房地产发展所 带来的市场需求,以及物联网技术等科技的成熟,都为智能家居市场带来了有利 的发展前景。可以说,家电智能化已经进入发展快车道,但整体欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展还存 在很多问题,这些尤其表现在消费者认知程度有限和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司标准的缺位上。目前, 无论是传统家电品牌,如海尔、美的等,还是互联网公司,如小米、阿里等,还 有大型消费电子企业华为等均在涉足智能家居领域。在竞争如此激烈的环境下, 智能家居的有效传播成为品牌占据消费者心智的有力手段。而海尔作为在智能家 居领域起步较早的品牌,在发展中期受到家电传统企业和互联网企业的合围,先 发优势逐渐湮没,竞争压力日趋增加。同时,由于海尔传统家电品牌在消费者心 目中根深蒂固的印象,导致海尔智慧家庭品牌传播进入瓶颈。因此,需要通过理 论结合实际的方式,为海尔智慧家庭品牌传播出谋划策,也为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司提供借鉴案例。 本文基于以上研究背景,以海尔智慧家庭作为研究对象,对其品牌传播策略 进行研究与分析。首先,对研究背景加以总结分析,对4I、IMC等相关理论进行 梳理总结,确定了本文的研究内容、研究思路以及研究方法。基于以上准备工作, 本文使用PEST分析法对海尔智慧家庭品牌传播现状的宏观环境进行了研究,并 对海尔智慧家庭品牌传播内部条件和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境加以分析总结。其次,依据以 上分析结果,通过对目标受众群体的划分,以及目标受众需求的挖掘,结合4I理 论和整合营销理论,设计了海尔智慧家庭品牌传播的提升策略。最后,制定了相 应的海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略规划,并提出相应保障方案。 通过研究表明,高效的品牌传播需要洞察目标受众的需求,本文利用4I理 论塑造优质的传播内容以及整合传播渠道,通过与用户建立情感链接,占领用户 的认知,从而提升品牌知名度。而本文也在对海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略的问题 分析以及寻求解决方案的过程中,进一步探讨了目前海尔及智能家居欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司品牌传 播所存在的潜在问题,希望通过由点及面的研究和探讨,找到可推广并适用于行 业类似品牌的传播策略。 关键词: 品牌传播,智能家居,海尔,4I理论,整合营销理论 MBA学位论文 作者:陈心竹 海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略研究 III RESEARCH ON BRAND COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF HAIER SMART HOME Abstract In today's society, intelligent home appliances have entered the fast track of rapid development. Although smart home appliances are facing development opportunities in the context of the rapid development of Internet of things, there is still a huge gap in the overall industry. These gaps are particularly manifested in the limited consumer awareness and the absence of industry standards. At present, both traditional home appliance brands, such as Haier, and Internet companies, such as Xiaomi and Alibaba, as well as Huawei, a large consumer electronics company, are all involved in the field of smart homes. In a fiercely competitive environment, brand communication has become a powerful means for companies to gain consumer favor. As a brand with an early start in the field of intelligent home appliances, Haier was surrounded by traditional home appliances and Internet enterprises in the middle period of development, with its first-mover advantage gradually disappearing and the competitive pressure increasing. And due to the deep-rooted traditional impression in consumers' minds, resulting in Haier Smart Home brand communication into the bottleneck. Therefore, this topic can not only formulate a feasible brand communication strategy for Haier Smart Home, but also provide a reference case for the industry, which has a strong guiding significance. In the context of the above research, this article studies and analyzes the brand communication strategy of Haier Smart Home. First, this article summarizes the research background and the relevant theories such as 4I theory and integrated marketing theory, so as to determine the research content, research process, and research methods of this article. Based on the above preparations, this paper uses PEST analysis to study the macro communication environment of Haier Smart Home, and summarizes the micro environment of Haier Smart Home brand communication. Secondly, based on the analysis results above, this paper designs the brand communication strategy of Haier Smart Home by dividing the target audience and mining the needs of the target audience, combining the 4I theory and integrated MBA学位论文 作者:陈心竹 海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略研究 IV marketing theory. Finally, a corresponding brand communication plan was formulated, and a guarantee scheme for human resource, financial, and organizational structures was designed. Ensure the implementation of the plan. Research shows that effective brand communication strategy requires insight into the needs of the target audience. Enterprises should make high-quality communication content through the 4I theory and establish emotional links with users through integrated communication channels, thereby occupying user awareness and improving brand awareness. In the research of Haier smart home brand communication strategy, this paper further discusses the potential problems of Haier and smart home industry in the brand communication, hoping to find a communication strategy that can be promoted and applied to similar brands through point-to-point research and discussion. Key words: Brand Communication, Smart Home, Haier, 4I, IMC MBA学位论文 作者:陈心竹 海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略研究 V 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. II Abstract ................................................ III 第一章 绪论............................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ................................................... 1 1.1.1 宏观背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 微观背景 ................................................ 2 1.2 研究意义 ................................................... 4 1.2.1 理论意义 ................................................ 4 1.2.2 现实意义 ................................................ 4 1.3 论文研究设计 ............................................... 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................ 5 1.3.2 研究思路 ................................................ 5 1.3.3 研究方法 ................................................ 6 第二章 相关理论概述 ...................................... 7 2.1 关键概念界定 ............................................... 7 2.1.1 品牌和品牌传播 .......................................... 7 2.1.2 家电品牌和智能家居 ...................................... 8 2.2 品牌传播研究的相关理论综述 ................................. 9 2.2.1 整合营销传播理论 ........................................ 9 2.2.2 4I理论 ................................................. 11 2.3 品牌传播及研究方式综述 .................................... 12 2.3.1 品牌传播研究 ........................................... 12 2.3.2 新媒体、自媒体、社会化媒体 ............................. 14 第三章 海尔智慧家庭品牌传播现状分析 ..................... 16 3.1 品牌传播的宏观环境分析 .................................... 16 3.1.1 政策支持 ............................................... 16 MBA学位论文 作者:陈心竹 海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略研究 VI 3.1.2 社会变革 ............................................... 16 3.1.3 经济基础 ............................................... 17 3.1.4 技术条件 ............................................... 19 3.2 品牌传播的微观环境分析 .................................... 20 3.2.1 企业内部条件分析 ....................................... 20 3.2.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境分析 ....................................... 22 3.3 品牌传播所存在问题分析 .................................... 26 3.3.1 组织架构问题分析 ....................................... 26 3.3.2 内容与形式问题分析 ..................................... 27 3.3.3 传播效果问题分析 ....................................... 28 3.3.4 品牌传播策略存在的问题总结 ............................. 30 第四章 海尔智慧家庭品牌传播策略提升设计 ................. 31 4.1 品牌传播定位策略 .......................................... 31 4.1.1 目标受众群体 ........................................... 31 4.1.2 洞察目标受众需求 ....................................... 33 4.2 品牌传播内容策略 .......................................... 34 4.2.1 趣味策略 ............................................... 34 4.2.