I 摘要 在我国经济结构转型升级发展的今天,国民经济的发展很大程度依赖于能源持续、 可靠的供给,电力作为推动社会发展的动力,一方面保障工业体系的正常运转,另一 方面,也是经济活动和人民日常生活不能缺少的能源之一。因此,电力体制的完善在 国民经济发展的过程中扮演了十分重要的角色。 我国新一轮的电力体制改革将在电价改革、售电侧开放、售电量市场建设等关注 度较高的领域迎来重要进展,旨在促进电力欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司蓬勃发展的同时,也是一场利益的深 刻调整,电力欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司从垄断转型到市场将面临如何竞争和发展的重要关头。新电改之后, 整个电力欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司将呈现出“放开两头,监管中间”的特征。以往只负责发电的企业将有 机会建立新的售电公司直接卖电给大客户,而且之前向电网售电的模式保持不变。这 将对国网陕西省电力公司这样的电网企业带来深刻影响,改变了企业的功能定位和运 营模式,打破现阶段电网企业集电力输送、统购统销、调度交易于一身的情况,使企 业的功能定位和运营模式产生根本性的变化。 本文回顾了我国电力工业和改革的基本情况,基于已有的自然垄断、政府管控和 企业战略等理论基础,运用PEST和SWOT分析法,对“新电改”下国网陕西省电 力公司的内、部环境、优劣形势等进行分析,对面临的新形势和挑战进行了深入探讨。 在分析过程中,采用理论与实践相结合的形式,并对该企业战略发展实际情况和存在 的问题进行了调研,收集和汇总该企业营销部、发展策划部、运营监控中心的管理者 对新一轮电改应对措施的看法。并在此基础上,提出“精益化管理、市场化发展”的 企业发展战略及实施保障。 本文旨在通过应对中国电力体制改革发展战略这一研究课题,借此分析我国电力 体制改革的历程、现状以及存在的主要问题,明确当前我国电力体制改革所处的形势, 并基于以上这些分析,结合陕西省电力体制改革实际状况,在分析问题的基础上给出 国网陕西省电力公司在本轮电改中的发展战略及实施保障,希望能为企业的发展提供 合理化的参考意见。 关键词:陕西电力,电力体制改革,发展战略,SWOT,市场化 ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT In the development of our country's economic structure transformation and upgrading, the development of the national economy is largely dependent on continuous, reliable supply of energy, electricity as a power to promote the development of society, on the one hand, to ensure the normal operation of industrial system, and on the other hand, is economic activities and one of the people's daily life can not lack of energy. Therefore, the perfection of power system plays a very important role in the development of national economy. The new round of power system reform in China will usher in important progress in the areas of electricity price reform, opening up of power selling side and construction of electricity selling market, aiming at promoting the vigorous development of the power industry, but also a profound adjustment of interests. The power industry will face an important juncture of how to compete and develop from monopoly to market. After the new electricity reform, the whole power industry will show the characteristics of "open two ends, supervision in the middle". In the past, the enterprises only responsible for generating electricity will have the opportunity to set up new power selling companies to sell electricity directly to big customers, while the previous mode of selling electricity to the grid will remain unchanged. This will have a profound impact on power grid enterprises such as Shaanxi Electric Power Company of China National Grid. It will change the function orientation and operation mode of enterprises, break the current situation that power grid enterprises integrate power transmission, purchase, sale and dispatch transactions, and make fundamental changes in the function orientation and operation mode of power grid enterprises. This article reviewed the basic situation of our country electric power industry and the reform, based on the existing natural monopoly and government control and enterprise strategic theory, using PEST and SWOT analysis method, under the "new electric change" priorities within shaanxi province electric power company, the department of environment, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed, such as situation to the new situation and challenges faced by in-depth discussion. In the process of analysis, in the form of the combination of theory and practice, and the enterprise strategy development actual situation and the existing problems in research, collect and summary the enterprise marketing, development planning, operation monitoring center managers view of new 西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文 IV change electric response. On the basis of this, it puts forward the enterprise development strategy of "lean management and market development". By dealing with the development of Chinese electric power system reform strategy this research subject, to analyze the history and current situation of electric power system reform in our country and existing main problems, clear the current situation of our country electric power system reform, and based on the above analysis, in combination with the practical situation of shaanxi electric power system reform, proposed on the basis of analyzing the problems on its development strategy in shaanxi province electric power company in the current electricity reform, hoping to provide reasonable reference for enterprise development. Keywords: Shaanxi electric power, power system reform, development strategy, SWOT, marketization 插图索引 V 插图索引 图1.1技术路线 ...................... 5 图3.1现行电力产业结构示意图 ........................ 17 图3.2新电改下电力环节体系结构示意图 ........ 22 图3.3新电改后电力产业结构示意图 ................ 23 图4.1 2016年陕西省全省全社会用电量占比示意图 ...................... 25 表格索引 VII 表格索引 表4.1 SWOT分析表 ............. 34 目录 XIII 目录 摘要 ............ I ABSTRACT ........................... III 插图索引 .. V 表格索引 VII 符号对照表 ............................ IX 缩略语对照表 ........................ XI 第一章绪论 .......................... 1 1.1选题背景及研究意义 1 1.1.1选题背景 ......... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ......... 2 1.2研究内容和研究方法 2 1.2.1研究内容 ......... 2 1.2.2研究方法 ......... 3 1.3国内外研究现状 ........ 4 1.4研究思路与研究框架 4 1.4.1研究思路 ......... 4 1.4.2研究框架 ......... 5 第二章相关理论和方法 .......... 7 2.1自然垄断理论 ............ 7 2.1.1自然垄断的定义 ............................ 7 2.1.2自然垄断基本特征 ........................ 7 2.1.3自然垄断产业的有效竞争 ............ 8 2.2政府管制理论 ............ 9 2.2.1政府管制理论的内涵 .................... 9 2.2.2政府管制的方式 ............................ 9 2.2.3政府管制的意义 ............................ 9 2.3战略管理理论 ............ 9 2.3.1战略管理的定义 ............................ 9 2.3.2发展战略及类型 .......................... 10 2.3.3竞争战略及定位 .......................... 10 2.3.4战略实施及其保障 ...................... 11 西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文 XIV 2.4主要分析工具 .......... 12 2.4.1PEST分析模型 ............................. 12 2.4.2SWOT分析 .... 13 第三章中国电力体制改革的现状分析 ............... 15 3.1中国电力工业的基本情况 ..................... 15 3.1.1中国电力工业的发展情况 .......... 15 3.1.2中国电力体制改革的四个阶段 .. 16 3.1.3中国电力体制改革的新方向 ...... 17 3.2中国电力体制改革面临的主要问题 ..... 19 3.2.1政府碎片性电力监管体系问题 .. 19 3.2.2政府电价管理制度问题 .............. 19 3.2.3电力企业政企不分问题 .............. 20 3.2.4电力结构不合理问题 .................. 20 3.3新一轮电力体制改革的情况 ................. 20 3.3.1新一轮电力体制改革的重要意义 ............................. 20 3.3.2新一轮电力体制改革的重点内容 ............................. 21 3.3.3新一轮电改的开展情况 .............. 22 3.3.4新一轮电改面临的挑战 .............. 24 第四章基于“新电改”国网陕西省电力公司发展战略分析及业务发展策略 ............. 25 4.1陕西电网及国网陕西省电力公司基本情况 ........................ 25 4.1.1陕西电网现况 .............................. 25 4.1.2国网陕西省电力公司情况介绍 .. 26 4.1.3陕西电网售电市场的发展态势 .. 26 4.2“新电改”下国网陕西省电力公司存在问题和面临的形势 ............................. 27 4.2.1存在的主要问题 .......................... 27 4.2.2面临的主要形势 .......................... 29 4.3国网陕西省电力公司外部发展环境PE