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ICS 13.300A80GBNational Standard of the People's Republic of ChinaGB 13690 – 2009Replaces GB 13690 – 1992General Rule for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals Issued Date: June 21 2009Implementation Date: May 1 2010Issued byGeneral Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople’s Republic of ChinaandStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China GB 13690 – 2009Foreword Chapters VIand Vin the Standardare mandatory, whilstthe rest arerecommended.Theconformity degreebetween thisStandard anditscorresponding regulation,thesecondrevised edition of“Globally Harmonized Systemof ClassificationandLabeling ofChemicals” (GHS) ((ST/SG/AC.10/30/),is non-equivalent. ThisStandard’s technical contents areis conformity with thoseof the GHS. In accordancewithGB/T1.1–2000,some editorialchangeshavebeenmadetotheStandard’sformat.Themain differencesbetweenthisStandard whencomparedtoGB l3690–1992Classification and Labels of Dangerous Chemical Substances Commonly Usedare:---The Standard’s titleis changed into“General Rule for Classificationand HazardCommunication of Chemicals”;In accordancewiththe requirementsset forthin theGHS, theStandard setsuphazard classification of chemicals; andIn accordance withthe requirements set forthin the GHS, hazard communicationof chemicals is stipulated in the Standard.Annexes A, B, C and D to the Standard are informative appendices.ThisStandard isproposed byand isunder thejurisdiction oftheDangerousChemicals Management of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC251).The organizations that participated in the drafting of this Standard:Chemical Engineering Standardization Research Institute of China;Shandong Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau;Shanghai Chemical Research Institute;Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau; andHubei Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine BureauThe main drafters of this Standard:ZHANG Shao-Yan, CUI Hai-Rrong,YANG Yi, WANG Xiao-Bing, MEI Jian,TANGLi-Jun, CHE Li-Dong, CHEN Hui-Ming and ZHOU Wei.This Standard replaces the previously issued Standard:- GB 13690 – 1992.免费下载 GB 13690 – 2009General Rule for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals1. ScopeThe Standardspecifies theclassification andhazard communication ofchemicals inconsistence with the GHS.TheStandard appliesto theclassificationand hazardcommunication ofchemicals.Besides,the Standardgovernsthelabelsof chemicalworkplacesandofchemicalconsumer goods.2. Normative Reference

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