随着我国经济社会不断飞速发展,私人汽车保有量飞速提升,城市路面交通 压力正日趋增大。此时,作为城市公共交通的重要组成部分,城市轨道交通以其 安全、稳定、环保等特点正承担着越来越重要的作用。北京、上海、广州等国内 一线城市已建立起数十条线路的城市轨道交通网络,洛阳、乌鲁木齐、兰州等城 市的轨道交通建设也已走上日程。 2019年6月23日,甘肃省内首条城市轨道交通线路—兰轨一号线一期工程 完成综合联调,正式进入试运行阶段,距离正式开通运营不足三月时间。在试运 行过程中,一号线一期工程各系统运行平稳、有序,已达到相关验收标准,但距 离完全满足乘客出行体验,还有不小的差距与短板。为确定问题、分析问题、解 决问题,在试运行过程中,邀请广大市民试乘试坐,并提出意见。 本文运用系统论、服务质量理论、SERVQUAL模型等管理学基础理论知识, 利用问卷调查法、访谈法等方法从兰州轨道交通有限公司获得一手数据,结合其 他城市轨道交通现有数据进行分析,找出其中的主要问题,着重对试运行过程中 兰轨一号线一期工程弱电系统中通信子系统、自动售检票子系统与火灾自动报警 子系统等三方面问题展开研究。其中利用鱼骨图、逻辑树等分析工具探究上述问 题的主要成因,最后提出兰轨一号线一期工程试运行期间服务质量提升的具体方 案,以期为保障今后兰州轨道交通运行过程中的服务质量、提高乘客满意度提供 借鉴。 关键词:城市轨道交通,弱电系统,服务质量,改进方案 I MBA学位论文 作者:李阳 兰轨一号线一期工程试运行阶段弱电系统服务质量改进方案研究 IMPROVEMENT ON SERVICE QUALITY OF WEAK ELECTRICITY SYSTEM OF LANZHOU TRANSIT LINE ONE ON ITS PILOT RUN Abstract With the development of our economy and society, the number of carparchas increased rapidly, and the pressure of traffic has raised gradually. Then the urban rail transit has taken on more important role as a part of public transportation because of its safety, stability and green. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and the other well-developed cities in China has built up their urban rail transit net with dozens of rail transit line. And some developing cities in China such as Lanzhou, Luoyang, Urumqi are also in the sequence of rail transit constructions. As the first urban rail transit line in Gansu Province, Lanzhou Rail Transmit Line 1 (abbr. LINE 1) has successfully launched and finished its pilot run more than half a year since June, 2019. As we know, LINE 1 has finished its system’s joint debugging, going on the pilot run. There is only three months left before official opening. Passengers don’t feel completely satisfied when they are on the train even though each system of LINE 1 is being moving smoothly and has reached the relevant acceptance standards. To find out and to analyze and to solve the problems of service quality, we invited people to have a trial run to give us some suggestions. Meanwhile, we explore the problems and causes by means of questionnaires, interviews and other approaches and tools such as fishbone diagram and so on. Based on the SERVQUAL model and Total Quality Management (TQM) theory, we put forward the following suggestions to improve the service quality of weak electricity system of LINE 1, including improvement on the subsystems: communication systems, automatic fare collection system and fire automatic alarm system. We hope our study can make passengers in Lanzhou feel more satisfied with LINE 1, and also do good to improve the service quality of LINE 1 in future.