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I 摘要 随着我国公共交通的发展,地铁在我国公共交通体系中已扮演十分重要的角 色。地铁所带来的巨大人流引起了各类企业的关注,企业期望通过广告向密集 的人群宣传自身,从而地铁广告应运而生,并逐渐成为广告业中的重要新兴媒 体。潜在的巨大利益吸引了各路广告公司投入地铁广告的竞争中,KY广告公司 作为重庆本土企业在重庆地铁广告欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中已占据了一席之地。但在激烈的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 竞争之下,KY广告公司也存在如下问题:利润收益上还不尽如人意,同时在客 户群体的进一步扩展方面也后续乏力。为确保公司的长期可持续发展,树立公 司在地铁广告这一新媒体中的特色品牌形象,以赢得更多客户的认可,对KY广 告公司现行的营销系统进行科学的优化势在必行。 本研究通过从宏观到微观对KY广告公司的市场环境进行剖析,利用营销战 略三角模型,从多个维度描述KY公司目前的营销情况,结合层次分析法(AHP) 分析各个因素的所占比重,筛选出KY广告公司目前营销过程中的突出问题进行 分析。针对筛选出的关键几个问题,从市场细分,价格、促销、品牌等方面入 手,提出合理的优化策略及建议。首先,市场战略方面细化市场细分变量、拓 宽目标市场及确立本土化和发展新兴媒体的市场定位,进一步拓宽公司的市场; 其次,价格方面通过分析媒体产品价格的影响因素,综合利用渗透定价和差别 定价两种不同的定价策略,为公司地铁媒介产品制定出符合市场和客户需求的 价格;再次,促销策略方面分析现阶段市场竞争,设计出KY广告公司折扣型促 销策略广告,提高公司促销力度;最后,品牌策略方面通过内部文化和外部形 象的建设及作业流程的专业化提高公司的品牌形象。 本研究对于KY广告公司的营销业务具有一定指导意义,并且可为同类型企 业的营销优化措施提供依据。 关键词:KY广告公司;地铁广告;营销策略;战略模型;层次分析法 Abstract II Abstract With the development of public transportation in China, the subway has played a very important role in China's public transportation system. The huge flow of people brought by the subway has attracted the attention of various enterprises. The company hopes to promote itself to the crowds through advertisements, so that subway advertisements have emerged as the times require, and gradually become an important emerging media in the advertising industry. The potential huge interest has attracted the competition of various advertising companies to invest in subway advertising. KY Advertising Company has occupied a place in the Chongqing subway advertising industry as a local enterprise in Chongqing. However, under the fierce industry competition, KY advertising company also has the following problems: The profit return is not satisfactory, but also in the further expansion of the customer group is also weak. In order to ensure the long-term sustainable development of the company, establish the company's unique brand image in the new media of subway advertising to win more customers 'recognition, it is imperative to scientifically optimize the current marketing system of KY Advertising Company. Through analyzing the marketing environment of KY advertising company from macro to Micro, using strategic business model to design the questionnaire marketing situation, and analyzing the specific marketing problems of the company based on hierarchical analysis model, this research provides the direction for the optimization of marketing strategy. On this basis, around the marketing problem of KY advertising company, the marketing strategy of KY company is put forward, and a new marketing strategy of KY advertising company is formulated from four aspects: marketing strategy, price, promotion, and brand. Firstly, the market strategy is to refine the market segmentation variables, widen the target market, and establish the localization and development of emerging media market positioning, further expanding the company's market; Secondly, through analyzing the influencing factors of the price of Abstract III media products, the price of subway media products can meet the needs of the market and customers. Thirdly, the marketing strategy analyzes the current market competition, designs the KY advertising company discount promotion strategy advertisement, improves the company's promotion strength; Finally, the brand strategy improves the brand image of the company through the construction of internal culture and external image and the specialization of operating processes. This research has certain guiding significance for the marketing business of KY advertising company, and can provide the basis for marketing optimization measures of the same type of enterprise. Keywords: KY Advertising company ;Subway Advertising; Marketing Strategy; Strategic Model; Analytic Hierarchy Process 目录 IV 目录 摘要 ..................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 目录 .................................................... IV 第一章 绪论 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景 ......................................... 1 第二节 研究意义 .......................................... 2 第三节 研究内容和研究方法 ............................... 3 一、研究内容 ................................................... 3 二、研究方法 ................................................... 4 第四节 研究技术路线 ..................................... 4 第二章 相关理论以及研究现状 ............................. 6 第一节 相关理论 ......................................... 6 一、营销策略与营销战略 ......................................... 6 二、营销战略模型——三角模型 ................................... 6 三、层次分析法理论 ............................................. 7 第二节 国外相关研究综述 ................................. 8 一、地铁广告价值 ............................................... 9 二、地铁广告独特的公益性及文化性 ............................... 9 三、地铁广告营销策略研究 ....................................... 9 第三节 国内相关研究综述 ................................ 11 一、地铁广告价值 .............................................. 11 二、地铁广告独特的公益性及文化性 .............................. 11 三、地铁广告营销策略研究 ...................................... 12 第三章 KY广告公司地铁广告营销环境现状 .................. 14 目录 V 第一节 KY广告公司的现状介绍............................ 14 一、KY广告公司简介 ............................................ 14 二、KY广告公司产品介绍 ........................................ 14 第二节 KY广告公司地铁广告营销环境分析 .................. 18 一、宏观营销环境 .............................................. 18 二、微观营销环境 .............................................. 19 第四章 基于层次分析法的营销问题分析 .................... 26 第一节 问卷设计基础 .................................... 26 第二节 基于层次分析法的权重分析 ........................ 29 一、构建层次结构 .............................................. 30 二、建立判断矩阵 .............................................. 31 三、判断矩阵排序及检验 ........................................ 32 四、权重结果分析 .............................................. 35 第三节 KY广告公司地铁广告的营销问题 .................... 37 一、公司市场战略问题 .......................................... 37 二、公司经营战术问题 .......................................... 38 三、公司品牌价值问题 .......................................... 38 第四节 KY广告公司地铁广告营销策略问题分析 .............. 39 一、市场细分不明晰 ............................................ 39 二、价格制定不合理 ............................................ 39 三、促销策略落后 .............................................. 40 四、品牌形象不突出 ............................................ 40 五、无明确作业流程 ............................................ 41 第五章 KY广告公司地铁广告的营销策略设计 ................ 42 第一节 KY广告公司地铁广告目标市场战略 .................. 42 一、市场细分相关分析 .......................................... 42 二、合理选择目标市场 .......................................... 44 三、市场定位规划 .............................................. 45 目录 VI 第二节 KY广告公司地铁广告的营销策略 .................... 47 一、价格策略 .................................................. 47 二、地铁广告促销策略 .......................................... 49

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