现阶段我国处于社会主义初级阶段,经济社会发展不均衡情况较为突出。虽 然保险业在我国的快速发展,使得保险市场已经初具规模,但是社会保障体系与 西方发达国家比较仍然存在一定的差距。从长远来看我国保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展前景较 为良好。而现阶段保险企业的竞争力稍显不足,竞争力的不足除了管理经营等原 因外,最主要是资源的配置效率较为低下。进入21世纪,中国已经进入知识经 济时代,知识资源的发展与企业的发展联系日渐紧密。因此本文从资源配置的视 角研究保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的知识资源配置,发现我国保险企业普遍存在对知识资源的认识 不足、对知识资源未形成相应的体系以及知识资源的配置低下等问题。造成我国 保险企业知识资源的配置不合理现象主要来源于两个方面。一方面是现阶段知识 资源的更新速度加快,技术进步周期越来越短,知识的更新速度已经超过历史上 的任何时期。因此对组织和员工的学习能力做出更高的要求;另一方面企业知识 资源共享依赖员工的知识共享完成,知识的共享依赖于知识的逸散,需要相关制 度的推进。 本文以安邦保险公司的知识资源配置情况作为研究实例,探究保险企业知识 资源配置机理。分析影响知识资源配置效率的影响因素,构建知识资源共享的模 型,进而提出优化的知识资源路径,提高企业知识资源的配置效率进而提升企业 的核心竞争力。本文研究工作主要有以下方面: (1)梳理国内外知识资源配置的研究现状以及了解知识资源配置的相关概 念。基于经济学的角度得出知识资源配置的经济学相关理论,最终完善知识资源 的配置的理论框架。 (2)对安邦保险公司知识资源配置进行研究。利用SWOT分析对安邦知识资 源配置进行分析,提出安邦知识资源配置中面临的困境。主要有组织的稳定性差、 员工的整体知识水平不高、缺乏知识资源的开发、缺乏制度的保障等问题。 (3)构建知识资源配置影响模型。本文以安邦保险公司作为研究事例,分 析保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的环境、知识资源的特征。以知识资源的固有属性、主体学习能力、 知识传递路径、文化氛围、激励机制五个维度探析知识资源配置的作用机制。 (4)结论与保障措施。针对第四章提出的问题对安邦保险知识资源共享实 施优化路径。基于知识资源配置模型从提高员工的学习能力、加强企业知识资源 配置的基础建设、完善企业知识资源配置的相关制度、加强企业内的知识创造四 个方面提出优化路径,为我国保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司知识资源配置提供策略支撑。 关键词:知识资源;安邦保险;资源配置 I ABSTRACT At the present stage, China is in the primary stage of socialism.Although the insurance industry in China has more than 20 years of development history, the insurance market has begun to take shape, but from the social security system and the western developed countries still have a certain gap.The Chinese government supports the insurance industry from both policy and economic aspects, so in the long run, the development prospect of China's insurance industry is relatively good.At present, the competitiveness of the insurance industry is a little insufficient. In addition to poor management and management, the most important reason for the lack of competitiveness is the low efficiency of resource allocation.In the 21st century, China has entered the era of knowledge economy.Therefore, this paper studies the allocation of knowledge resources in the insurance industry from the perspective of resource allocation, and finds that the allocation of knowledge resources is unreasonable, knowledge resources are not fully utilized and knowledge resources are wasted.The unreasonable allocation of knowledge resources in China's insurance enterprises mainly comes from two aspects.On the one hand, the updating speed of knowledge resources is accelerated, the technological progress cycle is shorter and shorter, and the updating speed of knowledge has exceeded any period in history.Therefore, higher requirements should be made on the learning ability of the organization and employees.On the other hand, the sharing of enterprise knowledge resources depends on the completion of knowledge sharing by employees. This paper takes the knowledge resource allocation of anbang insurance company as an example to explore the knowledge resource allocation mechanism of insurance companies.This paper analyzes the factors that affect the efficiency of knowledge resource allocation, constructs the model of knowledge resource sharing, and then proposes the optimized path of knowledge resource to improve the efficiency of knowledge resource allocation and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.The research work of this paper mainly includes the following aspects: The research status of knowledge resource allocation at home and abroad is reviewed, and relevant concepts of knowledge resource allocation are understood.Based on the Angle of economics, we get the related theories of knowledge resource allocation, and finally perfect the theoretical framework of knowledge resource allocation. II The knowledge resource allocation of anbang insurance company was studied.This paper analyzes the allocation of anbang's knowledge resources with SWOT analysis, and puts forward the dilemma in the allocation of anbang's knowledge resources.The main problems are poor organizational stability, low overall quality of employees, lack of knowledge resources development, lack of institutional guarantee and so on. (3)Construct the influence model of knowledge resource allocation.This paper takes anbang insurance company as a case to analyze the characteristics of the environment and knowledge resources of the insurance industry.This paper analyzes the functional mechanism of knowledge resource allocation from five dimensions: the inherent attribute of knowledge resource, the subject's learning ability, the path of knowledge transmission, the cultural atmosphere and the incentive mechanism. (4)Conclusion and safeguard measures.According to the problems raised in the fifth chapter, the optimization path of knowledge resource sharing of anbang insurance is proposed.Based on the knowledge resource allocation model, this paper puts forward improvement measures from four aspects: improving the learning ability of employees, strengthening the infrastructure of enterprise knowledge resource allocation, perfecting the relevant system of enterprise knowledge resource allocation, and strengthening the knowledge creation in the enterprise Key words: knowledge resources; anbang insurance; resource allocation 1 目录 第一章 引言............................................................................................. 1 第一节 选题背景和意义.................................................................................... 1 一、研究背景................................................................................................ 1 二、研究意义................................................................................................ 1 第二节 研究综述.................................................................................................. 2 一、知识概念的研究.................................................................................... 2 二、 知识资源的配置研究.......................................................................... 2 三、 知识资源的效率研究.......................................................................... 3 四、 文献述评.............................................................................................. 3 第三节 研究方法与技术路线.............................................................................. 4 一、研究方法................................................................................................ 4 二、技术路线................................................................................................ 5 第四节 研究内容与创新点.................................................................................. 5 一、研究内容................................................................................................ 5 二、创新点.................................................................................................... 6 第二章 企业知识资源配置的相关理论与研究 .................................... 7 第一节 古典经济学资源配置经典理论.............................................................. 7 第二节 现代经济学资源配置相关问题.............................................................. 7 第三节知识资源配置相关理论.....................