随着中国经济增长速度放缓、利率市场化进程的加速和互联网金融的飞速发 展,原有金融体制下的传统金融模式正在逐步发生转变。在过去传统的金融环境 中,银行机构依靠其健全的体制、丰厚的产品、庞大的资源、完善的服务,处在 金融服务产业链的核心位置。然而,在新金融改革背景和互联网金融发展的良性 刺激下,以云计算、大数据、区块链、人工智能、移动互联网、社交网络、生物 识别等一系列的新一代信息技术的发展和应用为代表的金融科技(Fintech)时代 的来临正在改变着金融消费者对金融产品和服务的需求以及偏好,商业银行传统 的产品和服务亟需改变。 在新的金融环境中,由第三方支付机构、大型零售商、电子商务平台等市场 参与方组成的新金融生态圈给商业银行带来巨大的冲击,商业银行间的竞争也愈 发激烈。如何改变传统的经营理念和固有的经营模式,从而抓住机遇重塑客户关 系、拓展新的业务增长点,对商业银行而言迫在眉睫。客户是商业银行持续发展 的基石,客户资源、客户质量、客户关系决定着商业银行的命脉。在商业银行的 产品设计、服务渠道同质化严重的今天,其竞争最终落地到对客户的竞争。客户 关系管理作为商业银行挖掘、维护客户的一种新型经营理念和管理手段,其系统 化建设能有效提升客户满意度和忠诚度,为商业银行奠定坚实的发展基矗 本文以建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理的具体实践为案例,以关系营销理论、 客户价值理论等为理论指导,全面分析了建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理的现状 和存在的现实问题,在此基础上从客户识别与细分、客户选择与开发、客户维护 与挽留、客户价值提升等方面提出了客户关系管理优化策略,从组织、考核、管 理、人力、服务、风险等方面提出了客户关系管理策略实施的保障措施。 通过对建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理策略优化的研究,一方面能够为其实 现良好的客户关系管理提供帮助和指导,提高客户满意度和忠诚度,促进其客户 关系的良性化、优质化和稳定化;另一方面以期为商业银行进行客户关系管理和 策略优化提供借鉴思路。 关键词:商业银行,客户关系管理,客户满意度,策略 MBA学位论文 作者:白京厚 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理策略优化研究 II RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZATION OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN JINCHANG BRANCH OF CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK Abstract With the slowdown of China's economic growth, the acceleration of interest rate liberalization and the rapid development of Internet finance, the traditional financial model under the original financial system is gradually changing. In the past traditional financial environment, banking institutions are at the core of the financial services industry chain by virtue of their sound system, rich products, huge resources and perfect services. However, the background of the new financial reform and the development of the Internet financial benign, with cloud computing, big data, chain blocks, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet, social networking, biological recognition and a series of a new generation of information technology represented by the development and application of financial (Fintech) the coming of the era of science and technology is changing the financial consumer needs and preferences of financial products and services, commercial bank's traditional product and service needs to be changed. In the new financial environment, the new financial ecosystem composed of third-party payment institutions, large retailers, e-commerce platforms and other market participants has brought huge impacts to commercial Banks, and the competition among commercial Banks has become increasingly fierce. It is urgent for commercial Banks to change their traditional business philosophy and inherent business model, so as to seize the opportunity to reshape customer relations and expand new business growth points. Customers are the cornerstone of the sustainable development of commercial Banks. Customer resources, customer quality and customer relationship determine the lifeblood of commercial Banks. Nowadays, the product design and service channels of commercial Banks are homogenized seriously, and their competition finally falls to the competition for customers. Customer MBA学位论文 作者:白京厚 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理策略优化研究 III relationship management (CRM) is a new business concept and management method for commercial Banks to explore and maintain customers. Its systematic construction can effectively improve customer satisfaction and loyalty and lay a solid foundation for the development of commercial Banks. Based on the concrete practice of the construction bank Jinchang branch customer relationship management (CRM) as a case, according to the theory of relationship marketing, customer value theory as the theoretical guidance, comprehensive analysis of the bank of construction, Jinchang real problems of the present situation of the customer relationship management (CRM) and, on this basis, from the customer recognition and segmentation, selection and development, customer maintenance and customer retention and customer value enhancement strategies, customer relationship management optimization from the organization, examination and management, manpower, service, risk of customer relationship management strategy implementation safeguard measures are put forward. Through the research on the optimization of customer relationship management strategy of CCB Jinchang branch, on the one hand, it can provide help and guidance for the realization of good customer relationship management, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and promote the benign, high-quality and stable customer relationship. On the other hand, it is expected to provide a reference for commercial Banks in customer relationship management and strategy optimization. Key words: Commercial branch, customer relationship management, customer satisfaction, Strategy MBA学位论文 作者:白京厚 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理策略优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................. II 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 4 1.2 研究内容与方法 .............................................. 5 1.2.1 研究内容 ............................................... 5 1.2.2 研究方法 ............................................... 6 1.3 研究框架与技术路线 .......................................... 7 1.3.1 论文研究框架 ........................................... 7 1.3.2 论文研究的技术路线 ..................................... 8 第二章 相关概念与基本理论 ............................... 10 2.1 客户关系管理的概念 ......................................... 10 2.2 客户关系管理相关理论 ....................................... 12 2.2.1 关系营销理论 .......................................... 12 2.2.2 客户价值理论 .......................................... 13 2.2.3 客户满意度 ............................................ 14 2.2.4 客户忠诚度 ............................................ 16 2.2.5 客户生命周期理论 ...................................... 17 2.2.6 长尾理论 .............................................. 18 2.3 国内外研究综述 ............................................. 19 2.3.1 国外研究现状 .......................................... 19 2.3.2 国内研究现状 .......................................... 21 第三章 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理现状与存在的问题 ..... 25 MBA学位论文 作者:白京厚 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理策略优化研究 V 3.1 建设银行金昌分行简介 ....................................... 25 3.1.1 建设银行金昌分行基本概况 .............................. 25 3.1.2 建设银行金昌分行经营概况 .............................. 26 3.1.3 金昌市银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司业务概况 .................................. 27 3.1.4 建设银行金昌分行个人客户情况 .......................... 29 3.2 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理现状 ........................... 33 3.2.1 客户维护渠道分布 ...................................... 33 3.2.2 客户分层维护层级 ...................................... 35 3.2.3 产品和服务体系 ........................................ 36 3.2.4 客户关系管理系统应用 .................................. 37 3.3 建设银行金昌分行客户关系管理存在的主要问题 ................. 37 3.3.1 建