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秉盛公司会员权益互通服务竞争战略研究 随着当今全球经济一体化的形成和我国市场经济的转型升级,最近五年来, 我国的经济占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超 过30%,经济实力跃上新台阶;国内消费贡献率由54.9%提高到58.8%,服务业 比重从45.3%上升到51.6%,俨然已经成为经济增长主动力。企业要紧随国家经 济转型和消费升级的大趋势,抓住当前的发展机遇,努力提高企业的市场竞争 力,并不断提升经营效益。 科学的企业战略方向的选择和方案的制定以及方案的强有力的落地执行, 是企业立足于市场的关键,也是企业参与市场竞争能否取得成功的关键。首先, 本文从会员权益互通服务的现状,包括:会员权益互通服务产品功能实现现状、 业务拓展现状进行了分析。其次,分析了会员权益互通服务的问题,包括:公 司内部环境方面、权益产品方面、资源整合方面、服务能力方面、法律合规方 面5个方面进行了分析。再次,采用外部环境从三个方面进行了分析:宏观环境, 采用PEST分析法,即P是政治(Politics)、E是经济(Economy)、S是社会 (Society)、T是技术(Technology);欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析方面采用了迈克尔·波 特五力模型分析法;竞争对手分析,针对不同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内从事会员权益互通服务的 企业进行分析,然后从三个方面进行内部环境分析,包括:企业资源方面,企业 能力方面,企业文化方面。最后,采用SWOT模型对秉盛公司会员权益互通服务 的优势、劣势、面临的机遇和威胁进行了分析。经过以上多方面的分析研究, 在低成本、差异化和集中化的三大基本战略中,秉盛公司会员权益互通服务团 队采用了差异化的竞争战略,并制定相应的差异化战略竞争方案,通过采用产 品差异化、服务差异化和市场营销差异化等差异化的策略来参与会员权益互通 服务在市场上的竞争。在本文的最后一个章节,明确了秉盛公司会员权益互通 II 服务的总体目标和竞争战略目标,并制定了参与市场竞争的差异化竞争战略方 案,从以下四个方面保障差异化竞争战略方案的顺利实施,分别为:企业文化 方面的保障、人力资源方面的保障、资源方面的保障和IT信息系统的保障。 秉盛公司通过加强企业自身内在的成长,在公司品牌建设、制度保障、企 业文化建设等方面提升参与市场竞争的能力。同时,作为一个会员权益互通平 台的企业,为联盟合作企业的消费会员提供会员闲置权益的交换,实现会员权 益在不同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领域、不同类型企业之间的互通。从而助力联盟合作企业吸收新 会员、维系老会员,助力提高企业的会员忠诚度,有利于联盟企业完成经营目 标。最终在秉盛公司、会员、联盟企业三方之间实现共赢,并且不断提升秉盛 公司在会员权益互通服务领域内的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司地位。 关键词: 竞争战略 会员权益 会员忠诚度 差异化战略 III Abstract Research on the Competition Strategy of Bingsheng Company's Member Benefits Exchange Service With the formation of global economic integration and the transformation and upgrading of China's market economy,during the past five years,China's share of the world economy has increased from 11.4 percent to about 15 percent,has contributed more than 30 percent to world economic growth,the country's economic strength has reached a new stage.The contribution rate of domestic consumption increased from 54.9 percent to 58.8 percent,The service sector rose to 51.6 percent from 45.3 percent,it has become the main engine of the economic growth. Enterprises should follow the general trend of national economic transformation and consumption upgrading, seize the current development opportunities, strive to improve their market competitiveness and constantly improve their operating efficiency. Scientific selection of enterprise strategic direction, formulation of plans and strong implementation are the key to enterprises based on the market and whether they can succeed in participating in market competition. Firstly, this paper analyzes the status quo of member benefits exchange service, including the status quo of realization of functions of member benefits exchange service products and the status quo of business development. Secondly, the paper analyzes the problems of member benefits exchange service, including internal environment, rights and interests products, resource integration, service capability and legal compliance. Thirdly, the external environment is analyzed from three aspects; macro environment, PEST analysis is adopted, that is, P is Politics, E is Economy, S is Society and T is Technology; michael porter's five forces model was used in the analysis of industrial environment;the analysis of competitors is carried out for the enterprises engaged in member benefits exchange service in different industries. Then, internal environment analysis is carried out from three aspects, including the analysis of enterprise IV resources, enterprise capability and enterprise culture. Finally, SWOT model is adopted to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of member benefits exchange services of the Bingsheng company. After the various analysis research, at low cost, the three basic strategies of differentiation and centralization, the team of Bingsheng company decided to adopt differentiated competition, and formulate the corresponding competition strategy, through the adoption of product differentiation and service differentiation and marketing differentiation, differentiation strategy to participate in the member benefits and interests of each service in the member benefits exchange market competition. In the last chapter of this paper, the overall goal and competitive strategic goal of Bingsheng company's member benefits exchange service are clarified, and the differentiated competitive strategic plan for participating in the market competition is formulated, guarantee the smooth implementation of differentiated competition strategy from the following four aspects: corporate culture aspects, human resources aspects, resources aspects and IT information system aspects. By strengthening the internal growth of the enterprise, Bingsheng company improves its ability to participate in market competition in brand building, system guarantee, enterprise culture building and other aspects. At the same time, as a member benefits exchange platform, the enterprise provides idle benefits exchange for consumption members of the alliance cooperative enterprises, so as to realize the exchange of member benefits among different industries and different types of enterprises. Thus, it helps alliance cooperative enterprises to absorb new members, maintain old members, help improve the loyalty of members, and help alliance enterprises to achieve business goals. Finally, achieve tripartite win-win results among Bingsheng company, members and alliance enterprises, and constantly improve Bingsheng company's position in the field of member benefits exchange services.。。。。。。以下内容略

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