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I 摘要 以数字化为特征的第四次产业革命正席卷全球,金融业首当其冲。根据摩尔 定律,信息技术更迭速度不断加快,以移动互联、大数据、云计算、人工智能、 区块链为代表的金融科技成为经济转型和金融升级的必经之路,引发了金融格局 的颠覆与重构。消费金融——融合消费与金融两大热点,以“消费金融化、金融 生活化”为特征,在消费升级、拉动内需的普惠政策下,致力满足“人民日益增 长的美好生活需要”,推动经济高效高质发展,广受国内外关注。 我国持牌消费金融公司成立仅10年,处于成长期;在飞速迭代的金融科技背 景下,更处于变革期。本文选择银行系消费金融公司业内极具代表性的Z公司作 为案例研究对象,把握战略转型系统性、全局性、长期性、整体性和动态性的特 点,从战略转型驱动因素、战略转型选择与实施现状、战略转型绩效评价三个方 面,论证Z公司初步转型的合理性、总结现阶段转型经验与不足,最终明确下一 阶段的转型方案,探索金融科技背景下银行系消费金融公司完整的转型路径。 首先,对战略理论基础和消费金融、金融科技研究现状进行论述,明确金融 科技对消费金融公司的战略影响。其次,采用PEST、五力分析方法,通过宏微观 环境、内外部机遇与挑战全面分析,揭示了 Z公司原有线下经营模式难以持续的 转型背景。再次,2019年Z公司已依托控股银行科技引领的转型战略,尝试进行 数字化、场景化、线上线下一体化转型。本研究对其初步转型方案进行平衡计分 卡维度的评价,利用数据分析、问卷调查等方法,总结出财务、顾客、内部流程、 学习与成长四方面存在的具体不足,并对绩效偏低总体问题及原因进行分析。最 后,以初步转型方案的总体性问题与平衡计分卡各维度具体问题为导向,依据战 略理论及价值链分析法、金融科技应用实例、客户对互联网消费金融产品偏好问 卷调研结果,提出Z公司下一步战略转型建议,包括多层次战略扩大转型广度、 公司层渐进式与业务层差异化战略增强转型深度、职能层价值链优化整合措施提 升转型精度与融合度,以及相关法律合规、监管合规建议。 关键词:消费金融,银行系消费金融公司,金融科技,战略转型 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT The fourth industrial revolution characterized by digitization is sweeping the world, and the financial industry stands in the breach. The speed of information technology change is accelerating based on the Moore’s Law. Financial technology is represented by mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain, which has become the only way for economic transformation and financial upgrading, and also led to the subversion and reconstruction of financial system. Consumer finance integrates two hot spots of consumption and finance, which is characterized by “Consumption financialization and Financial living”. Under the inclusive policy of consumption upgrading and stimulation of domestic demand, it’s committed to meeting the “people’s growing needs for a better life”, promoting efficient and high-quality economic development, which is widely concerned at home and abroad. Licensed consumer finance companies in China have only been established for 10 years in a period of growth, and they are in a period of transformation under the context of rapid iteration of financial technology. Taking Z Company as an example, which is a representative bank consumer finance company, the paper grasps the characteristics of strategy transformation, including systematic, overall, long-term, holistic and dynamic. It demonstrates the rationality of Z company's initial transformation measures by analyzing driving factors of strategy transformation, the selection and implementation of strategy transformation, and the performance evaluation of strategy transformation. It points out the transformation plan of the next stage, and explores the complete transformation path of bank consumer finance company under the background of fintech. Firstly, the paper expounds the theoretical basis of strategy and the research status of consumer finance and financial technology, and clarifies the strategic impact of financial technology on consumer finance companies.Secondly, based on the macro and micro environment, internal and external opportunities and challenges, PEST and five-forces analysis are used by the paper to reveal the unsustainable transformation background of Z company. Thirdly, Z company has tried to carry out digital, scene-based, online and offline integration transformation relying on the strategy transformation led by the holding bank in 2019. In this study, the preliminary ABSTRACT III transformation project was evaluated by the dimension of BSC. By using data analysis, questionnaire survey and other methods, the deficiencies in four aspects of finance, customer, internal process, learning and growth are summarized. The problems and causes of low performance are analyzed. Finally, with the aid of strategic theory, value chain analysis, fintech application examples, customer preference survey results of Internet consumer financial products, guided by the overall problems of the preliminary transformation plan and the specific problems of the balanced scorecard, the strategy transformation suggestions of Z Company are put forward, which include multi-layered strategy to expand the scope of transformation, gradual and progressive strategy at corporate-level, differentiation strategy at business layer to enhance the depth of transformation, optimization and integration measures of value chain at functional layer to improve the accuracy and integration of transformation, and relevant legal and regulatory suggestions. Keywords: consumer finance, bank consumer finance companies, financial— technology, strategy transformation 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................ 1 1.1 研究背景 ................ 1 1.1.1 理论背景 .... 1 1.1.2 实践背景 .... 1 1.2 研究意义 ................ 2 1.2.1 理论意义 .... 2 1.2.2 实践意义 .... 2 1.3 研究目的与研究内容 ........................... 2 1.3.1 研究目的 .... 2 1.3.2 研究内容 .... 3 1.4 研究方法与技术路线 ........................... 3 1.4.1 研究方法 .... 3 1.4.2 技术路线 .... 4 1.5 本章小结 ................ 4 第二章 理论基础及研究现状 ........................... 5 2.1 理论基础 ................ 5 2.1.1 战略管理 .... 5 2.1.2 战略转型 .... 5 2.2 研究现状 ................ 7 2.2.1 消费金融与消费金融公司发展现状 ...................... 7 2.2.2 金融科技发展现状及对消费金融公司的战略影响 ........................... 11 2.2.3 金融科技背景下消费金融公司经营问题与战略研究现状 ............... 13 2.3 研究述评 .............. 14 2.4 本章小结 .............. 14 第三章 Z公司概况及转型动因 ...................... 16 3.1 Z公司概况 ........... 16 3.2 Z公司转型动因分析 .......................... 16 3.2.1 外部环境分析 ......................... 16 3.2.2 内部环境分析 ......................... 26 3.3 本章小结 .............. 30 目 录 V 第四章 Z公司初步转型方案及绩效评价 ...... 31 4.1 初步转型方案 ...... 31 4.1.1 运营管理 .. 31 4.1.2 产品设计 .. 32 4.1.3 市场营销 .. 32 4.1.4 风险控制 .. 32 4.1.5 转型保障 .. 33 4.2 转型绩效评价 ...... 33 4.2.1 财务维度 .. 33 4.2.2 顾客维度 .. 34 4.2.3 内部流程维度 ......................... 37 4.2.4 学习与成长维度 ..................... 38 4.3 转型问题总结及原因分析 ................. 39 4.3.1 问题总结 .. 39 4.3.2 原因分析 .. 39 4.4 本章小结 .............. 40 第五章 Z公司进一步转型建议 ...................... 41 5.1 多层次战略扩大转型广度 ................. 41 5.2 公司层与业务层加强转型深度 ......... 42 5.2.1 公司层渐进式转型 ................. 42 5.2.2 业务层差异化转型 ................. 42 5.3 职能层基本价值活动提升转型精度 . 43 5.3.1 线上线下一致的高效运营 ..... 43 5.3.2 场景产品贯通母行生态圈 ..... 45 5.3.3 全渠道营销各有侧重点 ......... 45 5.3.4 实现有温度的品牌交互 ......... 46 5.3.5 “数据+模型+算法”智慧风控 ............................ 46 5.3.6 提升智能客服精准度 ............. 47 5.4 职能层辅助价值活动保障转型融合度 ............................ 47 5.4.1 IT重构前中后台敏捷作业模式 ............................ 47 5.4.2 人力资源以人为本与敏捷转型 ............................ 48 5.4.3 企业文化注重创新与激励 ..... 49 5.4.4 财务预算与里程碑挂钩 ......... 49 目 录 VI 5.4.5 监察审计与业务同步创新 ..... 49 5.5 转型法律问题分析及应对建议 ......... 49 5.5.1 大数据方面 ............................. 49 5.5.2 远程面签方面 ......................... 50 5.6 监管合规分析及建议 ....................

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