随着经济的发展,消费者消费结构升级,地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也由原来的爆发式发展演化 为服务竞争。物业服务在消费结构升级的背景下也在重新审视自己的服务角色,开 始提供越来越高端、越来越多样化的服务。物业服务企业所提供的售楼处服务就是 在这种背景下兴起的。物业的售楼处服务与以往物业服务企业所提供的服务不同, 不仅面对的是单一业主——售楼处工作人员,也要面向前来售楼处看房的顾客。这 就要求物业服务企业要研究双方的特点,不仅要服务于售楼处工作人员、也要服务 于顾客。进入石家庄市场两年多时间以来,RC物业发展势头一直很好,随地产开拓 售楼处项目不断增加,发展太快后暴露出的问题也渐渐显露。主要是因为在物业服 务企业没有切实将售楼处需求放在首要位置,与售楼处工作人员缺乏沟通,凡事都 是从经验角度出发。这就需要RC物业服务公司建立科学、有效的服务质量评价体系, 及时沟通了解客户的需求,有针对性地制定服务方案,提升服务质量,提高物业公 司服务能力,最终实现公司长远发展。 本文第一章介绍了此次研究的背景、目的和意义,研究的内容、方法和思路。 第二章介绍了国内外相关的研究现状、相关概念的界定和基础理论的介绍,对服务 质量相关理论做了概括。第三部分介绍RC物业服务企业的服务理念以及现行的服务 质量评价现状。第四章通过问卷调查法对售楼处各部门、物业公司管理层、前来售 楼处的顾客进行调查和分析,并对竞争企业进行调研,利用SERVAUAL方法计算分 数,分析薄弱环节,以作为提升RC物业售楼处服务质量的重要理论依据。第五部分 根据各项调查结果分析目前RC物业所提供的售楼处服务存在的问题,以及造成问题 的原因。最后有针对性提出提升RC物业服务公司服务质量的措施,实现持续葆有市 场占有率、稳步提升企业利润的目的。 关键词 物业服务;售楼处;服务评价;服务提升 III Abstract With the development of the economy, the residents’ consumption structure is upgraded, and the competing in real estate industry is also turned to the service competition from the explosive development. The property services, in the context of the upgrade of the consumption structure, are also re-examining their service roles, starting to provide more and more high-end and more diversified services. The service for the sales center provided by the property service enterprise is rising in this context. The service for the sales center is different from the service provided by the previous property service enterprises, it aims at not only the staff of sales center, but also the customers who mean to buy property in the sales center. This requires the property service enterprise to study the characteristics of both parties, not only to serve the staff of the sales center, but also to serve the customer. Since entering the Shijiazhuang market more than two years before, the development of the RC property company has been very good. With the fast development of the property development, the number of sales center RC property served is continuously increasing, and the problem began to emerge after the development is too fast. The main reason is that the property service enterprise did not put the demand of the sales center in the first place, and there is a lack of communication with the staff of the sales center, and all things are from the perspective of experience. This requires the RC property company to set up a scientific and effective service quality evaluation system, and timely understand the staff of the sales center needs, formulate the service plan, improve the service quality, improve the service ability of the property company, and finally realize the long-term development of the company. The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance of this study, and the contents, methods and ideas of the study. The second chapter introduces the domestic and foreign research status, the definition of the relevant concepts and the introduction of the basic theory, and summarizes the theory of service quality. The third part introduces the service concept of the RC property company and the present method of service evaluation. The fourth chapter is carrying out the investigation and analysis on the staff of the sales center, the management of RC property company and consumer in the sales center. And a survey is conducted in the competitive enterprises, so as to serve as an important theoretical basis for improving the quality of service of sales center provided by IV the RC property company. The fifth part analyses the existing problems of the services provided by RC property company and the reason of the problems based on the survey results. In the end, the aim of improving the service quality of the RC property service company is put forward, and to ensure the increasing of the market share and the steady improvement of the profit of the enterprise can be realized. Key words Property Service; Sales Center; Service Evaluation; Improvement of Service V 目 录 摘要 ········ I Abstract ····· III 第1章 绪 论 ·············· 1 1.1 研究背景 ············· 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ···· 1 1.3 研究思路、方法及内容 ············· 2 1.3.1 研究思路 ······· 2 1.3.2 研究方法 ······· 3 1.3.3 研究内容 ······· 4 第2章 关键概念界定与理论基础 ········ 5 2.1 关键概念界定 ······· 5 2.2 理论基础 ············· 5 2.2.1 服务质量 ······· 5 2.2.2 服务质量维度 · 8 2.2.3 服务质量差距模型 ············· 8 2.3 本章小结 ············ 10 第3章 RC物业售楼处服务及服务质量评价现状分析 ················· 11 3.1 企业简介 ············ 11 3.1.1 RC物业服务理念 ············· 11 3.1.2 RC物业售楼处服务特色 ···· 11 3.2 RC物业售楼处服务包解析 ······· 12 3.2.1 支持性设施 ··· 12 3.2.2 辅助用品 ······ 12 3.2.3 显性服务 ······ 12 3.2.4 隐性服务 ······ 12 3.3 企业服务流程 ····· 13 3.3.1 服务流程图 ··· 13 3.3.2 服务蓝图 ······ 13 3.4 RC物业售楼处服务质量评价方法及存在的问题 ················ 14 3.4.1 RC物业目前的采用的售楼处服务评价方法 ················ 14 3.4.2 RC物业目前采用的售楼处服务评价方法存在的问题 ···· 14 VI 3.5 本章小结 ············ 15 第4章 RC物业售楼处服务质量评价 ·· 16 4.1 RC物业售楼处服务质量调查 ···· 16 4.1.1 问卷设计与调查方法 ········· 16 4.1.2 分析方法 ······ 17 4.1.3 本次售楼处调查样本的基本情况 ············· 17 4.2 RC物业售楼处服务质量分析 ···· 18 4.2.1 服务质量维度分析 ············ 18 4.2.2 服务质量重要程度分析 ······· 25 4.2.3 不同因素对服务质量影响程度的分析 ······· 25 4.2.4 服务质量差距分析 ············· 27 4.2.5 RC物业售楼处服务质量比较分析 ··········· 30 4.2.6 顾客对售楼处物业服务质量分析 ············· 31 4.2.7 售楼处物业服务质量分析 ···· 34 4.3 RC物业售楼处服务质量存在问题 ················ 34 4.3.1 售楼处工作人员对物业员工的信任程度较低 ··············· 34 4.3.2 与售楼处员工缺乏有效的沟通 ··············· 34 4.3.3 缺乏服务亮点 35 4.3.4 第三方服务供应商素质参差不齐,影响售楼处服务质量 35 4.4 本章小结 ············ 35 第5章 RC物业售楼处服务提升建议 ·· 37 5.1 提升建议 ············ 37 5.1.1 重视售楼处工作人员需求,定期沟通并设计合理服务方案,建立方案库 ········· 37 5.1.2 重视对员工的招聘、培训及考核 ············ 37 5.1.3 与兄弟单位建立合作联盟,共同进步 ······ 38 5.1.4 除标准的服务流程和操作规范外编写实际案例增强服务灵活性 ········· 38 5.1.5 选择经验丰富的第三方服务合作商,降低风险成本 ······ 38 5.1.6 提供增值服务,利用专业知识提升服务质量 ··············· 39 5.2 本章小结 ············ 39 结 论 ······ 41 附 录 ······ 43