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随着信息技术的进步和“互联网+农业”战略的深入实施,县域 电商的作用不断凸显,农产品网络销售对于推动地方发展以及城乡一 体化方面发挥了重要作用,使一些名不见经传的特色农产品通过电子 商务走向了城市居民的餐桌,进入大众视野。 根据中国国际电子商务中心在2018年10月12日发布的《中国 农村电子商务发展报告(2017-2018)》数据显示1,2017年我国农村 网络零售额超过1.2万亿元,其中农产品的网络零售交易额占20%, 达到2500亿元。农业部规划2020年我国农产品电商将达到8000亿 元。同时,报告也指出,我国农村电商正在经历四大转变过程:2从 工业品下行向农产品上行转变、从单纯的电商交易向农村综合服务转 变、从注重农村经济发展向助力美丽乡村建设转变、从电商公益扶贫 向可持续的系统性扶贫转变。 甘肃陇南成县以电商扶贫为主抓手,筹建成县网货供应中心,对 成县县域内农产品进行集中运营管理,提升农产品销量,打造陇小南 农产品品牌,为成县脱贫攻坚做出了巨大的贡献。笔者2018年去甘 肃成县参观考察发现,整体运营模式已呈现现代化、一体化、集中化 特征,但在具体调研过程中,也了解到一些客观存在的问题。 本文从成县网货供应中心实际运营情况入手,利用MBA所学课程 体系,围绕如何进一步优化农产品质量,整合消费数据,打通消费渠 道的研究,分析了当前网络销售现状、政策环境现状,也提出了具体 运营环境中客观存在的问题,运用供应链管理理论,对现有产品供应 环节中存在的质量问题提供了具体解决方案;利用整合营销管理理 论,将消费数据、会员数据整合引入SCRM系统中,并构建会员积分 模块,数据分析模块,提出O2O式运营方案,整合支付渠道等措施, 提高消费体验,增加消费者对陇小南品牌的认可度。利用RFM模型, 对会员进行分类标签化,对不同层级的会员提供个性化服务,增加会 员粘度,引导会员升级消费,提升整体销量。 本文中采用实地考察、访谈调研法、理论联系实际法、数据分析 法对项目展开研究,走访调研成县供应商现状以及生产车间,并对时 任成县电商办主任王润雪女士(现为成县商务局党组书记、局长)、 网货供应中心总经理赵武强先生以及各供应商负责人进行交流访谈, 通过整合消费数据,并进行数据建模分析,锁定高净值客群,力图寻 找并建设更高效、更快速的农产品网络销售模式。除成县网货供应中 心外,所提出的结论及解决方案有一定的实用性与普遍性,对其他县 域品牌的运营也具有一定的借鉴参考意义。 关键词: 甘肃成县, 农产品, 网络销售, 电子商务 互联网+农业 A Research on Current Situation and Countermeasure of Agricultural Products Network Sales in Chengxian County of Gansu Province ABSTRACT With the progress of information technology and the implementation of the strategy of "Internet plus agriculture", the role of county electric providers has been constantly highlighted. The agricultural products business has played an important role in promoting local development and integration of urban and rural areas, so that some "agricultural products hidden in deep mountains" have entered a large field of vision. According to the data of China Rural Electronic Commerce Development Report (2017-2018), released on October 12, 2018, in 2017, China's rural online retail sales exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan, of which 20% were agricultural products, reaching 250 billion yuan.The Ministry of Agriculture plans to reach 800 billion yuan by 2020. At the same time, the report points out that China's rural e-commerce is undergoing four major transformations: from bottom-up agricultural and industrial products, from simple e-commerce transactions to integrated rural services, from focusing on rural economic development to supporting beautiful rural construction, and from public welfare poverty alleviation and sustainable and systematic poverty alleviation. Chengxian county, longnan, gansu province, mainly focuses on e-commerce poverty alleviation, and plans to build a county online goods supply center. It will conduct centralized operation and management of agricultural products in chengxian county, increase the sales volume of agricultural products, build the brand of longxiaonan agricultural products, and make great contributions to the fight against poverty of chengxian county.It is precisely because Chengxian is in the forefront under the poverty alleviation model of e-commerce for agricultural products. I visited Chengxian, Gansu Province, with the team of the integrated practice project of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Business School under the leadership of Professor Jing Ranzhe. Its overall operation mode has been modernized, integrated and centralized, but in the specific investigation process, We also know some objective problems. Learned from MBA course basis of academic analysis, this paper combined into county net goods supply center development operation status quo, on how to further optimize the quality of agricultural products, clear target market segmentation, integration of consumption data, get through the study of consumer channel, analyzes the current status of network marketing present situation, the policy environment, and puts forward the specific objective problems existing in the operating environment, on the basis of the theory of supply chain management, the existing quality problems of products in the supply chain, logistics transportation problem provides specific solutions;Using STP theory, subdivide the current nut working market and lock the target subdivision market of longxiaonan; Using 4PS marketing theory, proposed specific implementation measures such as reshaping product packaging specifications, adopting cost-plus pricing strategy, expanding sales channels, and strengthening brand value maintenance; By using the theory of integrated marketing management, I introduced the integration of consumption data and member data into the SCRM system, built the member points module and data analysis module, put forward O2O operation plan, integrated payment channels and other measures to improve consumption experience and increase consumers' recognition of longxiaonan brand.Members to make use of RFM model, category labels, and provide personalized services to different levels of membership, increase member viscosity, guide member upgraded consumption, using the theory of network marketing, make network hot style, and add the hot style page links, increase the exposure, and other products, in turn, improve conversion rate, improve overall sales. In this article,field investigation, interview and investigation, theory combined with practice and data analysis are used to study the project.Visiting and investigating the current situation of suppliers and production workshops in Chengxian,and conduct exchanges and interviews with Wang Runxue, director of Chengxian e-commerce office, and Mr. Zhao Wuqiang, general manager of network goods supply center and heads of suppliers.Integrate consumer data, and carry out data modeling and analysis, lock in high net value customers group, and try to find and build more efficient and faster agricultural products network sales model. In addition to the Chengxian network goods supply center, the proposed conclusions and solutions have certain practicability and universality,and also have certain reference significance for the operation of other county brands. Key Words:Chengxian County Of Gansu Province, Agricultural products, Online sales, E-commerce Business, Internet + Agriculture 目 录 第一章 引言 ............................................ 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 ........................................ 1 第二节 研究内容 .............................................. 4 第三节 研究方法 .............................................. 4 第四节 研究框架 .............................................. 7 第二章 相关理论综述 .................................... 8 第一节 基本概念 .............................................. 9 一、 农产品 ..................................................... 9 二、 网络销售 ................................................... 9 三、 农产品网络销售 ............................................. 10 第二节 农产品供应链管理理论 ................................. 10 第三节 品牌效应理论 ......................................... 14 第四节 整合营销渠道理论 ..................................... 14 第五节 文献综述 ............................................. 15 一、 国内文献综述......

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