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I 摘要 近年来,租赁业务在各行各业的渗透率越来越高。融资租赁业务对航空?零售 业?医疗等企业的发展发挥着重要作用。在此背景下,租赁会计准则也相继出台并 随着业务的发展不断修订完善。在经历了征求意见阶段之后,我国财政部于2018 年12月正式发布了《企业会计准则第21号—租赁》(CAS21),于2019年1月1 日开始施行。 新租赁准则与旧准则相比,最核心的变化在于对于承租方不再区分经营租赁 和融资租赁。旧准则下,经营租赁信息主要体现在利润表中,而新准则下,各种 租赁信息还会体现在资产负债表中。 本文首先对国内外关于新租赁准则的研究进行了整理和学习,然后梳理了国 际、国内租赁准则的发展历程,分析了新旧租赁准则主要的变化内容,总结旧租 赁准则的缺陷,分析新准则可能造成的影响。零售业在日常的经营活动中会租入 大量的房屋作为门店及仓库,因此受到准则变动的影响较大。本文聚焦零售欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司, 首先对零售业的发展概况进行了研究,进一步选取了知名连锁超市企业红旗连锁 进行案例研究,采用比较分析和案例分析相结合的方法,基于红旗连锁2018年的 年度财务报告,重述了租赁期内历年的财务数据,具体分析了采用新、旧租赁准 对财务报表、财务指标的影响,以及进一步可能对经营决策带来的影响。 本文的研究结论是,一方面,在采用新租赁准则后,经营租赁资产表内化使 得企业的资产负债率、资产周转率、流动比率、净资产收益率等关键财务指标发 生变化,可能在报表中将企业的发展状况描述得更加稳健,因而带来不利影响。 但另外一方面,在新准则下,企业的经营行为能更真实地反映在财务报告中,新 准则大大降低了企业利用表外租赁去粉饰财务报表的可能性,提高财务报表的可 靠性和可比性。 最后,本文提出了一系列具体建议,以供相关企业参考,做好应对会计准则 变化的准备,以期减少准则变化给企业带来的冲击。 关键词:新租赁准则,零售业,经营租赁 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In recent years, the leasing industry has developed vigorously and penetrated into various industries. The leasing business with financing nature has played an important role in the development of enterprises, especially in the aviation industry, retail industry, and medical industry. Accounting is the language that describes economic business. In the context of the prosperity and development of the leasing industry, standard documents of accounting standards have also been introduced and evolved with the development of the leasing industry. In 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board issued a new international leasing standard-IFRS16. As early as 2006, China's financial department formulated a policy of keeping the convergence of China's accounting standards and international financial reporting standards system. After the release of the consultation draft in early 2018, the Ministry of Finance of China officially issued Caikuai [2018] No. 35 "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21-Leases" (CAS21) in December 2018, and notified that the new standard will be issued in 2019. It will be implemented on January 1. There is a big difference between the new lease standard CAS21 and the old lease standard CAS21. The core change is that the lessee no longer distinguishes between operating leases and financial leases. Unlike the old lease standard CAS21 era, operating lease information is mainly reflected in the income statement. In the era of the new lease standard CAS21, all lease information will also be reflected in the balance sheet, and the lease behavior will be recognized as the right-of-use asset and the corresponding lease liability in the balance sheet. This change will inevitably have a huge impact on related industries, especially industries with large operating leases and high leasing subject value. The retail industry will rent a large number of houses as stores and warehouses in daily business activities. This article focuses on the retail industry, studies the expected impact of the new leasing standard, and selects the famous chain company Hongqi Chain in the retail industry for a case study . This article first sorts out and studies the research on the new leasing standards at home and abroad, then combs the development process of international and domestic ABSTRACT III leasing standards, analyzes the main changes in the new and old leasing standards, summarizes the defects of the old leasing standards, and considers the possibility of the new leasing standards. The impact caused by a combination of comparative analysis and case analysis, based on the Hongqi Chain’s 2018 annual financial report, restated the relevant financial data, and specifically analyzed the impact of the new and old lease standards on the financial statements and financial indicators and Further impact on business decisions. The research conclusion of this article is that, on the one hand, after the adoption of the new lease standard, the internalization of the operating lease asset table has caused changes in key financial indicators such as the company’s asset-liability ratio, asset turnover ratio, current ratio, and net interest rate, which may not be conducive to the enterprise On the other hand, under the new standard, the company’s operating behavior can be more truly reflected in the financial report. The new standard greatly reduces the possibility of companies using off-balance sheet leases to whitewash the financial statements and improve the financial statements. Reliability and comparability. Finally, this article puts forward a series of specific suggestions for the reference of relevant enterprises, and prepares them for entering the era of the new leasing standards in advance, so as to reduce the adverse consequences brought about by the changes in the leasing standards. Keywords: New Leasing Standards, Retail Industry, Operating Leasing 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景 ............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ................................................................................................ 1 1.3 研究思路及方法 ................................................................................................ 2 1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................................................................ 2 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 3 第二章 理论与文献综述 ................................................................................................ 4 2.1 理论基础 ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1.1 租赁权理论 ............................................................................................ 4 2.1.2 租赁会计理论 ........................................................................................ 5 2.1.3 经济后果学说 ........................................................................................ 6 2.2 研究综述 ............................................................................................................ 7 2.2.1 原租赁准则的影响研究 ........................................................................ 7 2.2.2 新租赁准则的影响研究 ........................................................................ 7 2.2.3 新租赁准则的应对研究 ........................................................................ 8 2.3 文献评述 ............................................................................................................ 9 第三章 租赁会计准则的发展变迁 .............................................................................. 10 3.1 国内外租赁准则的发展历程 .......................................................................... 10 3.1.1 国际租赁准则的发展历程 .................................................................. 10 3.1.2 国内租赁准则的发展历程 ................................................................... 11 3.2 我国新旧租赁准则CAS21的变化分析 ........................................................ 12 3.2.1 租赁准则适用范围对比 ...................................................................... 12

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