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我国65岁以上人口在2019年底达1.76亿人,占全国人口比重12.6%,且 每年的增长速度不断加快。从人均国民生产总值看,我国仍处于发展中国家, 但人口老龄化程度已达到甚至超过国外发达国家水平,养老资源的不足、4-2-1 家庭结构下的养老负担、老年空巢化等一系列社会养老问题突出。单靠政府的 能力解决如此庞大数量老年群体的养老问题不切实际,因此近些年来不断出台 各种养老服务产业优惠政策,鼓励和推动民间资本参与养老服务体系的建设, 从而在政策层面催生了一个未来达数万亿级的新型产业市场。房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司当前 正处于历年来最严厉的政策调控阶段,在经营业绩和增长均经受严峻考验的背 景下,国内房地产企业纷纷思考如何突破欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司困境和寻找新的业务增长点,而 地产开发业务占企业总体营收最大比重的YH集团也身在其中。养老地产作为养 老服务产业的一个组成部分,同时也是地产开发的一个细分领域,当前在我国 处于初期发展阶段,虽已有很多企业对外宣布开始布局该领域,并落实到具体 项目开发,但从项目投放到市场以及后期运营的具体表现上来说,这些已建成 的养老地产项目有些被市场定性为伪养老地产,有些则出现亏损。 本文运用战略管理理论开展研究,以YH集团养老地产发展为研究对象,运 用PEST分析模型、波特五力分析模型对我国养老地产的宏观环境和产业环境进 行分析。在YH集团的内部环境分析中,充分利用企业内外部相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,从财 务、组织架构、人力资源和企业文化共四个方面客观评估了YH集团所拥有的资 源和能力,并通过SWOT分析矩阵,综合YH集团养老地产发展的内外环境,认 为当前养老地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的机会大于威胁,YH集团的的内部优势大于劣势,因此确 定了把握外部发展机会,充分发挥内部优势的SO战略,明确了YH养老地产发展 的战略目标是布局覆盖全国重点城市,具有一批养老地产国内标杆项目,成为 中国养老地产专业领先品牌。为确保YH集团养老地产战略目标的实现,制定了 “资源聚焦”、“区域聚焦”和“模式聚焦”的“三聚焦”发展战略,并从组 织保障、人力保障、资金保障和运营保障共四个方面制定了YH集团养老地产发 展战略实施的保障措施,保障战略决策的高效推进。 关键词:YH集团;养老地产;发展战略 II Abstract China's population over 65 years old reached 176 million by the end of 2019, accounting for 12.6 percent of the country's population, and the annual growth rate is accelerating. From the perspective of per capita GNP, China is still a developing country, but the degree of population aging has reached or even exceeded the level of foreign developed countries. A series of social pension problems are prominent, such as the shortage of pension resources, the pension burden under 4-2-1 family structure, and the empty-nest of the elderly. It is unrealistic to rely on the government's ability to solve the pension problem of such a large number of elderly groups. Therefore, in recent years, various preferential policies for the pension service industry have been continuously introduced to encourage and promote the private capital to participate in the construction of the pension service system, thus creating a new industrial market of trillions in the future at the policy level. Real estate industry is currently at the stage of policy over the years the most severe, the business performance and growth are suffered severe test of the background, the domestic real estate enterprises are thinking about how to break through industry and seek new business growth point, and real estate development business enterprise overall revenue the largest proportion of YH group also body in it. Endowment real estate as a part of the service industry, is also a niche property development, the current in the early stages of development in our country, although there are many companies announced to start the field layout, and implement the specific project development, but from the project into the market and the manifestation of the late operation, some of these endowment real estate projects have been completed by the market as a pseudo endowment property, losses in others. III In this paper, strategic management theory is used to carry out the research. Taking the development of YH group's old-age care real estate as the research object, PEST analysis model and porter's five forces analysis model are used to analyze the macro environment and industrial environment of China's old-age care real estate. In YH group's internal environment analysis, make full use of enterprise internal and external data, from the financial, organizational structure, human resources, and objective evaluation of the corporate culture has four aspects YH group has the resources and capabilities, and through the SWOT analysis matrix, internal and external environment of comprehensive YH group endowment real estate development, think the current endowment real estate opportunities than threats, YH group internal advantages outweigh the disadvantages, thus determines the external development opportunities, give full play to the internal advantage SO strategy, clear the YH endowment real estate development strategic objective is the key city layout covering the whole country, It has a number of domestic benchmark projects of old-age care real estate, and has become a leading professional brand of old-age care real estate in China. In order to ensure the implementation of YH group endowment real estate strategic objectives, formulated the "resource focus", "regional focus" and "mode focusing on" the "three focuses" development strategy, from the and safeguards of organization, human security, financial support and operations support, a total of four aspects made the YH group endowment real estate development strategy implementation safeguard measures, ensure efficient propulsion of strategic decision. Keywords:YH Group; Pension Real Estate; Development Strategy IV 目录 摘要 .............................................................. I Abstract .......................................................... II 一、绪论 ........................................................... 1 (一)研究背景与意义 ............................................ 1 1.研究背景 ................................................. 1 2.研究意义 ................................................. 2 (二)养老地产国内外研究现状 .................................... 3 1.国外养老地产研究现状 ..................................... 3 2.国内养老地产研究现状 ..................................... 4 3.国内外研究评述 ........................................... 6 (三)研究方法 .................................................. 6 (四)研究内容与框架 ............................................ 7 二、研究的理论基础.................................................. 9 (一)养老地产概述 .............................................. 9 1.养老地产的定义 ........................................... 9 2.养老地产的类型 ........................................... 9 3.养老地产的特点 .......................................... 10 4.养老地产的开发模式 ...................................... 11 (二)战略管理相关理论 ......................................... 13 1.战略的含义与特点 ........................................ 13 2.战略管理的基本理论 ...................................... 14 3.战略管理的主要分析工具 .................................. 16 三、YH集团养老地产发展的外部环境分析 .............................. 18 (一)宏观环境 ................................................. 18 1.政治环境 ................................................ 18 2.经济环境 ................................................ 20 3.社会环境 ................................................ 20 4.技术环境 ................................................ 22 (二)产业环境 ................................................. 22 1.潜在进入者 .............................................. 22 2.替代品的威胁 ............................................ 24 3.购买者议价能力 .......................................... 25 4.供应商议价能力 .......................................... 26 V 5.欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内现有竞争 .......................................... 26 四、YH集团养老地产发展的内部环境分析 .............................. 28 (一)YH集团概况 .............................................. 28 (二)YH集团内部环境分析 ...................................... 29 1

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