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国内家庭财富的增长带来零售业务快速发展机遇,而近年来对公业务又增长 缓慢,同时零售业务具有利润高、资本占用低、风险低的特点,让国内银行将零 售业务视为新的收入及利润增长点,改变以往对公为主的策略,加大零售业务投 入,主动向“大零售”转型。如何应对互联网时代及金融脱媒带来的客户行为改 变、需求变化,对零售业务营销策略进行优化,在零售业务竞争日趋激烈的情况 下,找到适合自身发展的转型之路,提升竞争力成为各家银行的研究重点。 中国银行平潭片区零售业务在产品上缺乏明星产品,同质化严重,营销团队 无法提供复杂产品组合方案,价格敏感度不足,价格策略运用不足,在促销上多 样性及连续性不足,渠道上手机银行有效客户占比较低,人员专业性不足,有形 展示较为生硬及未实行定位细分;客户管理过程及服务流程均有待改善,成因方 面,主要由于国内零售银行正经历从1.0时代进入2.0时代转型,且由于中国银 行平潭片区分行为基层行,受总分行管理机制约束,同时员工转型意识不足。 本文通过研究国内外银行零售业务营销策略相关文献,并以中国银行平潭片 区分行零售业务作为个案研究,结合比较分析法、问卷调查法,分析零售业务发 展现状,并通过SWOT分析法及营销7Ps理论,通过描述中国银行平潭片区分行 零售业务的优劣势、机遇与挑战,营销策略中产品、价格、促销、渠道、人员、 有形展示、过程的现状,并分析了存在的问题及成因。在此基础上,通过借鉴零 售业务先进银行招商银行及富国银行的成功案例,提出中国银行平潭片区分行零 售业务营销策略优化建议及实施保障。优化建议包括产品创新及打造明星产品体 系、差异化定价、多样化促销、大力推广手机银行、提升营销人员专业化水平、 优化网点布局及定位、精细化过程管理,同时从人才保障、机制保障、资源保障 等方面为优化建议实施提供保障,以期在竞争中取得优势。 关键词:零售业务,营销策略,SWOT,7Ps II Research on Marketing Strategy Optimization of Bank of China Retail Business ——Take Pingtan Branch as an example Abstract The growth of domestic household wealth has brought opportunities for rapid development of retail business, while the growth of public business has been slow in recent years. At the same time, retail business has the characteristics of high profit, low capital occupation and low risk. It makes domestic banks regard retail business as a new revenue and profit growth point, changing the previous public-oriented strategy, increasing investment in retail business, and initiatively transforming into "big retail".How to cope with the change of customer behavior and demand brought by the Internet era and financial disintermediation, optimize the marketing strategy of retail business, find the way of transformation suitable for their own development under the increasingly fierce competition of retail business, and enhance their competitiveness has become the research focus of all banks. Bank of China Pingtan Branch Retail Business lacks star products and homogeneity is serious. The marketing team can not provide complex product portfolio options. The price sensitivity is insufficient, the price strategy is insufficient, the diversity and continuity of promotion is insufficient, the proportion of effective customers in mobile banking channels is low, the professionalism of personnel is insufficient, the physical evidences is more rigid and the positioning is not implemented, the customer management process and service process need to be improved. The main reason is that domestic retail banks are undergoing the transformation from 1.0 era to 2.0 era, andBank of ChinaPingtan Branch is restricted by the management mechanism of the head branch, and employees are not aware of the transformation. This paper studies the literature related to the marketing strategy of bank retail business at home and abroad, takes the retail business of Bank of China Pingtan Branchas a case study, combines the comparative analysis method and questionnaire survey method to analyze the development status of retail business, and through SWOT analysis method and marketing 7Ps theory, describes the strengths, III weaknesses, opportunities and challenge of the retail business of Bank of ChinaPingtan Branch, the current situation of products, prices, promotions, places, personnel, physical evidences and process in marketing strategy, and analyze the existing problems and causes.On this basis, by referring to the successful cases of China Merchants Bank and Wells Fargo Bank, the paper puts forward the marketing strategy optimization suggestions and implementation guarantee of the retail business of Bank of China Pingtan Branch. The optimization suggestions include product innovation and star product system, differentiated pricing, diversified promotion, vigorous promotion of mobile banking, promotion of professional level of marketing staff, optimization of network layout and positioning, refined process management, while providing guarantee for the implementation of optimization suggestions from aspects of personnel security, mechanism security and resource security, in order to gain advantages in competition. Key words: Retail Business, Marketing Strategy, SWOT, 7Ps IV 目录 中文摘要 .......................................................... I Abstract ......................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ....................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 文献评述 .................................................... 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 ........................................... 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 ........................................... 4 1.2.3文献评述 ............................................... 6 1.3 本文主要研究内容 ............................................ 7 1.4 研究方法及技术路线图 ........................................ 7 1.4.1研究方法 ............................................... 7 1.4.2技术路线 ............................................... 8 1.5本研究可能的创新............................................. 9 第二章 相关研究理论概述 .......................................... 11 2.1 银行零售业务概述 ........................................... 11 2.1.1银行零售业务基本内容 .................................. 11 2.1.2银行零售业务的发展趋势 ................................ 12 2.2 相关理论 ................................................... 14 2.2.1 SWOT理论概述 ......................................... 14 2.2.2 7Ps营销策略概述 ...................................... 15 第三章 中行平潭分行零售业务营销策略现状分析 ...................... 17 3.1中行平潭分行零售业务情况简介................................ 17 3.1.1中行平潭分行零售业务介绍 .............................. 17 3.1.2中行平潭分行零售业务定位 .............................. 20 3.2中行平潭分行零售业务营销环境分析............................ 21 3.2.1宏观环境分析 .......................................... 21 3.2.2微观环境分析 .......................................... 22 3.3中行平潭分行零售业务营销策略的现状.......................... 24 3.3.1产品结构 .............................................. 24 3.3.2价格定价 .............................................. 24 3.3.3促销手段 .............................................. 25 V 3.3.4渠道选择 .............................................. 25 3.3.5人员架构 .............................................. 26 3.3.6有形展示 .............................................. 26 3.3.7过程服务 .............................................. 26 3.4中行平潭分行零售业务SWOT分析............................... 27 3.4.1 优势分析.............................................. 27 3.4.2 劣势分析.............................................. 28 3.4.3 机遇分析.............................................. 29 3.4.4面临挑战 .............................................. 30 第四章 中行平潭分行零售业务营销策略存在问题及影响因素分析 ......... 33 4.1客户问卷调查结果分析........................................ 33 4.2中行平潭分行零售业务营销策略存在的问题...................... 39 4.2.1产品同质化严重 ........................................ 39 4.2.2价格策略运用不足 ...................................... 39 4.2.3促销手段不

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