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现代信息技术的高度发达打破了消费者原有的物理空间阻隔,虚拟品牌社区 也应运而生。顾客和品牌之间互动的依托于虚拟品牌社区,顾客在此进行交流和 思想创新。企业虚拟品牌社区作为消费领域价值共创的典型形式,己经成为了企 业赢得竞争优势的重要途径。因此研究虚拟品牌社区对企业创新与构建稳固的客 户群均有重大意义。 相较于品牌忠诚,品牌依恋反映的是顾客与品牌之间情感上的维系和心理上 对于品牌的依赖,是品牌忠诚的最为真实的反映,因此品牌依恋更能衡量顾客与 品牌之间的关系质量。关于虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创与品牌依恋的关系, 目前学者们还未证实,更进一步的虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创与品牌依恋两 者之间的影响的内部机制如何产生的更是缺少实证研究支持。因此,本文将虚拟 品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创影响品牌依恋作为研究和探索的方向。基于之前学者 的研究结论,结合中国的文化背景构建研究模型。本文将虚拟品牌社区顾客参与 品牌共创作为自变量,将品牌依恋作为因变量,并且引入品牌认同作为中介变量, 构建了一个基于虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创、品牌认同和品牌依恋三者的关 系模型,研究的目的是从消费者的心理和行为两个方面,来揭示虚拟品牌社区顾 客参与品牌共创对品牌依恋影响的作用机制,进一步为虚拟品牌社区的管理者和 运营者提供有效的营销建议。 在对现有研究成果的总结和分析基础上,本文将华为花粉俱乐部作为调研对 象,使用了SPSS22.0和AMOS23.0分析软件对收集的数据进行统计分析,得到以 下的研究结果: (1)虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创中无论是参与企业发起的品牌共创还是 自发的品牌共创都正向影响品牌依恋;(2)虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创两维 度正向影响品牌认同三维度:自我相符感、面子感和归属感;(3)品牌认同的三 维度正向影响品牌依恋的关系假设得到支持;(4)品牌认同的三维度在虚拟品牌 社区顾客参与品牌共创与品牌依恋之间具有中介作用。 经过实证表明,对于消费者在虚拟品牌社区中表现的共创行为,企业应该给 高度重视,并且通过社交的形式将在虚拟品牌社区中的这种互动交流行为,塑造 成一种“圈子”文化,培养消费者与品牌之间的情感联结。另外消费者品牌认同 的提升,也有利于企业在营销活动中开展情感营销。 关键词:虚拟品牌社区;顾客参与品牌共创;品牌认同;品牌依恋 III Abstract The highly developed modern information technology has broken the physical space barrier of consumers, and the virtual brand community has emerged as the times require. The interaction between customers and brands relies on the virtual brand community, where customers communicate and innovate ideas. As a typical form of value creation in the field of consumption, virtual brand community has become an important way for enterprises to win competitive advantage. Therefore, the study of virtual brand community is of great significance for enterprises to innovate and build a stable customer base. Compared with brand loyalty, brand attachment reflects emotional maintenanc e and psychological dependence on brand between customers and brands, and is the most true reflection of brand loyalty. This brand attachment can better measu re the quality of the relationship between customers and brands. At present, scho lars have not confirmed the relationship between customer participation in brand co-creation and brand attachment in virtual brand community. Further, the interna l mechanism of how to influence the relationship between customer participation in brand co-creation and brand attachment in virtual brand community lacks emp irical research support. Therefore, this paper will study and explore how custome r participation in brand co-creation affects brand attachment in virtual brand com munity. Based on the conclusions of previous scholars, a research model is const ructed based on Chinese cultural background. This paper takes customer participa tion in brand co-creation in virtual brand community as the independent variable of the research model, takes brand attachment as the dependent variable of the research model, and adds brand identity as the intermediary variable of the resea rch model, and constructs a relationship model based on customer participation i n brand co-creation, brand identity and brand attachment in virtual brand commu nity. The purpose of the study is to study from the consumer's heart. From the t wo aspects of theory and behavior, this paper reveals the mechanism of the influ ence of customer participation in brand co-creation on brand attachment in virtua l brand community, and further provides effective marketing suggestions for man agers and operators of virtual brand community.After summarizing and analyzing V the relevant theories and research results, SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 23.0 analytical software are used to analyze and analyze the collected data. The empirical research results are as follows: (1) Customer participation in brand co-creation in virtual brand community h as a positive impact on brand attachment whether it is spontaneous brand co-cre ation or spontaneous brand co-creation initiated by enterprises; (2) Customer parti cipation in brand co-creation in virtual brand community has a positive impact o n three dimensions of brand identity: self-consistency, face and belonging; (3) Th ree dimensions of brand identity have a positive impact on brand attachment. Th e hypothesis is supported; (4) Three-dimensional brand identity plays a mediating role between customer participation in brand co-creation and brand attachment i n virtual brand community. Through empirical research, this paper argues that the brand side should pay more attention to the co-creation behavior of consumers in the virtual brand com munity, and through the form of social interaction in the virtual brand communit y, this interactive communication behavior will be shaped into a "circle" culture, cultivating the emotional connection between consumers and brands. In addition, the promotion of consumer brand identity is also conducive to emotional marketi ng in marketing activities. Key words: virtual brand community; customer participation in brand co-creation; brand identity; brand attachment VII 目录 1绪 论 ........................................................... 1 1.1研究背景及问题提出 ......................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2研究问题的提出 .......................................... 2 1.2研究意义 ................................................... 3 1.3研究方法 ................................................... 3 1.4研究的内容与框架 ........................................... 4 1.4.1研究内容 ................................................ 4 1.4.2研究思路 ................................................ 5 2相关文献研究综述 ................................................ 7 2.1虚拟品牌社区概念界定 ....................................... 7 2.1.1虚拟社区 ................................................ 7 2.1.2品牌社区 ................................................ 8 2.1.3虚拟品牌社区 ............................................ 9 2.2虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创研究 .......................... 10 2.2.1顾客参与品牌共创的内涵 ................................. 10 2.2.2顾客参与品牌共创的维度 ................................. 11 2.2.3虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创的其他相关研究 ............. 12 2.3品牌认同研究 .............................................. 12 2.3.1品牌认同的内涵 ......................................... 12 2.3.2品牌认同的维度 ......................................... 12 2.3.3品牌认同的其他相关研究 ................................. 13 2.4品牌依恋研究 .............................................. 13 2.4.1品牌依恋的内涵 ......................................... 13 2.4.2品牌依恋的维度 ......................................... 14 2.4.3品牌依恋的其他相关研究 ................................. 15 2.5本章小结 .................................................. 16 3关系假设和模型构建 ............................................. 17 3.1关系假设 .................................................. 17 3.1.1虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创与品牌依恋的关系假设 ....... 17 3.1.2虚拟品牌社区顾客参与品牌共创与品牌认同的关系假设 ....... 18 3.1.3品牌认同与品牌依恋的关系假设 ........................... 19 VIII 3.1.4品牌认同的中介效应 ..................................... 19 3.2研究假设模型 ..........

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