教育是国之大计,党之大计,而学前教育是现代国民教育体系的最基础部分,改 革开放40多年来,我国民办教育稳步增长,快速提升,目前民办学前教育占学前教 育比例已超过50%,成为我国学前教育事业的主体力量。民办学前教育在经济体制与 教育重大改革,以及市场需求中不断释放活力。但也面临在国家政策引导规制下实现 分类发展的抉择,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争日益加剧的挑战。 在这样的背景下,本文选取四川民办学前教育机构JL教育集团,以其发展战略 为研究对象,立足于四川地区作为分析范围,在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上,通过 和利用文献分析方法、调查研究法、PEST分析法、波特五力模型分析法、SWOT分析 法等企业战略分析理论和方法,对JL教育集团的发展现状进行分析。 通过本文的研究发现,从宏观外部环境来看,国家在政策层面高度重视和支持学 前教育事业发展,社会经济水平的不断提升为我国学前教育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的快速发展奠定了坚 实的基础,家庭规模结构小型化、家长观念更新以及社会竞争激烈成为学前教育发展 驱动力,科技手段的广泛运用、技术创新和先进的科学管理为其提供了有力的支持。 从微观内部环境来看,JL教育集团具有欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司先发、创始团队积淀深厚、全欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司链式业 态、轻资产运营、办学资源丰富、企业文化浓厚、国际教育理念先进等诸多优势;同 时,又存在资金短缺制约扩张速度、布局分散限制管理力度、人才紧缺阻碍发展高度 等自身发展劣势。另外,JL教育集团在面临良好的宏观环境、教师培养体系化、学前 教育规范化、新生代家长需求助力等发展机遇的同时,新竞争对手的加入、资金实力 强大者的介入,政府加大普惠性幼儿园建设投入、高素质师资流失等,也构成了集团 发展的严重威胁。 本论文在理论分析的基础上,通过使用PEST、SWOT和波特五力模型等方法对企 业外部竞争环境和内部优劣势进行了综合分析,提出了企业的竞争战略定位:即构建 学前教育卓越人才孵化与服务创新发展平台,持续向欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司培育输送卓越的学前教育人 才,以人才卓越推动学前教育卓越,以服务品质卓越推动企业品牌卓越,从而建立学 前教育新生态圈,实现JL教育集团卓越教育梦想与企业使命。为确保企业竞争战略 II 的顺利实施,从管理机制、战略领导、组织结构、组织文化与人力资源等方面提出了 战略实施方法,并从财务、文化建设、信息化建设和人才建设等方面提出了战略实施 的保障措施。 关键词:学前教育;民办教育;小型企业;发展战略 III Abstract With the further development of global economic, the demand of talent in the future will also toward globalization. Pre-school education career directly influence the cultivation of talents, thus influence the rise and fall of a country's comprehensive national strength, pre-school education is the most basic part of the national education system, but at present our country private preschool education of preschool education is a large proportion, non-governmental preschool education will become the national key support projects, private preschool education career facing unprecedented opportunities for development. In this context, this paper selects JL education group, a private preschool education institution, to analyze its current situation and existing problems, and define its development strategy and plan. This research is undoubtedly suitable for the development of The Times and of great significance. Private preschool education institutions can bring large economic and social benefits, this allows private preschool education institutions to develop rapidly, but with the development of the agency from early stage to growing period, prosperous period to, most institutions will face two difficulties, one is suffering its own development bottlenecks, the other is against numerous similar enterprise competition. The whole research process of the thesis follows from the analysis of theory and status quo to the analysis of typical cases, and then to the research process of innovation model. Paper proposed on the basis of combing related literature at home and abroad, with JL education group development strategy as the research object, using strategic management theory and methods, such as, made further research on the group's external environment, analysis of industry trends and industry competition situation, the opportunities and threats facing the analysis group, through a more in-depth study and analysis the advantages and disadvantages of enterprise itself, on this basis, to develop a group's overall strategy, establishing strategic goals, and for group to carry out the strategy of the development of effective protection measures are put forward. IV After research and analysis, we come to several conclusions: first, the research of this paper is up to date, both in theory and in practice are of great significance. Second, JL education group is confronted with capital shortage, which restricts its expansion speed, geographical breadth and management strength, and talent shortage hinders its development The inherent constraints. Thirdly, JL education group needs to innovate its business model, and the effective implementation of the innovation model needs the common guarantee of internal and external measures. It is expected that the research in this paper can supplement the existing literature in theory and play a certain role in the benign development of JL education group in practice. It is also expected that the research results can be used by other similar preschool education institutions. Key Words:Preschool education;Private education;Enterpris;Development strategy V 目 录 摘要········· I Abstract ····· III 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及目标 ···· 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ···· 1 1.3 国内外相关研究现状 ················ 2 1.3.1 战略管理研究 2 1.3.2 学前教育集团战略管理研究 3 1.4 研究内容和思路 ···· 6 1.4.1 研究内容 ······ 6 1.4.2 研究思路 ······ 6 第2章 相关理论及主要分析方法 ········· 8 2.1 企业发展战略相关理论 ············· 8 2.1.1企业战略的涵义 ··············· 8 2.1.2企业战略的本质特征 ········· 9 2.2 企业战略分析的主要方法 ·········· 9 2.2.1 PEST分析法 ·· 9 2.2.2 波特五力模型分析法 ········· 9 2.2.3 SWOT分析法 ················ 10 2.3 民办教育集团发展战略相关理论 ················· 10 2.3.1人类发展生态学理论 ······· 10 2.3.2 民办教育相关理论 ··········· 11 第3章 JL教育集团的企业战略环境分析 ··············· 12 3.1 JL教育集团简介 ·· 12 3.2 宏观外部环境分析(PEST分析法) ················ 13 3.2.1 政治因素 ···· 13 3.2.2 经济因素 ···· 15 3.2.3 社会因素 ···· 15 3.2.4 技术因素 ···· 16 3.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析(波特五力模型) ··· 17 VI 3.3.1 新进入者的威胁 ············· 18 3.3.2 替代品的威胁 ················ 18 3.3.3 现有竞争者的威胁 ·········· 19 3.3.4 买方议价能力 ················ 20 3.3.5 供应商议价能力 ············· 20 3.4 内外部环境综合分析(SWOT分析法) ············ 21 3.4.1 JL教育集团的优势 ·········· 21 3.4.2 JL教育集团的劣势 ·········· 23 3.4.3 JL教育集团的机会 ·········· 24 3.4.4 JL教育集团的威胁 ·········· 25 第4章 JL教育集团发展战略制定 ······ 29 4.1 JL教育集团的发展规划 ··········· 29 4.2 JL教育集团的竞争性战略设计 ·· 30 4.2.1 研究引领,梳理线上线下品牌结构 ······· 30 4.2.2 实业支撑,打造三个产品线 ················ 31 4.2.3 发挥动能,整合现有业务结构 ············· 32 第5章 JL教育集团发展战略实现方法及保障措施 ··· 33 5.1 实现方法 ··········· 33 5.1.1 合理的管理机制 ············· 33 5.1.2 有效的战略领导 ············· 34 5.1.3 匹配的组织结构 ············· 34 5.1.4 良好的组织文化 ············· 36 5.1.5 优质的人力资源 ············· 37 5.2 保障措施 ··········· 38 5.2.1 财务保障 ···· 38 5.2.2 文化保障 ···· 39 5.2.3 信息化保障 · 39 5.2.4 人才保障 ···· 39 第6章 结论与展望 ······· 41