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近年来,互联网的快速发展也带动了许多与之相关的产业迅猛发 展,网络文学就是其中较为典型的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司。根据相关数据统计,截至2019 年网络文学欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司已经成长为一个百亿体量的巨大市场,并且伴随着文 化创意产业和泛娱乐产业的发展,使得网络文学的 IP价值巨增。 十几年前,网络文学还仅仅是一个极其小众的市场,主要包含起 点中文网、榕树下、幻剑书盟等网络文学平台。而当前市场上已经逐 渐形成了阅文集团、掌阅科技、中文在线等几大网络文学巨头争霸的 格局。网络文学除了能够出版发行纸质图书,还可以被改编成游戏、 动漫、电影、电视剧、周边商品等,各大网络文学平台也通过兼并、 收购、重组、合作、联盟、上市等多元化的资本运作提升自身竞争力, 抢占市场。其中泛娱乐业这块巨大的利益蛋糕,诱使各大中小网络文 学及相关企业纷纷朝着全版权、全产业链的经营模式去发展,其根本 原因在于网络文学除了自身具有百亿的市场规模外,还直接关系到整 个IP产业链上千亿体量的市场。 网络文学除了在本土的巨大市场外,在海外市场同样取得了初步 的成功,冲破了中国文化海外输出难的瓶颈,具有巨大的海外潜在市 场。由于近年来政府的大力支持,我国的网络文学市场逐年稳步增加。 尽管网络文学在近几年成为资本市场争抢的宠儿,出现了许多优 秀的网络文学改编作品,但相当一部分的IP改编作品由于初期商业 运营模式的不成熟并没有达到资本对其的期待。 本文以Y网络文学公司为研究对象,分别对其外部宏观环境、行 业竞争环境以及企业自身情况进行逐一剖析,根据4P、4C、4R营销 理论为Y公司当前的网络文学IP市场营销策略进行设计及优化,深 度挖掘IP价值,增加企业收益。本文共分为六部分进行研究论述: 第一,分别对本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究目的、研究内容和方 法分别进行阐述说明。第二,查阅相关概念及理论,对网络文学欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 需要用到的相关概念进行说明和界定;介绍需要运用到的市场营销相 关理论。第三,对网络文学欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和Y公司的发展概况进行阐述,运用 PEST分析、波特五力模型和SWOT分析工具对欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和企业进行分析。 第四,基于第三章的分析设计问卷并进行市场调研,对问卷数据进行 统计分析找到当前客户的潜在需求以及潜在客户群体。第五,通过数 据分析结果,结合4P、4C、4R理论设计出适宜Y公司的营销策略并 对当前的营销策略提出改进建议。第六,认真分析本文研究的不足之 处,展望我国网络文学欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的未来发展。 关键词: 网络文学IP;SWOT分析;4R理论;营销策略 Marketing strategy research of online literature IP for Y company ABSTRACT In recent years, the rapid development of the Internet has also led to the rapid development of many related industries. Online literature is one of the more typical industries. According to relevant statistics, as of 2019, the online literature industry has grown into a huge market with a volume of 10 billion yuan. With the development of the cultural and creative industries and the pan-entertainment industry, the IP value of online literature has doubled accordingly. More than a decade ago, online literature was just an extremely niche market, which mainly included online literature platforms such as Qidian Chinese Website, Rongshuxia, and huanjianshumeng. In the current market, several giants of online literature, such as China Literature, IReader Technology Co., Ltd, and ChineseAll Digital Publishing Group Co.,Ltd., have gradually formed a pattern of hegemony. In addition to publishing paper books, online literature can also be adapted into games, anime, movies, TV series, and peripheral goods. Major online literature platforms have also adopted diversified capital through mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, cooperation, alliances, and listings. The operation enhances its own competitiveness and seizes the market. Among them, the huge entertainment cake of the pan- entertainment industry has seduced major, small and medium-sized online literature and related companies to move towards the business model of full copyright and the entire industry chain. The fundamental reason is that online literature has a market size of 10 billion in addition to In addition, it is directly related to the market size of hundreds of billions in the entire IP industry chain. In addition to the huge domestic market, online literature has also achieved initial success in overseas markets, breaking the bottleneck of the difficulty of exporting Chinese culture overseas, and has a huge overseas potential market. Due to the strong government support in recent years, China's online literature market has grown steadily year by year. Although online literature has become the darling of the capital market in recent years, and many excellent adaptations of online literature have appeared, a considerable part of the IP adaptations have not met the expectations of capital due to the immature initial business operation model. This article takes Y Online Literature Company as the research object, and analyzes its external macro environment, industry competition environment and the company's own situation one by one. Based on 4P, 4C, 4R marketing theory, it designs and develops the company's current network literature IP marketing strategy and Optimize, deeply dig IP value, and increase corporate income. This article is divided into six parts for research and discussion. First, the research background, research significance, research purpose, research content and method of this article are explained separately. Second, consult related concepts and theories, explain and define the related concepts needed in the online literature industry, and introduce the related marketing theories that need to be used. Third, the development overview of the Internet literature industry and Company Y is explained, and the industry and enterprises are analyzed using PEST analysis, Porter's Five Force Model and SWOT analysis tools. Fourth, based on the analysis in Chapter 3, we designed a questionnaire and conducted market research. We conducted a statistical analysis of the questionnaire data to find the current customers' potential needs and potential customer groups. Fifth, based on the data analysis results, combined with the 4P, 4C, and 4R theories, a marketing strategy suitable for company Y is designed and suggestions for improvement of the current marketing strategy are proposed. Sixth, carefully analyze the shortcomings of this article, and look forward to the future development of China's online literature industry. KEY WORDS: Internet literature IP, SWOT analysis, 4R theory, marketing strategy Name:Cao Chao Supervised by:Gao Changchun 目录 第一章 绪论 .................................................................. 1 1.1研究背景与意义 .................................... 1 1.2研究目的与内容 .................................... 2 1.3研究方法与技术路线 ................................ 2 1.3.1研究方法 ....................................................... 2 1.3.2技术路线 ....................................................... 3 第二章 相关概念及理论 ........................................................ 5 2.1网络文学概述 ...................................... 5 2.2 IP概述 ........................................... 6 2.3市场营销的相关理论 ................................ 7 2.3.1 4P理论 ........................................................ 7 2.3.2 4C理论 ........................................................ 7 2.3.3 4R理论 ........................................................ 9 2.4分析工具 ......................................... 10 2.4.1欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析(PEST分析) .......................................... 10 2.4.2 竞争分析(五力模型) .......................................... 10 2.4.3 企业内部分析(SWOT分析) ..................................... 11 2.5国内外研究评述 ................................... 11 第三章Y公司发展概况及当前市场营销策略现状分析 .............................. 12 3.1我国网络文学欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展概况 ......................... 12 3.1.1发展历程 ...................................................... 12 3.1.2欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状 ...................................................... 13 3.2 Y公司发展概况 ................................... 17 3.3Y公司内外部环境分析 .............................. 19 3.3.1宏观环境分析(PEST分析) ...................................... 19 3.3.2竞争环境分析(五力模型) ...................................... 24 3.3.3内部环境分析(SWOT分析) ...................................... 29 3.4

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