I 摘要 养老服务市场的结构性供需失衡、医疗资源的过渡利用导致新时代的中国老 年群体面临养老、看病两难困境。目前单一的养老或者医疗机构已无法解决这些 问题,为有效应对新时代养老领域问题,一种新的养老模式:“医养结合”应运而 生。2020年10月,党的十九届五中全会将积极应对人口老龄化上升为国家战略, 鼓励大力发展健康养老产业。可以预见,在2021年至2025年期间,参与主体进 一步多元化,市场竞争将呈现爆发式增长态势。在机遇与挑战并存的背景下,民 办医养结合型养老机构只有积极挖掘并提升核心竞争力,才能在不断变化的市场 中保持竞争优势。 S养老公寓是一家在工商部门登记备案的昆明本土营利性养老机构。本文以 其为例,通过运用核心竞争力的相关理论,着力构建新时代背景下S养老公寓核 心竞争力评价指标体系,在客观评价其现阶段核心竞争力的基础上,提出针对性 优化策略。首先,在深入研究国内外养老公寓核心竞争力相关理论的基础上,提 出民办医养结合型养老机构核心竞争力主要特征及构成要素。其次,运用PEST 和波特五力模型对S养老公寓的内外部发展环境进行了宏观和微观层面的分析, 并结合问卷调查数据,得出S养老公寓同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争激烈,竞争力提升空间较大的 结论。最后,建立S养老公寓核心竞争力评价指标体系并进行综合评价,发现其 在核心竞争力中存在以下5个问题:企业文化建设能力不足,尤其是精神文化和 行为文化较为薄弱;人力资源管理能力不高,员工不满情绪较为突出,团队服务 能力有待提高;品牌建设能力差,特别是品牌传播力度低、知名度差,导致其客 源基础相对固化;客户粘性不强,客户管理能力有待增强;创新意识不强,创新 投入资源严重匮乏。结合问题给出如下建议:一是健全企业文化体系,提升企业 凝集力;二是巩固人力资源管理能力,增强核心团队专业素养;三是优化客户管 理,提升客户满意度;四是强化品牌建设,提升企业形象;五是加大创新力度, 扩大健康养老生态圈。 关键词:核心竞争力;竞争力提升研究;S养老公寓 Abstract II Abstract The structural imbalance between supply and demand of the elderly service market and the excessive utilization of medical resources lead to the dilemma of elderly care and medical treatment for the Chinese elderly in the new era. At present, a single pension or medical institutions can no longer solve these problems. In order to effectively deal with the problems in the field of pension in the new era, a new pension model, "combination of medical care and nursing care", emerges at the historic moment. In October 2020, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee elevated actively coping with the aging of the population as a national strategy, encouraging the vigorous development of the health and pension industry. It can be predicted that during the period from 2021 to 2025, the participants will be further diversified, and the market competition will show an explosive growth trend. In the context of both opportunities and challenges, only by actively excavating and enhancing the core competitiveness can private medical and nursing service institutions maintain their competitive advantages in the constantly changing market. S Apartment for the Aged is a local for-profit nursing institution registered with the Department of Industry and Commerce in Kunming. This paper takes it as an example, and based on the theoretical research of the core competitiveness of the pension apartment, it tries to construct the evaluation index system of the core competitiveness of S pension apartment, in order to provide objective basis for the improvement of its core competitiveness. First of all, In an in-depth analysis of the basic theories about the competitive advantage of nursing institution in various countries around the world, the main characteristics and components of the core competitiveness of private medical and nursing combination residential care for the elderly are proposed. Secondly, the article uses the PEST statistical analysis method and Pert's five forces model to analyze the internal and external development trends of pension insurance apartment buildings from the macroeconomic and external economic aspects. Combined with the survey data, it is concluded that S pension apartment has fierce competition in the industry and large space for competitiveness improvement. Finally, the core competitiveness evaluation index system of S pension apartment was established and the comprehensive evaluation was conducted. It was found that there were five problems in the core competitiveness of S pension apartment: the enterprise culture construction capacity is insufficient, especially the spirit culture and behavior culture is weak; The human resource management system is not perfect, the comprehensive quality of the talent team needs to be improved; The poor brand building ability, especially the low brand communication intensity and poor visibility, leads to the relatively solidified customer base; Customer stickiness is not strong, customer management ability needs to be enhanced; The innovation consciousness is not strong, the innovation input resources are seriously deficient. Combined with the problems, the following suggestions are given: First, to improve the corporate culture system, enhance corporate cohesion; Second, to improve the human resource management system and enhance the professional quality of the Abstract III talent team; Third, optimize customer management and improve customer satisfaction; Fourth, strengthen brand construction and enhance corporate image; Fifth, strengthen innovation and expand the health care ecosystem. Key words: core competitiveness; Competitiveness enhancement; Promotion strategy; S Pension Apartment 目录 IV 目录 摘要 ..................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 目录 .................................................... IV 第一章 绪 论 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景和意义........................................... 1 一、 研究背景 ............................................................ 1 二、 研究目的 ............................................................ 2 三、 研究意义 ............................................................ 2 第二节 国内外研究现状........................................... 3 一、 核心竞争力研究现状 .................................................. 3 二、 养老机构研究现状 .................................................... 4 三、 养老机构核心竞争力研究 .............................................. 5 四、 研究评述 ............................................................ 5 第三节 研究内容、思路及方法..................................... 6 一、 研究内容 ............................................................ 6 二、 研究思路 ............................................................ 7 三、 研究方法 ............................................................ 8 第二章 概念界定和理论基础 ................................ 9 第一节 概念界定................................................. 9 一、 健康老龄化 .......................................................... 9 二、 医养结合 ............................................................ 9 三、 养老机构 ........................................................... 10 四、 民办医养结合型养老机构 ............................................. 10 第二节 理论基础................................................ 10 一、 奥尔德弗ERG需要理论 ............................................... 10 二、 福利多元理论 ....................................................... 10 目录 V 三、 医养结合型养老机构核心竞争力主要特征及构成要素 ..................... 11 第三章 S养老公寓发展现状分析 ........................... 13 第一节 S养老公寓项目简介 ...................................... 13 一、 基本概况 ........................................................... 13 二、 组织架构 ........................................................... 13 三、 服务对象和服务内容 ................................................. 14 四、 项目特色 ........................................................... 15 第二节 S养老公寓宏观环境分析 .................................. 15 一、 政治环境分析 ....................................................... 15 二、 经济环境分析 ..............................................