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近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,仅仅通过提高产品 利润空间、产品质量,或是推广品牌等手段很难再大幅度提高收益,使企业得到持续 发展。在当下的社会,企业为了做大做强,开始将关注点放在物流领域这一潜在利润 点——物流费用在企业成本中占据相当大的比重,若能在物流环节降低成本,则间接 提高了企业利润。除此之外,高质量的物流服务能有效提高客户满意度,进一步加强 企业和客户之间的情感纽带,保证稳定的客户占有率,加强企业的竞争力。这两大因 素都是企业日渐重视物流领域的主要原因。 而在物流费用中,仓储管理费用和仓储保管费用占据其五成,可见仓储的重要性。 随着物流欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的迅猛发展,企业对仓储管理的重视程度日趋提高。 FD医药公司是一家具有一定规模的传统医药企业,主营业务为药品和医疗器械 产品。其产品质量虽然很好,但相关数据显示,该公司物流仓储环节的运营效率低下, 这将在某种程度上减缓了FD医药公司的发展速度。本文中将以FD医药公司为例,深 入研究如何改善企业业务流程。首先调查研究该公司仓储管理的业务流程现状;而后 根据得到的调研结果,进一步分析仓储核心业务操作效率低下的原因和本质问题;接 着针对各业务流程存在的问题,基于拉动式仓储管理理念设计出各流程对应的优化措 施;最后评估该公司具备的人力、物力、财力情况,并制定优化措施实施计划,以此 确保优化后的流程具备可操作性。 若FD医药公司的仓储业务流程问题能够加以缓解,修补该公司在物流仓储环节 的短板,那该公司管理者可以减少对于公司内部劣势的关注,将更多精力投入更重要 的事上:在当下激烈的竞争环境中,利用自身优势把握欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的机会,进一步发展企 业。 关键词:仓储管理;业务流程优化;拉动式仓储管理 III Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, the competition among enterprises has become more and more fierce. It is difficult to increase the profits by increasing the profit margin of products, product quality, or promoting brands, so that enterprises can continue to develop. Nowadays enterprises managers gradually attach importance to logistics field, which is the potential profits. Logistics costs account for a large proportion of enterprise costs. If costs can be reduced in logistics part, indirect improvement Corporate profits. In addition, high-quality logistics services can effectively improve customer satisfaction, further strengthen the emotional bond between the company and customers, ensure a stable customer share, and strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises. These two factors are the main reasons why enterprise managers are paying more and more attention to the logistics field. In the logistics costs, storage management costs and storage and storage costs account for 50% of the cost, showing the importance of warehouse. With the rapid development of the logistics industry, enterprises managers attach more importance to warehouse management. FD Pharmaceutical Company is a traditional pharmaceutical company with a certain scale, and its main business is pharmaceuticals and medical device products. Although the quality of its products is very good, the relevant data shows that the operation efficiency of the company's logistics and storage links is low, which will slow down the development speed of FD Pharmaceutical Company to some extent. In this article, we will use FD Pharmaceutical Company as an example to study how to improve business process problems. Firstly, it investigates the current status of the company's warehouse management business process; then, based on the research results obtained, further analyzes the reasons and essential issues of the inefficient operation of the warehouse core business; and then designs the problem based on the pull storage management concept for each business process. Optimize measures for each process; finally evaluate the company's human, material and financial resources, and develop an implementation plan for optimization measures to ensure that the optimized process is operational. If FD Pharmaceutical Company warehouse business process problems can be alleviated and the company's shortcomings in the logistics and warehouse process be repaired, the company's managers can reduce their focus on the company's internal IV disadvantages and put more energy into more important matters: In the current fierce competitive environment, use its own advantages to grasp the opportunities within the industry and further develop the enterprise. Keywords:Warehouse Management; Business Process Improvement; Pull Warehouse Management 目录 致谢 ............. I 摘要 ............ II Abstract ..... III 第1章 绪论 .............................. 1 1.1研究背景 ...... 1 1.2研究目的及意义 ......................... 2 1.2.1研究目的 .............................. 2 1.2.2研究意义 .............................. 2 1.3研究现状 ...... 3 1.3.1国内研究现状 ...................... 3 1.3.2国外研究现状 ...................... 4 1.3.3研究现状评述 ...................... 6 1.4研究内容与研究框架 ................. 6 1.4.1研究内容 .............................. 6 1.4.2研究框架 .............................. 7 1.5研究方法 ...... 7 1.6创新之处 ...... 8 1.7本章小结 ...... 8 第2章 相关理论基础 ................ 9 2.1仓储管理概念 ............................. 9 2.2仓储管理理论 ............................. 9 2.2.1推动式仓储管理 .................. 9 2.2.2拉动式仓储管理 ................ 10 2.3仓储业务流程内容 ................... 11 2.3.1入库流程 ............................ 11 2.3.2出库流程 ............................ 12 2.3.3在库流程 ............................ 13 2.4本章小结 .... 14 第3章 FD医药公司仓储业务流程现状及问题分析 ............................. 15 3.1FD医药公司简介 ....................... 15 3.2FD医药公司仓储业务流程高层访谈调研 .............. 16 3.2.1调研问题设计 .................... 16 3.2.2调研对象 ............................ 17 3.2.3调研结果 ............................ 17 3.3FD医药公司仓储业务流程基层问卷调研 .............. 18 3.3.1问卷设计 ............................ 18 3.3.2问卷对象基本统计分析 .... 19 3.3.3问卷调研结果 .................... 20 3.4入库流程问题 ........................... 23 3.4.1原装破损延迟收货 ............ 23 3.4.2大批量到货卸货堆积 ........ 24 3.4.3设备故障导致标签打印量不稳定 ................... 27 3.4.4标签贴错产品 .................... 29 3.4.5贴标生产计划不合理产能低下 ....................... 30 3.5出库流程问题 ........................... 31 3.5.1拣货环节效率低下 ............ 32 3.5.2发货需求量骤增难以按时发货 ....................... 33 3.6在库流程问题 ........................... 34 3.6.1库存储存不集中 ................ 34 3.6.2库存的安全隐患 ................ 36 3.7本章小结 .... 37 第4章 基于拉动式仓储管理的业务流程优化设计 38 4.1入库流程优化 ........................... 38 4.1.1细化入库质检流程 ............ 38 4.1.2建立优先入库规则 ............ 39 4.1.3新增设备故障后应对流程 42 4.1.4加强标签质量控制 ............ 43 4.1.5合理安排生产计划 ............ 45 4.2出库流程优化 ........................... 46 4.2.1分设多个拣货组化整为零 46 4.2.2重要订单安排优先出库 .... 47 4.3.1在库产品储存位置优化 .... 51 4.3.2加强风险预防措施 ............ 52 4.4本章小结 .... 54 第5章 FD医药公司仓储业务流程优化实施保障 .. 55 5.1优化方案实施计划 ................... 55 5.2实施保障 .... 55 5.2.1人员保障 ............................ 55 5.2.2物力保障 ............................ 57 5.2.3财力保障 ............................ 57 5.3本章小结 .... 58 第6章 结论与展望 ................. 59 6.1总结 ............ 59 6.2不足 ............ 60 6.3展望 ............ 60

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