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自党的十八届三中全会将普惠金融定为国家战略以来,近年来,我国普惠金 融取得了良好的发展成效。G公司从成立之初开始一直积极探索普惠金融的服务 模式,依托金融科技逐步构建起开放式集合科技借款服务体系,连接借款人、增 信方、资金方,向增信方和资金方输出基础信贷评估服务,为借款人提供多元借 款服务解决方案。公司历经十多年发展,已成长为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的代表性企业。但随着 公司业务规模的增长,产品模式的创新,公司接入的资金方越来越多,生产上发 现无法将借款人精准分配给资金方的情景,已造成客户流失、公司费用损失,需 要尽快制定优化策略。 本文以G公司为研究对象,以全面风险管理理论、核心竞争力理论、客户 细分理论以及流程再造理论等作为指导,综合运用文献参考、定性与定量相结合 的研究方法,基于G公司的业务现状,深入研究了借款人与资金方匹配管理体 系问题并制定了相关优化策略。全文一共分为七章,分别从绪论、匹配管理体系 现状研究、优化目标、主要问题分析、优化策略制定、优化策略实施与保障以及 结论七大部分展开研究。 本文从理论与实践相结合的角度对造成借款人与资金方无法精准匹配的原 因进行了深入分析,针对借款人与资金方匹配管理体系,提出了加强客户管理、 优化部门间协作、优化预算管理机制、优化需求管理流程以及加强管理工具建设 的优化方案。优化后,匹配管理体系可以更高效地运营,实现借款人与资金方更 精准匹配。 G公司作为金融借贷平台,在国内一直处于欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领先地位,通过对其存在的 问题进行研究和优化,不仅可以解决G公司现存问题,提高企业营收,降低企 业运营风险,对其他同类企业也具有借鉴指导意义。 关键词:金融借贷;匹配管理;客户管理;预算机制;需求管理流程 III Abstract Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made inclusive finance a national strategy, in recent years, China's inclusive finance has achieved good development results. G company has been actively exploring the service mode of Inclusive Finance since its establishment, Relying on financial science and technology to gradually build an open integrated science and technology loan service system, Connect the borrower, the credit increasing party and the fund party, export basic credit evaluation services to the credit increasing party and the fund party, and provide the borrower with multiple loan service solutions. The company has experienced more than ten years of development, has grown into a representative enterprise in the industry. But with the growth of the company's business scale, product model innovation, and more and more investors are connected to the G company, in production, the borrower cannot be accurately allocated to the financing party.It has resulted in the loss of customers and the loss of the company's fee, so it is necessary to formulate the optimization strategy as soon as possible. This paper takes G company as the research object, under the guidance of comprehensive risk management theory, core competence theory ,customer segmentation theory and process reengineering theory, Comprehensive use of literature reference, qualitative and quantitative research methods, be based on business status of G company, studies the matching management system between the borrower and the Funder, and formulates relevant optimization strategies. The paper is divided into seven chapters, including introduction, the research of matching management system, optimization objectives , analysis of key issues, optimization strategy formulation, optimization strategy implementation and guarantee, and conclusion. In this paper, from the perspective of the combination of theory and practice, the reasons for inaccurate matching between the borrower and the funder are analyzed, be aimed at the matching management system between the borrower and the funder, IV propose optimization plan of Strengthening customer’s management, optimize the cooperation between departmentss, optimizeing budget management mechanism, optimizing demand management process,and strengthening the construction of management tools. As a financial lending platform,G company has been in the leading position in the industry in China. By studying and optimizing the existing problems, it can not only solve the existing problems of G company, improve the enterprise revenue, reduce the enterprise operation risk, but also have reference significance for other similar enterprises. Key words: Financial Lending; Matching Management; Customer Management; Budget Mechanism; Demand Management Process 目录 致谢.... I 摘要... II Abstract ........................... III 第1章 绪论..................... 1 1.1选题背景、目的及意义........................ 1 1.1.1选题背景 ......... 1 1.1.2研究目的 ......... 2 1.1.3研究意义 ......... 3 1.2国内外研究现状..... 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 . 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 . 5 1.2.3国内外研究现状评述 .................... 6 1.3研究内容及研究方法............................ 6 1.3.1研究内容 ......... 6 1.3.2研究方法 ......... 7 1.3.3研究的逻辑架构 ............................ 7 1.4本文创新之处......... 8 第2章 G公司及其借款人与资金方匹配管理体系现状研究 ... 9 2.1G公司及借贷业务概述 ......................... 9 2.1.1G公司概述 ....... 9 2.1.2G公司借贷业务体系 .................... 13 2.2借款人与资金方匹配管理体系现状.. 14 2.2.1管理团队 ....... 14 2.2.2预算机制 ....... 15 2.2.3需求管理流程 .............................. 16 2.2.4管理工具 ....... 18 第3章 G公司借款人与资金方匹配管理体系优化目标分析 . 22 3.1G公司核心竞争力分析 ....................... 22 3.1.1核心竞争力理论内容 .................. 22 3.1.2G公司核心竞争力分析 ................ 22 3.2G公司内外部环境分析 ....................... 23 3.2.1G公司内部环境分析 .................... 23 3.2.2G公司外部环境分析 .................... 25 3.3员工访谈分析....... 27 3.3.1研究方法 ....... 27 3.3.2访谈过程及结果分析 .................. 27 3.4借款人与资金方匹配管理体系优化目标分析................. 28 3.4.1减少客户流失提升客户体验 ...... 29 3.4.2满足资金方的资产需求 .............. 29 3.4.3提升匹配管理体系运营效率 ...... 29 第4章 G公司借款人与资金方匹配管理体系主要问题分析 . 31 4.1全面风险管理理论.............................. 31 4.2客户管理问题....... 32 4.2.1客户分类维度单一 ...................... 33 4.2.2基于还款意愿客户分类可行性分析 ......................... 33 4.3业务部门协作问题.............................. 38 4.3.1匹配规则管理 .............................. 38 4.3.2资金池管理 ... 39 4.3.3资产供给管理 .............................. 40 4.4预算管理机制问题.............................. 42 4.4.1预算分散管理 .............................. 42 4.4.2缺少灵活的预算调配机制 .......... 43 4.5需求管理流程问题.............................. 44 4.5.1价值流介绍 ... 44 4.5.2价值流图分析匹配管理体系需求管理流程 ............. 44 4.6管理工具运营效率问题...................... 45 4.6.1数据获取时效慢 .......................... 46 4.6.2缺少有效的监控及预警机制 ...... 46 4.6.3缺少可视化图表 .......................... 46 第5章 G公司借款人与资金方匹配管理体系优化策略制定 . 47 5.1优化目标和原则... 47 5.1.1优化目标 ....... 47 5.1.2优化原则 ....... 47 5.2加强客户管理....... 48 5.2.1基于还款意愿进行客户分类 ...... 48 5.2.2优化客群组合 .............................. 49 5.3业务部门协作优化.............................. 50 5.3.1匹配规则管理 .............................. 50 5.3.2资金池管理 ... 51 5.3.3资产供给管理 .............................. 52 5.4预算管理机制优化.............................. 54 5.4.1集中预算管理 .............................. 54 5.4.2优化预算调整机制 ...................... 54 5.5需求管理流程优化.............................. 56 5.5.1组建专业化需求管理团队 .......... 56 5.5.2构建灵活的需求排期机制 .......... 57 5.5.3细化需求实施步骤 ...................... 57 5.6增加管理工具运营模块建设.............. 60 5.6.1建立业务指标监控报表 .............. 60 5.6.2搭建系统处理监控 ...................... 60 5.6.3增加可视化报表 .......................... 61 第6章 G公司借款人与资金方匹配管理体系优化策略实施与保障 .................... 62 6.1优化策略实施....... 62 6.1.1项目规划 ....... 62 6.1.2项目审批 ....... 63 6.1.3项目立项及启动 .......................... 63 6.1.4项目实施 ....... 63 6.2优化策略实施保障.............................. 65 6.2.1人力保障 ....... 65 6.2.2资金保障 ....... 65 6.2.3制度保障 ....... 66 6.2.4技术保障 ....... 66 第7章 结

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