创新是引领发展的第一动力,而企业是落实创新驱动发展的主体和关键,企业创新需 要人才、资金、市场等多方要素聚集,其中吸引和留住高素质的人才对企业创新影响最大。 随着时代的发展,越来越多的新生代员工进入职场,他们成长的政治、经济、文化环境较 之以往有着不同的特征,也因此造就了他们不同的工作价值观。寻找适合他们的管理风格、 激发他们创新能力已经成为亟待解决的问题。 基于这种背景,本文回顾了本土化的管理风格-家长式领导风格理论、创新自我效能感 理论、员工创新行为理论,探讨了具有中国特色的管理方式与新生代员工创新行为之间的 关系,按照家长式领导的三个维度权威领导、仁慈领导、德行领导,构建了相应模型进而 提出假设,从员工角度的问卷出发,进行实证分析,探索了变量之间的相关关系。 实证分析得出如下结论: 1.家长式领导的三个维度与员工创新行为正相关。 2.家长式领导的三个维度与创新自我效能感正相关。 3.创新自我效能感与员工创新行为正相关。 4.创新自我效能感在家长式领导与员工创新行为之间起部分中介作用。 5.性别、独生子女状况、学历、企业性质对员工创新行为不存在显著差异。成长地、 出生年份、工作年限、职位对创新行为有差异性影响。 关键词:家长式领导;员工创新行为;创新自我效能感;新生代员工 II Abstract Innovation is the primary driving force for development, and an enterprise is the key to drive development and to launch innovation, it needs to attract and retain high-quality talents. With the development of the times, more and more new-generation-employees enter the workplace, whose growing environment of political, economic and culture has different characteristics than before and thus created their different work values. Finding a suitable management style and stimulating their innovative ability has become an urgent problem. Based on this background, this paper reviewed the local management styles-paternalistic leadership style theory, creative self-efficacy theory and employee's innovative behavior theory, and probes into the relationship between the management style with Chinese characteristics and the innovative behavior of the new generation employees. According to the three dimensions of patriarchal leadership, namely authoritative leadership, benevolent leadership and moral leadership, this paper constructs the corresponding model and puts forward the hypothesis, and also makes the demonstration analysis based on employee's questionnaire and explores the correlation relation among variables. The empirical analysis draws the following conclusions: 1. The three dimensions of paternalistic leadership are positively correlated with employee's innovative behavior. 2. The three dimensions of paternalistic leadership are positively correlated with creative self-efficacy. 3. Creative self-efficacy is positively correlated with employee's innovative behavior. 4. Creative self-efficacy is part of the mediating role between paternalistic leadership and employee's innovative behavior. 5. There is no significant difference in employee's innovative behavior in the aspects of sex, education and business nature Growth, only child or not, date of birth, working life and position have different influences on the innovative behavior.