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制造业是我国国民经济的支柱,是立国之本。在《中国制造 2025》中明确指 出,通过“三步走”实现制造强国的战略目标。然而,我国相较于欧美等发达国 家,企业在大型复杂智能制造项目管理方面缺失依据项目特点的管理体系,严重 制约我国制造企业的战略发展。为此,本文在系统梳理国内外近 10 年的相关研究 基础上,应用共词分析和文献计量的方法,从项目管理内涵与外延,项目管理基 本内容、航空企业项目管理模式和项目管理能力评价四个方面进行了文献的梳理 和评述,研究发现,对于项目管理能力的评价,虽然在国际上有较为成熟和完备 的认证体系,然而该认证体系更多是对项目从业者的资质认证,难以形成对企业 的项目管理能力测评。对企业项目管理能力的评价,有较多学者从理论上构建形 成理论测评框架,能够对一般的项目管理能力进行评价,然而结合本研究的具体 对象,需要对其所在领域的特殊性、复杂性和专业性等进行系统的考察,否则项 目管理能力评价的结果难以获得较好的研究效果。 本文针对智能制造企业的项目管理的具体特点,研究进一步选择 CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration 简称:CMMI)集成模型为大型复杂智能制 造企业项目管理能力评价的主要理论框架,对大型复杂智能制造项目管理能力评 价的内涵与外延进行研究,提出该类研发项目具有技术含量高、研发周期短、技 术瓶颈多、涉及学科、领域、部门多样的特征;在此基础上,本文进一步对大型 复杂智能制造项目管理能力评价的概念模型进行构建,形成大型智能制造企业项 目管理能力的指标体系。 研究进一步选择 CF 企业作为本文的实证分析对象,通过对 CF 企业的基本概 况梳理,以及相应调研数据采集表的设计,能够最大限度地还原 CF 企业在大型复 杂智能制造项目管理能力的不同方面,选择权变综合评价方法,对 CF 企业大型复 杂智能制造项目管理能力进行综合评价,还能够反映 CF 企业在项目管理中存在的 不足,以此为基础,构建形成基于项目管理维度、项目管理持续改进维度,项目 产出维度的提升策略体系,为大型智能制造企业项目管理能力的持续改进,提供 理论与实践依据。 关键词:大型智能制造企业;成熟度模型;提升策略湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract Manufacturing industry is the pillar of our national economy and the foundation of our country. In the made in China 2025, it is clearly pointed out that the strategic goal of becoming a manufacturing power can be achieved through "three steps". However, compared with developed countries such as Europe and America, China's enterprises lack a management system based on project characteristics in the management of large-scale and complex intelligent manufacturing projects, which seriously restricts the strategic development of China's manufacturing enterprises. Combed in this paper, the system is nearly 10 years of relevant research both at home and abroad, the application of common word analysis and the method of bibliometrics, from project management connotation and denotation, basic content, the aviation enterprise project management project management and project management capability evaluation four aspects has carried on the literature of carding and reviewed in this paper, the study found that for evaluation of project management skills, while in the world have relatively mature and complete system of certification, however, the certification system is more a practitioner qualification certification of the project, in the enterprise project management ability. Evaluation of enterprise project management ability, more scholars from forming theory evaluation framework in theory, to evaluate the general project management skills, combined with the concrete object of this study, however, need to the particularity and the complexity of its area and professional systematic investigation, or project management capability evaluation results is hard to get good study effect. Aiming at the characteristics of intelligent manufacturing enterprise project management, the study further select CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI) Integration Model for large complex intelligent manufacturing enterprise project management ability evaluation, the main theoretical framework for evaluation of large complex intelligent manufacturing project management skills of connotation and denotation, puts forward the research and development projects with high technical content, research and development cycle is short, the technical bottleneck, disciplines and fields, and more departments varied characteristics; On this basis, this paper further constructs the conceptual model of project management capability evaluation of large-scale complex intelligent manufacturing enterprises, and designs the indicator system of project management capability of large-scale intelligent manufacturing enterprises. Study further selection CF enterprises as the object of empirical analysis, this article through to the basic situation of the CF enterprises, and the design of corresponding research data collection table, to maximize the reduction (CF in large complex intelligent manufacturing different aspects of the project management ability, comprehensive evaluation method, select contingency of CF enterprise comprehensive evaluation of large complex intelligent manufacturing project management ability, also湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III can reflect the CF shortcomings in the course of enterprise in project management, on this basis, construct form dimensions based on project management, project management dimension, continuous improvement project output dimension system of promotion strategy, It provides theoretical and practical basis for the continuous improvement of project management ability of large intelligent manufacturing enterprises. Keywords: Large-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Enterprises; Maturity Model; Promotion Strategy湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IV 目 录 摘要....................................................................................................................I Abstract..................................................................................................................II 目 录..................................................................................................................IV 第 1 章 引 言............................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景.......................................................................................................1 1.2 研究意义.......................................................................................................2 1.3 国内外研究现状...........................................................................................2 1.4 研究内容与研究方法...................................................................................9 本章小结............................................................................................................ 10 第 2 章 大型智能制造企业项目管理成熟度模型的构建....................................11 2.1 大型智能制造企业项目管理的特点与现状.............................................11 2.1.1 大型智能制造企业项目管理的特点.............................................11 2.1.2 大型智能制造企业项目管理的现状.............................................12 2.2 大型智能制造企业项目管理成熟度模型构建的总体思路和原则.........13 2.2.1 项目管理成熟度等级分析.............................................................13 2.2.2 项目管理成熟度模型构建的整体思路.........................................15 2.2.3 项目管理成熟度模型构建的整体原则.........................................16 2.3 大型智能制造企业项目管理成熟度的关键域和关键活动分析.............17 2.4 大型智能制造企业项目管理成熟度模型评价指标体系的解析.............21 2.5 大型智能制造企业项目管理成熟度模型评价指标体系的框架.............22 本章小结............................................................................................................ 24 第 3 章 CF 企业项目管理成熟度的评价指标体系构建及评价...........................25 3.1 CF 企业概况............................................................................................... 25 3.2 CF 企业大型智能制造项目管理成熟度的现状....................................... 25 3.2.1 项目管理要素维度方面...............................................................

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