中意人寿 团险介绍Group Insurance from Genrali China Life
Generali China Group Insurance在全球 我们拥有最大共保网络
In the world, we have the largest GEB在中国 外资合资寿险公司中排名第一
In China, In terms of group insurance, No.1 among all foreign companies/joint ventures
Our clients前期承诺
Promise服务模式:全国统括服务Service: Nationwide Service Coordination Management Mode
产品类型:多产品一站式解决方案Product: One-stop Insurance Solution
01 面向人力资源部
To The HRs02其他服务
Other Service03 服务 Service面向员工
To The Employees01 面向员工
To The Employees理赔流程
Claim Procedure员工
On-site service理赔
Account manager will receive weekly outstanding payment report and confirm with the insured the correct bank info and then repay it.对于索赔材料递交不齐全,需近一步补充材料的情况,中意人寿将在10个工作日内通知索赔人(员工)进行补充,并在收到完整材料后再次受理。
If the documents is not complete, GC will inform the insured to supplement required documents within 10 working days and re-settle the claim.面向员工
For Employee宣讲会 Insurance Briefing
员工手册 EB Manual
员工福利自选平台Flex Benefits Selection现场咨询、收件 Onsite Service
专属热线、短信、邮件 Hotline, Short message, E-mail
微信服务平台 Wechat service platform
月均接通率 Average monthly pick-up rate > 96%
海归研究生学历人数 Master degrees with oversea studying background > 50%
Including benefits consulting, claims inquiring, claims consulting, claims dissent, insurant movement inquiring and alternation consulting, notice of loss, group annuity, complaints and suggestions, etc.专属服务热线
Exclusive hotline400 888 7555