软件产品的营销是信息科技发展而出现的营销新领域,随着“数字经济”概念的提 出与相关政策的出台,我国软件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司迎来了高速发展期。然而,与发达国家相比仍存 在不少的差距,究其原因,营销环节是其中之一。开展国内市场的软件产品营销研究, 对我国软件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的健康发展具有实际的商业价值和研究价值。 同时,随着国家整体战略的转型升级,从高速增长转变为高质量增长的关键时期, 供应链也上升到更加重要的战略位置,提高供应链环节的作业能力,对于提升企业的 效率、附加值、消费者体验和满意度,降低运营成本,实现产业结构性调整和转型升 级,具有重要的意义。 本文就A公司供应链管理软件的营销策略进行研究,根据相关理论基础和国内 外研究成果,结合国内外供应链软件的发展概况,对营销工作进行精准、详实的分析, 结合调研数据,深入剖析市场营销过程中存在的问题。运用蓝海理论对该公司进行价 值曲线重建,聚焦重点目标市场,从内容营销、数字营销、品牌管理、和生态合作伙 伴四个方面制定新营销策略的具体内容。其中以数字营销为主要驱动引擎,以业务升 级和渠道下沉为主要策略,不断优化公司市场模块和职能的配置,打造品牌生态圈, 提升公司生态建设能力。 综上所述,本文将就A公司供应链管理软件在市场营销所遇到的问题和挑战, 寻求切实可行的解决方案,通过构建基于数字化技术的市场营销体系,制定出以客户 为中心的营销策略,提高企业在营销端的获客能力,降低获客成本,积累更多的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 最佳实践,实现企业的竞争优势和可持续发展。 关键词:供应链管理软件;软件产品营销;数字营销 III Abstract Software product marketing is a new marketing field arising from the development of information technology. With the introduction of the concept of "digital economy" and related policies, China's software industry has ushered in a period of rapid development. However, compared with developed countries, there are still many gaps. One of the reasons is marketing capability. Developing software marketing research in domestic market has practical commercial value and research value for the healthy development of software industry in China. Meanwhile, with the transformation and upgrading of national strategy, the overall Chinese has experienced a critical period from high-speed growth to high-quality growth. Supply chain industry has been risen to a more important strategic position for the purpose of improving the efficiency and value-added of enterprises, enhancing consumers’ experiences and satisfactions, reducing entire operational costs, and also help to reach the goal of industrial structural upgrading. This paper studies the marketing strategy of A company's supply chain management software. According to the relevant marketing theoretical basis and research results, and integrate with the development of supply chain software know-how both at home and abroad, we collect the marketing data to precisely and deeply analyze the problems in existing marketing situation. The paper is concepting to use Blue Sea theory to rebuild the company's new value curve, focus on the key target markets, and formulate the specific content of the new marketing strategy from following four aspects: content marketing, digital marketing, brand management and ecological partners. Among them, digital marketing is the main driving engine and business upgrading and channel sinking are the main strategies to optimize the allocation of the company's market modules and functions,enhance the company's ecological construction capacity. In summary, this paper will seek pragmatic solutions to solve the problems and challenges encountered by A company's supply chain management software in marketing. By building a marketing system based on digital technology, we will formulate a customer-centered marketing strategy to improve the ability of enterprises to obtain customers at the marketing function and reduce the cost, accumulate more industry best practices in order to build the competitive advantages and sustainable development of A company. IV Keywords:Supply Chain Management Software; Software Product Marketing; Digital Marketing 目录 致谢 ............. I 摘要 ............ II Abstract ..... III 第1章 绪论 .............................. 1 1.1研究背景 .............................. 1 1.2研究目的和意义 ................... 1 1.2.1研究目的 ... 1 1.2.2研究意义 ... 2 1.3国内外研究现状 ................... 2 1.3.1国外研究现状 .......................... 2 1.3.2国内研究现状 .......................... 4 1.3.3国内外研究现状评述 .............. 5 1.4研究内容与研究方法 ............ 5 1.4.1研究内容 ... 5 1.4.2 研究方法 .. 6 1.5本文创新之处 ....................... 7 第2章 理论基础 ....................... 8 2.1营销理论概述 ....................... 8 2.2 4P营销理论.......................... 8 2.2.1 4P营销理论概述 ..................... 8 2.2.2 理论应用分析 ......................... 8 2.3品牌管理理论 ....................... 9 2.3.1 品牌管理理论概述 ................. 9 2.3.2 理论应用分析 ......................... 9 2.4数字营销理论 ....................... 9 2.4.1 数字营销理论概述 ................. 9 2.4.2 理论应用分析 ....................... 10 2.5整合营销传播理论 ............. 10 2.5.1 整合营销传播理论概述 ....... 10 2.5.2 理论应用分析 ....................... 10 第3章 A公司的外部环境分析 .............................. 11 3.1 A公司宏观环境分析 .......... 11 3.1.1政治环境因素 ........................ 11 3.1.2经济环境因素 ........................ 11 3.1.3社会环境因素 ........................ 12 3.1.4科技环境因素 ........................ 12 3.2 SCM软件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 ...... 13 3.2.1全球SCM软件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 .............................. 13 3.2.2中国SCM软件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 .............................. 14 第4章 A公司SCM软件营销现状及存在问题 ..... 18 4.1公司业务概况 ..................... 18 4.1.1公司简介 . 18 4.1.2产品概况 . 18 4.2现行营销策略分析 ............. 19 4.2.1产品策略分析 ........................ 19 4.2.2定价策略分析 ........................ 20 4.2.3渠道策略分析 ........................ 21 4.2.4促销策略分析 ........................ 21 4.2.5营销数据分析 ........................ 22 4.3企业SWOT矩阵分析 .......... 26 4.3.1 SWOT分析 ............................. 26 4.3.2 SWOT战略矩阵 ..................... 28 4.3.3 SWOT分析结论 ..................... 29 4.4调研问卷分析 ..................... 29 4.4.1 调研问卷设计 ....................... 29 4.4.2 调研数据分析 ....................... 30 4.4.3 调研问卷结论 ....................... 31 4.5 存在问题总结 .................... 31 第5章 A公司SCM软件营销策略优化制定 ......... 33 5.1营销策略优化整体目标 ...... 33 5.2创新市场价值体系 ............. 33 5.3创新市场需求空间 ............. 35 5.4 创新营销体系建设............. 37 5.4.1创新营销体系架构 ................ 37 5.4.2创新数字技术应用 ................ 38 5.4.3营销体系改进策略 ................ 38 5.5创新整合营销传播 ............. 39 5.5.1数字传播计划 ........................ 39 5.5.2内容营销计划 ........................ 42 5.5.3合作伙伴计划 ........................ 43 5.5.4品牌传播计划 ........................ 44 第6章 保障和实施 ................. 46 6.1保障措施 ............................ 46 6.1.1打造动态组织架构 ................ 46 6.1.2加强营销团队建设 ................ 46 6.1.3 提高部门协同效应 ............... 47 6.1.4 建立营销CRM系统 .............. 47 6.2实施方案 ............................ 48 6.2.1实施计划 . 48 6.2.2预期效果 . 49 第7章 结论与展望 ................. 50 7.1结论 ..... 50 7.1.1营销指标优化结论 ................ 50 7.1.2调研问卷对比结论 ................ 55 7.2研究不足 ............................ 56 7.3后续研究展望 ..................... 57。。。。。。以下内容略