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随着“互联网+”模式的不断革新,越来越多的人沉溺于网络交往与线上消 费活动。研究学者们多关注于网络信息的安全性、网络信任、商家信誉、群众响 应度、以及虚拟社区、购买反馈等对决策以及购买意愿的影响。但随着新时期网 络发展而形成的参照引领机制的出现,相关研究也应当进一步革新。 论文以线上网络购买人群为主要对象,对基础网络参照群体概念进行界定, 并基于S-O-R理论与社会影响理论提出相关研究假设,构建主体模型。此外,论 文借由文献研究的方法,将自变量网络参照群体的维度主要划分为信息性、规范 性以及互动性三个维度;将消费者购买意愿作为因变量,以顾客感知价值为调中 介变量,并划分为感知功能、感知情感、感知成本三个维度。通过问卷调查获取 数据后,借助SPSS 21以及AMOS等软件进行数据分析与处理,验证假设,并 得出如下结论:1)网络参照群体除信息性之外的规范性与互动性影响均对消费 者购买意愿存在显著促进作用。2)感知功能价值、感知情感价值以及感知成本 价值均会正向影响消费者购买意愿。3)网络参照群体的信息性、规范性以及互 动性对顾客感知价值的三个维度影响中,除信息性正向影响感知成本价值,以及 规范性正向影响感知成本价值的假设不通过之外,其他假设均通过。4)就顾客 感知价值三个维度的中介效应检验来看,除感知功能在互动性与消费者购买意愿 以及感知成本在信息性与消费者购买意愿之间的中介效应不显著外,其他假设均 通过。因此,论文根据相关调查以及假设检验结果,结合企业维护顾客忠诚的现 状,对企业维持消费者购买意愿的发展提出以下举措:(1)加强对网络参照群体 的重视与培养。首先,做好产品的全面化信息推广。其次,在进行网络营销和市 场推广时,不仅要关注产品的信息透明化,更要关注网络参照群体的基础领袖力, 识别出目标客户群中的最受关注的网络群体,与他们建立良好的合作和沟通渠道。 最后,要重视消费者与网络参照群体间的互动体验。(2)进行渠道挖掘,充分利 用网络参照群体的影响渠道。(3)注重消费者的过程体验价值。 论文通过研究网络参照群体、消费者购买意愿以及顾客感知价值三者之间的 关系,完善了消费者行为中的网络参照群体影响理论。并根据顾客感知价值中介 效用,对顾客感知理论在消费行为领域的应用作了相应拓展。本文的研究结果有 助于企业更好的了解消费者购买意愿的网络参照群体影响,对于企业的信息传递 以及营销策略的制定等具有指导意义。 关键词:网络参照群体;顾客感知价值;购买意愿 II Abstract With the continuous innovation of the Internet plus mode, more and more people are addicted to online communication and online consumption activities. Researchers pay more attention to the influence of network information security, network trust, business reputation, public response, virtual community and purchase feedback on decision-making and purchase intention. However, with the emergence of the reference leading mechanism formed by the development of network in the new era, relevant research should also be further innovated. Based on the S-O-R and Social impact theories, this paper defines the concept of basic network reference group, puts forward relevant research hypotheses, and constructs the main model. In addition, by the method of literature research, the paper divides the dimensions of the independent network reference group into three dimensions: informational, normative and interactive; consumer purchase intention as the dependent variable, customer perceived value as the mediating variable, and divided into three dimensions: perceived function, perceived emotion and perceived cost. After obtaining data through questionnaire survey, data analysis and processing are carried out with SPSS 21 and Amos software to verify the hypothesis, and the following conclusions are drawn: 1) the normative and interactive influence of network reference group, except for information, has a significant role in promoting consumers' purchase intention. 2) Perceived functional value, perceived emotional value and perceived cost value all positively affect consumers' purchase intention. 3) Among the three dimensions of the influence of the informativeness, normalization and interactivity of the network reference group on the perceived value of customers, all the other hypotheses are passed except that the informativeness positively affects the perceived cost value and the normalization positively affects the perceived cost value. 4) According to the three dimensions of customer perceived value, except that the mediating effects of perception function on interactivity and consumer purchase intention, as well as the mediating effects of perception cost on informativeness and consumer purchase intention are not significant, other hypotheses pass. Therefore, according to the relevant survey and hypothesis test results, combined with the current situation of maintaining customer loyalty, the paper puts forward the following measures for the development of maintaining customer purchase intention: (1) III strengthen the attention and training of network reference groups. First of all, do a good job of comprehensive product information promotion. Secondly, in network marketing and marketing, we should not only pay attention to the transparency of product information, but also pay attention to the basic leadership of the network reference group, identify the most concerned network groups in the target customer group, and establish good cooperation and communication channels with them. Finally, we should attach importance to the interactive experience between consumers and network reference groups. (2) Carry out channel mining and make full use of the influence channels of network reference groups. (3) Pay attention to consumers' process experience value process experience value. Through the study of the relationship among the network reference group, consumer purchase intention and customer perceived value, this paper improves the network reference group influence theory in consumer behavior. According to the intermediary utility of customer perceived value, the application of customer perceived theory in the field of consumer behavior is expanded. The research results of this paper will help enterprises better understand the influence of consumers' purchase intention on the network reference group, and have guiding significance for the information transmission of enterprises and the formulation of marketing strategies. Key words: Network reference group; customer perceived value; purchase intention IV 目 录 摘要 ......................................................................................................................................I Abstract .............................................................................................................................. II 第1章 引言 ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2研究意义 ............................................................................................................ 2 1.2 文献综述与相关概念的界定 ................................................................................ 2 1.2.1参照群体的相关文献综述 ............................................................................... 2 1.2.2顾客感知价值的相关文献综述....................................................................... 8 1.2.3购买意愿的相关综述 ..................................................................................... 10 1.3 研究思路与基本框架 ........................................................................................... 12 1.4 研究方法 ................................................................................................................ 13 1.5本文的创新点 ........................................................................................................ 14 第2章 理论基础 ............................................................................................................ 15 2.1 S-O-R理论 ............................................................................................................. 15 2.2社会影响理论 ...........

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