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知识经济时代,专利、专有技术等无形资产已成为企业价值增值的战略性资源。 知识成为产品创新的基础,知识管理被提升到战略高度,成为企业持续获取竞争优 势的重要手段。近年来,随现代生命科学研究深入,生物技术得到快速发展,生物 经济愈加得到国际普遍重视,正加速成为继信息经济后又一新经济形态,受到全球 资本市场的青睐。我国《“十三五”生物产业发展规划》也指出要建立生物经济强国。 为实现这一目标,我国要充分利用市场、人才等优势,坚持创新驱动发展战略,源 源不断进行产品创新。生物领域企业作为高新技术企业,其创新活动具有高知识性, 故探究知识如何对生物领域产品创新路径效果产生影响,将利于企业对产品创新进 行有效管理。 为将知识与产品创新联系起来,本文先梳理现有知识管理模型,理论探求知识 管理过程与生物领域产品创新过程的互动关系,认为产品创新过程可分知识获取、 知识创新、知识应用三阶段。企业可通过技术购买、人才引进、合作研发、内部研 发获取知识,而基于知识获取方式不同,可将产品创新路径分为四类。其次,对基 于技术购买、人才引进、合作研发、内部研发四类产品创新路径进行理论分析,并 探究了科学知识和技术知识在其中的中介作用及知识基础宽度和深度对其调节作 用,提出理论假设。再次,通过2015-2017年存续的172家生物领域企业面板数据 对假设进行验证。之后,为更利于生物领域企业进行产品创新路径选择,以知识基 础宽度和深度为门槛变量,进行Hansen门槛回归。最后,进行研究总结,指出本文 的理论与实践贡献。 研究发现:1.除基于技术购买的产品创新路径效果不明显外,基于人才引进、 合作研发、内部研发的产品创新路径效果均显著;2.科学知识和技术知识均发挥显 著中介效应,且技术知识中介效应更强;3.知识基础宽度和深度在产品创新路径各 阶段均具有调节效应,且对四类产品创新路径效果具有显著门槛效应。研究结果鼓 励企业采取多措施提升知识水平,推动产品创新,但要考虑自身知识基础合理选择。 关键字:生物领域;知识管理;知识基础;知识创新;产品创新路径 III Abstract In the era of knowledge economy, intangible assets such as patents and proprietary technologies have become strategic resources for value-added enterprises. Knowledge has become the basis of product innovation, and knowledge management has been upgraded to a strategic level, which has become an important means for enterprises to continuously gain competitive advantage. In recent years, with the deepening of modern life science research, biotechnology has developed rapidly, and the bio-economy has gained universal attention. It is accelerating to become another new economic form after the information economy and is favored by the global capital market. China's "13th Five-Year Plan for Biological Industry Development" also pointed out that it is necessary to establish a bio-economic powerhouse. In order to achieve this goal, China should make full use of the advantages of the market and talents, adhere to the innovation-driven development strategy, and continuously carry out product innovation. As a high-tech enterprise, the bio-institutions have high-intelligence activities, so exploring how knowledge affects the product innovation path in the bio-industry will help enterprises effectively manage product innovation. In order to link knowledge with product innovation, this paper first combs the existing knowledge management model, and explores the interaction between knowledge management process and product innovation process. It believes that product innovation process can be divided into three stages: knowledge acquisition, knowledge innovation and knowledge application. Enterprises can acquire knowledge through technology purchase, talent introduction, cooperative R&D, and internal R&D. Based on different knowledge acquisition activities, product innovation paths can be divided into four categories. Secondly, theoretical analysis of four types of product innovation paths based on technology purchase, talent introduction, cooperative R&D, and internal R&D, and explores the mediating role of scientific knowledge and technical knowledge and the role of the breadth and depth of knowledge base to propose a theory. Assumption. Again, the hypothesis is validated by the 172 bio-area enterprise panel data that survived in 2015-2017. After that, the Hansen threshold regression was carried out to select the IV product innovation path for the bio-industry enterprises and the threshold of the knowledge base width and depth. Finally, carry out research summary and point out the theoretical and practical contributions of this paper. The research found that: 1. In addition to the effect of product innovation based on technology purchase, the effect of three types of product innovation based on talent introduction, cooperative R&D and internal R&D is significant; 2. Scientific knowledge and technical knowledge play a significant mediating effect. Moreover, the mediating effect of technical knowledge is stronger; 3. The breadth and depth of knowledge base have regulatory effects in all stages of product innovation path, and have a significant threshold effect on the effects of four types of product innovation paths. The research results encourage enterprises to take more measures to improve their knowledge and promote product innovation, but consider their own knowledge base for reasonable choice. Key words: Biological field; Knowledge management; Knowledge base; Knowledge innovation; product innovation path V 目 录 摘要 .... I Abstract ....III 第一章 绪论 ........................ - 1 - 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .... - 1 - 1.1.1 研究背景 ............. - 1 - 1.1.2 研究意义 ............. - 2 - 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 .... - 2 - 1.2.1 研究内容 ............. - 2 - 1.2.2 研究方法 ............. - 3 - 1.3 研究框架 ........................ - 5 - 第二章 理论基础与文献综述 ........................... - 7 - 2.1 知识管理相关研究 ........ - 7 - 2.1.1 知识相关概念界定 ............................ - 7 - 2.1.2 知识基础理论 ..... - 8 - 2.1.3 知识管理及作用 . - 9 - 2.2 产品创新相关研究 ...... - 11 - 2.2.1 产品创新概念界定 .......................... - 11 - 2.2.2 产品创新主要分类 .......................... - 12 - 2.2.3 产品创新影响因素 .......................... - 13 - 2.3 产品创新路径相关研究 ............................. - 14 - 2.3.1产品创新路径研究现状 ................... - 14 - 2.3.2 生物领域产品创新路径 .................. - 16 - 2.4 文献述评 ...................... - 19 - 2.5 本章小结 ...................... - 20 - 第三章 生物领域企业知识管理与产品创新的互动 .................... - 21 - 3.1 企业知识管理模型 ...... - 21 - 3.1.1 知识分类视角 ... - 21 - 3.1.2 知识管理过程视角 .......................... - 21 - 3.1.3 基于知识流的知识管理过程 .......... - 23 - VI 3.2 生物领域产品创新路径 ............................. - 23 - 3.2.1 生物领域企业特征 .......................... - 23 - 3.2.2 生物领域产品创新路径 .................. - 25 - 3.3 本章小结 ...................... - 27 - 第四章 产品创新路径理论分析与模型构建 . - 29 - 4.1 企业知识获取活动对产品创新的影响 ..... - 29 - 4.1.1 企业技术购买活动对产品创新的影响 ......................... - 29 - 4.1.2 企业人才引进活动对产品创新的影响 ......................... - 29 - 4.1.3 企业合作研发活动对产品创新的影响 ......................... - 30 - 4.1.4 企业内部研发活动对产品创新的影响 ......................... - 31 - 4.2 企业知识产出的中介作用 ......................... - 31 - 4.3 企业知识基础的调节作用 ......................... - 32 - 4.3.1 知识获取与产品创新间的调节作用 ............................. - 32 - 4.3.2 知识获取与知识产出间的调节作用 ............................. - 33 - 4.3.3 知识产出与产品创新间的调节作用 ............................. - 34 - 4.4 模型构建 ...................... - 34 - 4.5 本章小结 ...................... - 35 - 第五章 生物领域产品创新路径实证分析 ..... - 37 - 5.1 数据收集与模型设计 .. - 37 - 5.1.1 研究样本与数据来源 ...................... - 37 - 5.1.2 变量定义与计算方式 ...................... - 37 - 5.1.3 研究方法与模型设计 ...................... - 39 - 5.2 河北省生物领域企业产品创新路径实证研究 ........................ - 43 - 5.2.1 描述性统计及相关分析 .................. - 43 - 5.2.2 知识获取活动的主效应检验 .......... - 47 - 5.2.3 知识产出的中介效应检验 .............. - 48 - 5.2.4 知识基础的调节效应检验 .............. - 53 - 5.3 实证结果汇

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