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1 摘要 在国民经济保持较好发展态势的今天,小微公司在推动经济发展、社会发展方 面发挥着不容小觑的重要作用。但是,因为遭受到繁杂的本国与外国经济环境影响, 众多小微企业仍然受到融资困难、资金不足等多种条件的严重限制,公司若想保持 稳健发展并取得质的突破并非易事。 基于此背景,本文在借鉴现有相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的前提下,通过案例剖析、文献分析等 多种常用方法,阐述了小微企业的划分标准及其特征,对小微信贷业务特征及银行 专业化含义进一步解释说明,科学合理地明确了相关概念及理论,为本研究工作顺 利开展提供了重要指导;将目光聚焦于徽商银行安庆分行,并对其当前开展的小微 公司信贷业务展开了深入细致地调查研究,在揭示其发展现状的基础上对其存在问 题给予深度分析,并通过经典成熟的 SWOT 方法从多方面入手客观全面地明确了其 现有优势和不足,提出徽商银行安庆分行小微企业信贷业务专业化发展策略。 本文研究表明,徽商银行安庆分行的小微企业信贷业务发展的主要优势在于客 户基础较好、具有良好的品牌意识及本地口碑、单列小微信贷资源等方面;其劣势 主要体现在一是从业人员专业水平参差不齐,二是审批流程过长,三是产品创新能 力较弱;同时,面对着较好的政策支持、大数据等技术的运用,在本地区众多小微 客户中仍有较大的机会存在;当然,也面临外部竞争激烈,经济下行压力大等威胁。 根据 SWOT 分析,本文发现,其小微公司信贷业务适用于增长型(SO)策略,需在良 好的政策环境下,通过各种方法不遗余力地扩展小微公司信贷业务空间,依托于外 在优势创造有利的发展契机,实现对小微客户的精准营销,并结合其实际需求推出 针对性业务,实现小微企业业务专业化经营。 本文研究有一定的现实意义,不但可以为徽商银行安庆分行的小微企业信贷活 动运作实施科学引导,还能够为打破小微企业融资难提供借鉴和思路。 关键词:小微企业;信贷业务;专业化发展;策略小微企业信贷业务专业化发展研究一以徽商银行安庆分行为例 I ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the national economy maintaining a strong development trend, small and micro companies are playing an important role that cannot be underestimated in promoting economic and social development. However, due to the complex domestic and foreign economic environment, many small and micro enterprises are still seriously restricted by financing difficulties, lack of funds and other conditions, it is not easy for companies to maintain steady growth and make qualitative breakthroughs. In view of this, this paper, on the premise of referring to the existing relevant materials, through case analysis, literature analysis and other common methods, clearly and comprehensively explained the classification standards and specific characteristics of small and micro companies, scientifically and reasonably clarified the relevant concepts and theories, providing important guidance for the smooth development of this research work; Focused attention on the in anqing anhui merchants bank branches, and the current of small credit business launched investigation and study, deeply and in detail on the basis of reveals the current situation of the development of the current problems faced by the comprehensive, deep analysis, and through the classic mature SWOT method from the aspects of objective comprehensively made clear its existing advantages and disadvantages, based on this put forward to promote small micro enterprise credit business steady, the standardization, the methods and measures of long-term development. After an extensive and in-depth investigation and analysis of the credit business development of small and micro companies in Anqing Branch of Huishang Bank, this paper finds that its advantages are mainly reflected in strong brand concept and large customer source, while its disadvantages are mainly reflected in the following points: first, the professional level of employees is uneven; second, the approval process is too long; third, the product innovation ability is weak; at the same time, facing the comparison between the two aspects, we can find that the main advantages of the small and micro enterprise credit business development of HS bank 安庆 branch are good customer base, brand awareness, good reputation, simple With good policy support and the application of big data and other technologies, there are still big opportunities for many small and Micro customers in the region; of course, they are also facing fierce external competition and great downward pressure on the economy. According to theABSTRACT II SWOT analysis, it is found in this paper that the credit business of small and micro companies is suitable for growth (SO) strategy. In a good policy environment, the credit business space of small and micro companies should be expanded by various methods. It is necessary to fully utilize the external advantages to realize the operation opportunities for small and Micro customers Through the innovation of credit business and products and the promotion of service mode, the small and micro enterprise business can be operated professionally. This thesis is of great practical significance. It can not only provide scientific guidance for the operation of small and micro enterprises' credit activities of 安 庆 branch of HS bank, but also provide reference and ideas for breaking the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises. KEYWORDS: Small business;Credit business;Professional development;strategy小微企业信贷业务专业化发展研究一以徽商银行安庆分行为例 1 目 录 第一章 绪论.......1 第一节 研究背景与研究意义........................1 一、研究背景.............1 二、研究意义.............1 第二节 国内外研究现状综述........................2 一、国外研究现状综述............................2 二、国内研究现状综述............................3 第三节 研究内容与方法.4 一、研究内容.............4 二、研究方法.............5 第四节 论文的创新与不足............................5 第二章 小微企业界定与小微企业信贷的相关理论.... 6 第一节 小微企业界定.....6 一、小微企业划分.....6 二、小微企业主要特征............................7 三、小微信贷主要特征............................7 四、专业化含义.........8 第二节 小微企业信贷业务相关理论............7 一、信息不对称理论.8 二、信贷配给理论.....9 三、SWOT 分析............9 第三章 徽商银行安庆分行小微信贷业务现状分析.. 10 第一节 安庆地区小微企业发展现状及其存在问题..................10 一、安庆地区小微企业发展现状..........10 二、安庆地区小微企业发展存在的问题.............................11 第二节 徽商银行安庆分行小微信贷业务现状.........................12目 录 2 一、徽商银行安庆分行基本情况..........12 二、业务现状...........12 三、信贷产品情况...13 四、业务流程现状...14 第三节 徽商银行安庆分行小微企业信贷业务存在的问题.....15 一、同质化经营.......15 二、未能适应多元化需求......................16 三、信贷机制偏好大企业......................16 四、产品运用不足...16 五、粗放式营销.......16 六、专业人才不足...17 第四章 徽商银行安庆分行小微企业信贷业务环境分析.........................18 第一节 宏观环境分析. 18 一、政策环境...........18 二、经济环境...........19 三、社会环境...........21 四、技术环境...........21 第二节 开展小微企业信贷业务的 SWOT 分析.......................22 一、优势分析...........22 二、劣势分析...........22 三、机会分析...........23 四、威胁分析...........23 第五章 徽商银行安庆分行小微企业信贷业务专业化发展策略.............26 第一节 专业化发展目标..26 一、重塑信贷文化...26 二、建立健全风控体系..........................26 三、创新机制...........26 四、夯实基础管理...26 五、加强队伍建设...26 六、实现业务高质量发展......................27小微企业信贷业务专业化发展研究一以徽商银行安庆分行为例 3 第二节 小微业务经营专业化......................27 一、业务转型...........27 二、管理转型...........28 三、服务转型...........28 第三节 小微产品创新专业化......................29 一、理念创新推进产品多元化策略......29 二、提升产品市场品牌影响力..............30 三、探索区域化、特色化产品创新......30 第四节 小微业务营销专业化......................30 一、打造营销模式...31 二、提升营销品牌...36 第五节 专业化发展的保障措施..................38 一、加强队伍专业化建设......................38 二、建立工作机制和完善绩效考核......38 三、财务资源保障...39 四、1T 系统保障......39

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