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梓耕教育股份公司出版业务的项目导向型组织结构改进研究 吉林梓耕教育科技股份有限公司(以下简称“梓耕公司”)成立于2009年, 是集内容策划、图书印制、发行零售为一体的国内领先教辅图书出版企业,产品 覆盖中国国内小学,初中,高中三个基础教育阶段。梓耕公司最初借助国家教育 快速发展势头,抓住市场机遇,与国企出版社合作,创建自有品牌,不断扩大市 场,经过多年努力,奠定了稳定的市场地位,也树立了梓耕公司品牌。但好景不 长,近几年企业利润增长缓慢,甚至停滞不前,公司部门臃肿、部门间协作性差、 沟通成本高,部门间推诿责任现象频发,更引起核心技术人员离职,出版进度缓 慢,最终使企业逐渐失去市场地位和竞争力,威胁到企业发展。通过对梓耕公司 的调查研究,发现上述问题的产生与公司组织结构中的部门设置不合理、责权不 清晰、信息流较长等问题有关,如果对现有组织结构问题漠视不管,长久下去, 梓耕公司将逐渐失去核心竞争力,最终失去现有的市场地位。 本论文将梓耕公司的组织结构作为研究依据,发现问题后进行分析解决,调 整组织结构,解决部门间协作效率低及出版进度延迟的问题,提升梓耕公司组织 结构的合理性,在提高部门协作效率,使沟通顺畅,降低沟通成本、加快出版进 度、提升经营收益等方面起到作用,提升公司整体竞争力,为梓耕公司未来发展 夯实基础、扬帆起航,同时也为同类出版企业的组织结构改进提供一定的借鉴和 指导。 本论文运用现代组织理论判定梓耕公司组织结构模式,找到组织结构的问题 并分析问题成因,然后以项目导向型组织结构理论为改进依据,明确公司的组织 结构改进方向,并分析矩阵式组织结构中的强中弱三个模式,分析利弊后,采取 强矩阵式组织结构,以结构合理、分工适度、权责对等、目标一致、统一管理为 基本原则,从组织结构、部门设立、工作流程等方面开展组织结构改进工作。最 终进行架构重新设计、合并部门、重新梳理部门及岗位职责,以及重新梳理工作 流程。最后,本文为了确保梓耕公司组织结构改进工作能够顺利开展,文章结尾 I 提出了具体的保障措施,具体包括文化、制度、组织三个方面的保障措施,以此 保障本次组织结构改革的有效落地。 梓耕公司组织结构的改进将实现架构设置合理、部门设置科学、责权定位清 晰、工作流程适应新组织结构运转的需求,发挥梓耕公司组织结构在提高工作效 率、加快出版速度、保证出版质量、降低成本提升收益的管理优势,提升企业整 体实力,为企业健康有序发展夯实基础。 关键词: 出版业务,项目导向型,组织结构,管理模式 II Abstract Research on the Improvement of Project-oriented Organizational Structure of Publishing Business for Zigeng Education co.,Ltd. Jilin Zigeng education technology co. Ltd(hereinafter referred to as "Zigeng company"),it was founded in 2009. It is a domestic leading educational and auxiliary book publishing enterprise integrating content planning book, printing distribution and retail. Its products cover the elementary school, middle school, high school three basic education stage. At first, with the help of the rapid development momentum of national education, Zigeng company seized the market opportunity, cooperated with state-owned publishing house to create its own brand and continuously expand the market. After years of efforts, it has established a stable market position and set up the brand of Zigeng company. But not for long, in recent years, the enterprise profit growth is slow, or even stagnating, company department overstaffed, collaborative difference between departments, communication cost is high, the frequent phenomenon of buck-passing between departments, which caused the core technical personnel turn-over, slow progress, eventually make the enterprise losing its market position and competitiveness, a threat to the enterprise development. Of catalpa till the company's investigation and study, found that the problem with department set up on your company's organizational structure is not reasonable, nobody is not clear, such as information flow is longer than the problems related, if ignore whatever problems of the existing organizational structure, longevity, catalpa farming, the company will gradually lose the core competitiveness eventually lose existing market position. This paper will catalpa till the company's organizational structure as the research basis, analyze after found the problem to solve, adjust the organization structure, solve the low efficiency of the collaboration between government departments and publishing schedule delays, ascending catalpa till the rationality of the company organizational structure, in improving the efficiency of department cooperation, make the communication smoothly, reduce the communication cost, speed up progress of publishing and improve operating earnings, promote the III competitiveness of the company as a whole, as the catalpa plow sails to the ramming foundation, the company future development, as well as similar publishing enterprise organization structure to improve provide certain reference and guidance. In this paper, using the modern organization theory to judge catalpa plow company organization structure model, find the organization structure problems and analyze the causes, and then with the theory for improving project oriented organization structure, clear in order to improve the company's organizational structure, and analyze the matrix organization structure mode of the strong, the weak three, after analyzing the pros and cons, take strong matrix organization structure, with reasonable structure, division of moderate equivalent power and responsibility, goals, unified management of the basic principle, from the establishment, organization structure, department work flow, etc, to carry out the organization structure to improve the work. finally, I redesigned the structure, merged departments, reorganized departments and job responsibilities, and reorganized the work process. Finally, in order to ensure that the organizational structure improvement work of zigeng company can be carried out smoothly, the article ends with specific safeguard measures, including three aspects of culture, system and organization, so as to ensure the effective implementation of the organizational structure reform. Catalpa plow company organizational structure improvement set implementation architecture, department set up science reasonable, clear positioning in liability and work processes to meet the needs of new organizational structure works, catalpa tillage company organizational structure in improving work efficiency and speed up the publication, ensure the quality of publishing, reduce cost increase earnings management advantages, improve enterprise's overall strength, solid foundation for the enterprise healthy and orderly development.

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