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近年来,随着互联网金融的强势发展,以支付宝为首的第三方支付平台依托 大数据的技术支持,在线支付规模正呈现着爆炸性的增长,银行的代理结算、支 付数量骤减,正在遭到互联网金融的侵蚀。与此同时,随着利率市场化进程的加 快,利差收入在商业银行总收入的占比已经遭到了严重削弱,越来越多的商业银 行已经将发展方向由传统的存贷差经营模式转向零售银行模式。为顺应数字经济 发展大趋势,积极推进体制机制、管理方式、商业模式和企业文化的全方位、深 层次变革,商业银行网点转型成为必然趋势。 农业银行H支行地处吉林市中心繁华区域,下辖6个网点,周边众多商业银 行林立,同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争形势严峻。如何在当前形势下,扬长避短、充分发挥自身优 势、提升H支行各网点的竞争力,正亟待解决。本文基于项目管理相关理论、组 织结构优化理论以及管理决策理论的相关方法,以农业银行H支行网点为研究对 象,通过深入研究网点发展现状,剖析网点发展过程中存在的问题及成因。首先, 运用文献查阅法,对国内外学者关于银行网点转型项目管理方面的研究成果进行 梳理和总结,并对项目管理理论、组织结构优化理论和决策理论进行阐述。其次, 对农业银行H支行各网点周边客户及潜在客户的金融需求、同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争等情况进 行实地调查,全面掌握农业银行H支行网点的发展现状,找出其存在的主要问题 及深层次原因。第三,制定农业银行H支行网点转型方案设计的目标、原则,并 提出网点转型的两种备选方案。第四,结合农业银行H支行网点转型方案选择的 主要影响因素,利用深度访谈法构建网点转型方案优选的指标体系,进行网点转 型方案选择,得出相应的结果。最后,从制度保障、组织保障等方面提出农业银 行H支行网点转型方案实施的保障措施。本文的研究结论将进一步丰富商业银行 转型的相关研究成果。同时,本论文的研究结论可以为农业银行H支行网点转型 提供指导,并为其他商业银行的转型提供借鉴。 关键词:网点转型;智能化;方案设计;方案优选 II Abstract In recent years, with the strong development of Internet finance, third-party payment platforms led by Alipay rely on big data technology support. The scale of online payment is showing explosive growth, and the number of bank settlements and payments has plummeted financial erosion, which has been greatly eroded by the Internet finance.At the same time, with the acceleration of interest rate liberalization, the proportion of interest margin income in the total income of commercial Banks has been seriously weakened, and more and more commercial Banks have shifted from the traditional deposit and loan margin business model to the retail banking model.In order to conform to the general trend of digital economy development and actively promote the all-round and in-depth reform of system mechanism, management mode, business model and corporate culture, the transformation of commercial bank outlets has become an inevitable trend. Agricultural bank of China H sub-branch is located in the prosperous area of Jilin city center, with 6 branches under its jurisdiction and many commercial Banks standing in the surrounding area, which makes the competition among the industry severe.Under the current situation, it is an urgent problem for H sub-branch to make full use of its advantages, give play to its advantages, and improve the competitiveness of various branches and branches.This article based on the related theories of project management, organizational structure optimization theory, and management decision-making theory, this paper takes the agricultural bank of China H sub-branch as the research object, through in-depth study of the current situation of the development of branches, the existing problems in the development of branches and their causes are analyzed. First, by means of literature review, this paper summarizes the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on project management of bank branch transformation, and elaborates the project management theory, organizational structure optimization theory and decision-making theory. Secondly, field investigation was carried out on the financial needs and industry competition of customers and potential customers around the agricultural bank of China H sub-branch, so as to fully grasp the development status of the agricultural bank of China H sub-branch and find out the main problems and deep-seated reasons. Thirdly, the objectives and principles of the network transformation scheme design of the agricultural bank of China H sub-branch were formulated, and two alternative schemes for the commercial bank transformation were proposed.Fourth, combining with the main influencing factors for the transformation III plan selection of the agricultural bank of China H sub-branch,using the in-depth interview method to build the optimal index system for the transformation plan of the network,carry on the transformation plan choice, obtains the corresponding result.Finally, from the institutional guarantee, organizational guarantee and other aspects of the agricultural bank of China H sub-branch transformation plan implementation of the safeguard measures.The research conclusion of this paper will further enrich the related research results of commercial bank transformation. At the same time,this thesis provides guidance for the branch transformation of Agricultural Bank H Sub-branch, and provides reference for the transformation of other commercial banks. Keywords: Transformation of Commercial Bank; Intelligent; Scheme Design; Scheme Optimization 目 录 摘要 ............................................................. I Abstract ....................................................................................................................... II 第1章 绪 论 ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义............................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 2 1.2.1 国内研究现状........................................... 2 1.2.2 国外研究现状........................................... 3 1.3 研究内容和研究方法 .......................................... 5 1.3.1 研究内容............................................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法............................................... 5 1.4 论文创新之处 ................................................ 5 第2章 相关理论基础 ................................................................................................. 7 2.1 项目管理相关理论 ............................................ 7 2.1.1 项目管理的概念......................................... 7 2.1.2 项目管理的内容......................................... 7 2.2 组织结构优化的相关理论 ...................................... 8 2.2.1 组织结构优化的概念..................................... 8 2.2.2 组织结构优化的内容..................................... 8 2.3 决策理论 .................................................... 8 第3章 农业银行H支行网点的发展现状与存在问题分析 ............................................ 10 3.1 农业银行H支行网点发展现状 ................................. 10 3.2 农业银行H支行网点发展中存在的主要问题 ..................... 11 3.2.1 网点服务理念滞后...................................... 11 3.2.2 网点业务流程效率低下.................................. 12 3.2.3 网点布局不符合实际经营需求............................ 12 3.3 农业银行H支行网点发展中存在问题的原因分析 ................. 13 3.3.1 网点服务人员素质良莠不齐.............................. 13 3.3.2 网点服务人员短缺...................................... 13 3.3.3 网点绩效考核不尽合理.................................. 13 3.3.4 网点业务流程操作繁杂.................................. 13 3.3.5 网点布局缺乏科学性.................................... 14 第4章 农业银行H支行网点转型方案设计 ........................................................... 15 4.1 农业银行H支行网点转型方案设计的目标 ....................... 15 4.1.1 建设智能化网点........................................ 15 4.1.2 建设轻型化网点........................................ 15 4.1.3 建设高效益网点........................................ 16 4.2 农业银行H支行网点转型方案设计的原则 ....................... 16 4.2.1 保持农业银行品牌特色.

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