随着经济全球化发展日益加快,企业的内外部环境面临着更加激烈和残酷的竞争与 挑战,企业传统的管理模式已经不能适应时代发展的需要。在这种情况下,企业管理层 逐渐意识到企业自身经营管理能力对企业经营效益的重要性,也逐渐意识到通过自身经 营管理能力的提升来提高自己的核心竞争力。绩效管理在企业发展壮大、经济效益的提 高中占有很重要的地位。有效的绩效考核管理体系,能更好地帮助企业创造价值,实现 经营目标,达成企业愿景。 十九大以来,我国不断深入体制改革,其中企业是改革的重点对象,企业的绩效管 理体系规范化对于提高企业经营水平至关重要,但我国企业绩效管理还存在着很多不足, 制约着企业的发展。 本文以XB石油公司为研究对象,在对其绩效管理现状进行梳理的基础上,深入剖析 其绩效管理工作存在的问题,以绩效管理相关理论为指导,采取合适的工具方法,并结 合公司的实际情况,从绩效计划、绩效辅导与沟通、绩效考核体系、绩效结果应用四个 方面对XB石油公司员工的绩效管理系统进行改进优化。并根据绩效管理系统运行中的影 响因素,提出了相应的配套措施。充分激发全员内在潜能,以达到提高组织整体绩效水 平的目的。 关键词:石油公司 绩效管理 改进设计 论文类型:应用研究 III Subject : Study on employee performance management of XB petroleum company Speciality: Business Administration Name : (signature) Instructor: (signature ) Abstract With the rapid development of economic globalization, the enterprise's internal and external environment are facing more fierce and brutal competition and challenges, the traditional enterprise management mode is not able to adapt to the needs of the development of era. Under this circumstance, the enterprise management has realized the importance of self management as well as their own management skills to improve the core competitiveness. Performance management plays an important role in the enterprises development and economic benefits improvement. Effective performance appraisal management system is helpful in creating value, achieving business objectives and achieving corporate vision. After the China nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party, China has been deepening the system reform, among which the enterprise is the key object of the reform. The standardization of enterprise performance management system is crucial to improve the level of enterprise operation. However, deficiencies still exist in China's enterprise performance management which restrict the development of enterprises. This article is aiming at XB oil companies, based on the deep insight into the problems existing in the performance management work process, by combing the company's actual situation and related theory, customizing the system in the areas of palan、 communication、 rating system and result application, as well as designing a set of system improvement project of performance management system that can fully stimulate overall internal potential and improve the level of the overall performance.