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中国是世界上智能手机的制造大国,也是智能手机的消费大国。很多国产手 机品牌正在全面超越苹果、三星等国际品牌,形成了以华为、OPPO、vivo、小 米为代表的新的智能手机世界竞争格局。各种手机零部件供应商不仅享受了国产 手机带来的规模红利,也深度参与到市场竞争中。同憶公司作为高端CMOS图 像传感器芯片方案的核心提供商之一,在拍照功能成为智能手机最为重要的核心 功能之一之后,也在更深度参与到中国智能手机摄像头成像方案的研发与创新活 动之中,见证了中国智能手机品牌的崛起。然而,随着中国智能手机出货量增长 拐点的出现,市场竞争更加激烈,如何使同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务竞争 力继续在众多的竞争者中保持优势,是同憶公司必须面对的重要课题之一。 论文采用“理论研究-调查分析-战略研究”的逻辑思路展开。首先,对论文 的研究背景与问题等进行描述,并对相关的文献进行整理和分析;接着,对同憶 公司CMOS图像传感器业务竞争环境进行重点分析,其中包括对公司概况、资 源和能力方面的分析,同时使用内部价值链分析工具对同憶公司的关键活动环节 进行分析,找出价值意义所在;在进行外部宏观环境及产业环境环境分析时,分 别使用了PEST工具和波特五力模型,并使用CPM态势矩阵工具对同憶公司的 竞争态势进行分析,从而对同憶公司CMOS传感器业务的机会、威胁、优势和 劣势进行甑别;接着,使用QSPM工具对同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务的竞 争战略进行选择,得出同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务应该实施差异化的竞争 战略,并设计同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务竞争战略方案、实施与保障方案。 通过研究分析,笔者得出,同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务已经是公司除 Memory存储器业务之外最重要的业务单元。通过提供技术差异化、服务差异化 和品牌差异化的差异化竞争策略,能够有效地提升公司该业务单元的竞争力。 当今,中国手机供应链内竞争日趋激烈,粤港澳大湾区内也存在着许多像同 憶公司这样在寻找如何提高业务单元竞争力的科技型企业。论文中对CMOS图 像传感器业务的分析并提出的业务差异化竞争战略方案及保障措施的方案及其 想法,可以给一些重技术、轻服务,或者重服务、轻研发的科技型企业提供很好 的参考意义,共同为推动粤港澳大湾区的企业竞争力升级而努力。 关键词:CMOS图像传感器业务,竞争战略,科技型企业 MBA 学位论文 作者:邹振兴 同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务的竞争战略研究 II COMPETITIVE STRATEGY RESEARCH OF AVP’S CMOS IMAGE SENSOR BUSINESS Abstract China is the world's largest manufacturer of smart phones and so is one of the major consumers. Many domestic mobile phone brands are surpassing international brands such as Apple and Samsung, forming a new competitive world of smartphones represented by Huawei, OPPO, vivo and Xiaomi. Various mobile phone component suppliers not only enjoy the scale dividend brought by domestic mobile phones, but also deeply participate in the market competition. As one of the core providers of high-end CMOS image sensor chip solutions, AVP has deeply involved in the research and development and innovation activities of Chinese smartphone camera imaging solutions. The rise of Chinese smartphones,however, with the emergence of the inflection point of China's smartphone shipment growth, the market competition is more intense. How to make the company's CMOS image sensor business competitiveness continue to maintain its advantages among competitors is one of the most important things that the company must faced. This assay designed base on the logic as "theoretical research-investigation analysis-strategy research". Firstly, the research background and problems of this paper are described, and related literatures are sorted and analyzed. Next, focus on the analysis of the competition environment of AVP CMOS image sensor business, including analysis of company profile, resources and capabilities, while using internal value chain analysis tools to analyze the key activities of AVP Company to find out the value significance. In the analysis of external macro-environment and industrial environment, PEST tool and Porter five force analysis models were used, respectively, and CPM matrix was used to analyze the competition situation of AVP Company of opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. Then use QSPM matrix to select the competition strategy of CMOS image sensor business of AVP Company. It is concluded that the CMOS image sensor business of AVP Company should implement a differentiated competitive strategy.With this conclution, AVP CMOS image sensor MBA 学位论文 作者:邹振兴 同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务的竞争战略研究 III business competitive strategy solution, and Implementation and Guarantee solution are made. After analysis, it could conclude that AVP’s CMOS image sensor business is already become one of the company’s most important business units in addition to its memory business. It could effectively enhance AVP’s business unit completion by providing differentiated competitive strategies for technology, service and brand, respectively. Nowadays, the competition in China's mobile phone supply chain is becoming increasingly fierce.There are also many technology-based enterprises in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Area that are looking for ways to improve the competitiveness of business units. The solution made and idea in this assay for AVP CMOS image sensor business unit can provide some meanful suggestion to those companies which business character is focus on technology not service or focus on service, not R&D. All we do is in order to work together to promote the competitiveness of enterprises in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay. Key Words: CMOS Image Sensor Business, Competitive Strategy, Hi-Tech Enterprise MBA 学位论文 作者:邹振兴 同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务的竞争战略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................. II 第一章 绪 论 ............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 研究方法和研究内容 ......................................... 3 1.2.1 研究方法 ............................................... 3 1.2.2 研究内容 ............................................... 4 1.3 论文的技术路线 ............................................. 4 第二章 竞争战略的基础理论和研究综述 ...................... 6 2.1 战略管理的演变和发展趋势 ................................... 6 2.1.1 战略管理的十大流派 ..................................... 6 2.1.2 战略管理的发展趋势 ..................................... 7 2.2 竞争优势理论的研究综述 ..................................... 8 2.2.1 资源能力观 ............................................. 8 2.2.2 动态能力观 ............................................. 9 2.3 科技型企业竞争战略的国内研究现状 .......................... 10 2.3.1 科技型企业的内涵 ...................................... 10 2.3.2 科技型企业竞争力的关键要素 ............................ 10 2.3.3 科技型企业竞争战略的选择 .............................. 11 第三章 同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务竞争战略环境分析 ..... 13 3.1 公司概况 .................................................. 13 3.1.1 公司简介 .............................................. 13 3.1.2 公司文化 .............................................. 13 MBA 学位论文 作者:邹振兴 同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务的竞争战略研究 V 3.1.3 公司总体战略与经营目标 ................................ 14 3.2 内部环境分析 .............................................. 14 3.2.1 资源分析 .............................................. 14 3.2.2 能力分析 .............................................. 16 3.2.3 内部价值链分析 ........................................ 18 3.3 外部环境分析 .............................................. 21 3.3.1 宏观环境分析 .......................................... 21 3.3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 .......................................... 28 3.3.3 竞争环境分析 .......................................... 32 第四章 同憶公司CMOS图像传感器业务竞争战略设计 ......... 34 4.1 竞争战略设计的原则和路径 .................................. 34 4.1.1 竞争战略设计的原则 .................................... 34 4.1.2 竞争战略设计的路径 .................................... 34 4.2 竞争战略的选择和设计 .....................................

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