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作为典型的朝阳产业,融资租赁业与银行、信托、证券、基金以及保险并称 为“世界金融市场的六大支柱”。目前,全球近四分之一的投资都是通过融资租赁 方式完成的。 我国于 1981 年成立第一家融资租赁公司,至今已有近四十年的历 史。上世纪 90 年代,融资租赁欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展在我国受挫停滞,正是因为对风险的认 识不全面,由于承租人的拖欠和违约,许多融资租赁公司纷纷倒闭,在经历一段 时间的修整后,目前我国的融资租赁欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司经历了蓬勃发展期,市场逐渐趋于饱和, 但存在中小型资金体量的公司在市场中占比大、市场渗透率远低于发达国家的情 况,这样的情况就会导致公司的风险承担能力相对较弱,相比发达国家我国融资 租赁欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的风险防范经验仍然有限、风险防范措施不足、不良资产危及公司安全 的事件时有发生,再加之近年市场波动较大,在这样的经济环境下,建立健全行 之有效的风险管理体系、有效地预测和管理风险,就决定了一家融资租赁公司持 续的生存和发展。 文章的重点是对“如何高效预测融资租赁公司的风险并对其进行有效防控” 这一课题进行分析与研究。围绕这一主题,本文首先探讨了目前的市场存在的风 险类型,对要面临和处理的问题有一个相对全面的了解;其次本文以 A 公司为 例,通过现有的评价手段对公司的综合情况进行分析,主要用到了 CAMELS 风 险评级方法以量化得出公司目前的风险等级;最后,在对风险等级综合评定的基 础上,本文提出运用 LPR 机制定价应对利率风险、建立风险预警系统、风险分 散化策略、资产证券化策略等几个方面的措施,以保障融资租赁公司的健康快速 发展。 关键词:A 公司;融资租赁;风险识别;风险评价;风险防范措施ABSTRACT As a typical sunrise industry, financial leasing industry, together with banks, trusts, securities, funds and insurance, is called "The Six Pillars Of The World Financial Market".At present, nearly a quarter of the global investment is completed through financial leasing. China established the first financial leasing company in 1981, which has a history of nearly 40 years. In the 1990s, the development of financial leasing industry in China was frustrated and stagnated. It is because of the incomplete understanding of risks, the default and default of the lessee, many financial leasing companies have closed down. After a period of repair, the current financial leasing industry in China has experienced a period of vigorous development, and the market is gradually saturated, but there are small and medium-sized companies with large amount of capital In the case of large market share and market penetration rate far lower than that of developed countries, the risk bearing capacity of the company will be relatively weak. Compared with developed countries, China's financial leasing industry still has limited experience in risk prevention, insufficient risk prevention measures, adverse assets endangering the company's safety, and in recent years, the market fluctuates greatly Under the economic environment, the establishment of a sound and effective risk management system and the effective prediction and management of risks determine the survival and development of a financial leasing company. The key point of this paper is to analyze and study the topic of "how to effectively predict the risks of financial leasing companies and effectively prevent and control them".In view of this problem, this paper first discusses the types of risks existing in the current market, and has a relatively comprehensive understanding of the problems to be faced and dealt with; secondly, taking A company as an example, this paper analyzes the comprehensive situation of the company through the existing evaluation methods, mainly using the camels risk rating method to quantify the current comprehensive situation of the company; finally, in the comprehensive score On the basis of the analysis, this paper puts forward several measures, such as using LPR mechanism to deal with interest rate risk, establishing risk early warning system, risk decentralization strategy, asset securitization strategy, to ensure the healthy and rapid development of financial leasing companies.

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