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上世纪90年代以来,我国商业银行赖以生存和发展的外部环境正发生着巨大的变化, 为顺应金融全球化和时代化的发展,我国正逐步实行利率市场化、资本监管等多方面的改 革。商业银行传统的粗放式和外延扩张型战略已不适用,面对激烈的外围市场环境,同时 互联网金融的蓬勃发展,给商业银行带来巨大挑战,零售业务也面临渠道的优化和转型。 必须通过转型,寻找其他业务来实现创收,于是零售业务成为商业银行新的利润增长点和 突破口。零售业务产品的不断创新,业务规模不断扩大,为商业银行大大降低风险,提高 利润空间,同时也增加了市场竞争力。零售业务逐渐受到商业银行的重视,商业银行能否 持续稳健发展以及获利取决于零售业务的成熟度。在以零售业务为核心的商业银行,必须 建立一套完整的、科学的、合理的零售业务营销体系,来保障商业银行的长足发展。 本文以波特五力模型、STP理论和4P理论为基础,对商业银行零售业务及营销管理的 相关文献进行分析与提炼,基于理论的支撑,结合PY支行的实际发展状况和零售业务实 际发展需要,考虑到银行的内外部环境对其的影响,提出了该支行拓展零售业务市场的营 销策略。主要研究商业银行零售业务营销环境分析,基于波特五力模型分析同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内现有 竞争者的竞争能力、潜在竞争者进入的能力、替代品的替代能力、供应商(存款者)的讨 价还价能力、购买者(贷款者)的讨价还价能力之间的相互联系与综合影响力。论文从市 场营销环境入手,引入4P理论角度,对零售业务发展现状进行分析,本文以J银行PY支 行为研究对象,找出零售业务存在的问题,分析产生的原因。最后, 基于STP模型和4P理 论对PY支行零售业务营销策略进行设计和改进,从产品、价格、渠道、促销四个部分提 出了应对策略。通过对J银行PY支行现状的分析,找出其发展过程中存在的问题与短板、 机遇与挑战,针对支行存在的问题,制定出有针对性的、具有重要的实践参考价值的建议 和对策。 关键词:零售业务;市场细分;波特五力模型;营销策略 II ABSTRACT Since the 1990s, the external environment for the survival and development of China's commercial Banks is undergoing tremendous changes. In order to adapt to the development of financial globalization and The Times, China is gradually implementing reforms in various aspects such as interest rate liberalization and capital supervision. The traditional extensive and extensive strategy of commercial Banks is no longer applicable. Facing the fierce peripheral market environment, the vigorous development of Internet finance brings great challenges to commercial Banks, and the retail business is also faced with the optimization and transformation of channels. Therefore, retail business has become a new profit growth point and breakthrough point for commercial Banks. Continuous innovation of retail business products and continuous expansion of business scale have greatly reduced risks, improved profit margins and increased market competitiveness for commercial Banks. Retail business has gradually attracted the attention of commercial Banks whether commercial Banks can continue to develop steadily and profit depends on the maturity of retail business. In the commercial Banks with the retail business as the core, it is necessary to establish a complete, scientific and reasonable retail business marketing system to ensure the rapid development of commercial Banks. In this paper, according to the theory of porter five models, STP and The Marketing Theory of 4Ps as the foundation, the retail business of commercial bank and the marketing management literature analysis and refined, based on the theory support, combined with the actual development status of PY branch and retail business development needs, considering the impact on the bank's internal and external environment, put forward the branch to expand retail business market marketing strategy. It mainly studies the marketing environment analysis of retail business of commercial Banks. Based on porter's five forces model, it analyzes the interrelation and comprehensive influence among peer threat, Internet impact, peer homogeneous competition, free change of policies and prosperity and development of substitutes.Research the retail business of commercial bank marketing environment analysis, based on the analysis of the existing competitors within the same industry potter five model competition ability, the ability of potential competitors to enter, substitutes replace ability, suppliers (depositors) bargaining ability, buyers bargaining power (borrowers) between the relation and the comprehensive influence each other. From the perspective of the marketing environment, introduce The Marketing Theory of 4Ps, this paper analyzes the development status of retail business. Taking PY sub-branch of bank J as the research object, this paper finds out the existing problems of retail business and analyzes the causes. Finally, based on STP model and The Marketing Theory of 4Ps, design and improve the marketing strategy of PY sub-branch retail business, and put forward countermeasures from III the four aspects of product, price, channel and promotion. Through the analysis of the current situation of PY sub-branch of J bank, the problems, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in its development process are found out, and targeted Suggestions and countermeasures with important practical reference value are formulated according to the existing problems of sub-branch. Keywords:Retail Business;Market Segmentation; Michael Porter's Five Forces Model; Marketing Strategy IV 目 录 摘要 .... I ABSTRACT ............................. II 一、绪论 ... 1 (一)研究背景、目的和意义 ..................... 1 1.研究背景 .............. 1 2.研究的目的与意义 ............................. 1 (二)本文研究方法和内容 ......................... 2 1.理论研究方法 ...... 2 2.定性与定量分析有机结合 ................. 2 3.案例分析法 .......... 2 (三)论文创新点和不足 ............................. 3 1.论文创新点 .......... 3 2.论文不足点 .......... 3 二、文献综述与理论基础 ...... 4 (一)国内外研究 .......... 4 1.国外研究现状 ...... 4 2.国内研究现状 ...... 4 3.研究述评 .............. 6 (二)理论基础 .............. 6 1.波特五力模型简介 ............................. 6 2.PEST分析法 ......... 6 3.STP理论简介 ....... 7 4.4P理论简介 ......... 8 三、J银行PY支行零售业务营销环境分析 ...... 10 (一)宏观环境分析(PEST) ................... 10 1.政治法律环境分析 ........................... 10 2.经济环境分析 .... 10 3.社会文化环境分析 ........................... 10 4.技术环境分析 .... 10 (二)微观环境分析—基于波特五力模型 11 1.欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内竞争的影响 ............................ 11 2.潜在进入者的影响 ............................ 11 3.替代品的影响 ..... 11 4.供应商(存款者)的影响 ............... 12 5.购买者(贷款者)的影响 ............... 12 (三)竞争对手分析 .... 12 1.主要竞争对手分析 ........................... 12 2.J银行PY支行竞争能力分析 .......... 14 四、PY支行零售业务营销现状分析 .................. 15 (一)支行概况及零售业务主要内容 ....... 15 1.支行概况 ............ 15 2.零售业务的主要内容 ....................... 15 (二)零售业务目前营销策略及效果分析 .............................. 16 1.产品方面 ............ 17 2.价格方面 ............ 19 3.渠道方面 ............ 22 4.促销方面 ............ 24 五、PY支行零售业务营销存在的问题与原因分析 ......................... 27 (一)PY支行零售业务营销存在的问题 .. 27 V 1.零售产品同质化严重 ....................... 27 2.零售产品价格不合理 ....................... 27 3.渠道布局不合理 28 4.零售业务促销模式落后 ................... 28 (二)PY支行零售业务营销存在问题的原因分析 ................. 29 1.目标客户定位不清晰 ....................... 29 2.以产品为中心 .... 30 3.产品创新力不够 30 4.营销人员素质参差不齐 ................... 30 六、基于4P理论的PY支行零售业务营销策略改进 ...................... 31 (一)基于STP分析的目标市场选择 ....... 31 1.市场细分 ............ 31 2.目标市场 ............ 32 3.市场定位 ............ 33 (二)产品策略 ............ 34 1.新产品开发 ........ 34 2.产品体验策略 .... 34 (三)价格策略 ............ 34 1.分层分级策略 .... 34 2.产品覆盖度策略 35 (四)渠道策略 ............ 35 1.打造智慧银行 .... 35 2.电子渠道的铺设 36 (五)促销策略............... 36 1.广告宣传 ............ 36 2.人员推销 ............ 36 3.厅堂推广营销 .... 37 结论 ......... 38。。。。。。以下内容略

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