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近年来,中国通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发生了剧烈的变化。多家通信运营商经过几次重组合并后, 在2008年形成三家基础运营商进行全业务竞争的格局,因为经营产品同质化且竞争激 烈,各运营商均面临新客户获取困难、老客户价值下降的问题。新兴互联网企业对运营 商的业务形成冲击,运营商管道化趋势加剧。在新形势下,各运营商企业内部在不断深 化改革,谋求更有效的运营模式,存量客户运营已提升到战略高度。而中国电信集团开 始了划小承包的改革,YC电信也深刻认识到在新形势下需要通过营销渠道机制创新与 存量运营相结合进行转型。本文以YC电信为例,分析YC电信的营销渠道现状和在经 营中遇到的问题,通过优化渠道运营机制,对社区营销渠道开展承包经营来提升渠道运 营效益和公司业务收入,从而探寻新形势下营销渠道更有效的运营模式。 本文通过对YC电信的深入调查研究,采用PEST分析深入分析了YC 电信分公司 的面临的宏观形势、国家政策、社会环境、科技环境和经济环境等内容,以YC电信宽 带业务为例进行了SWOT分析,全面的分析了内部和外部环境的现状、优势与劣势等, 并在SWOT分析基础上进行了策略研究。提出YC电信在社区要调整营销渠道结构、加 快渠道建设、优化渠道布局,同时要优化渠道运营模式来提升渠道效能,通过开展营销 渠道承包经营来激发渠道活力,促进营销渠道开展存量运营,从而提升公司经营收入, 进一步提出营销渠道开展承包经营的总体目标和原则。应用文献研究法、对比分析法、 案例分析法,深入研究了YC电信城市营销渠道承包制运营策略,分析了实施营销渠道 承包制后对于销量提升、存量维系和运营收入提升等方面的成效。该研究成果可以为YC 电信对营销渠道运营进一步优化提供建议,也可对中国电信其他分公司在新形势下的营 销渠道运营策略给予一定的参考。 关键词:电信运营商、渠道运营、划小承包、存量运营 II Abstract In recent years, there has been dramatic changes in the Chinese communications industry. After several reorganizations and mergers, many telecom operators have formed a pattern in 2008, which three fundamental operators competed in the full business. Because of the homogeneity of the operating products and fierce competition, all operators have faced difficulties in acquiring new customers and the issues of declining customer value of old customers. The emerging Internet companies have impacted on the business of the operators, and the trend of operators' pipeline development has intensified. Under the new situation, all operators are continuously deepening reforms within the internal enterprise, so as to seek a more effective operation model, and the operation of existing customers has been raised to a strategic level. While China Telecom Group has started the reform of small-scale contracting, YC Telecom has also deeply recognized that under the new situation, it needs to transform through the combination of marketing channel mechanism innovation and the stock operation. This article has taken YC Telecom as an example to analyze the current situation of the marketing channels of YC Telecom, as well as the problems encountered in its operation. Through optimizing the channel operating mechanism, conducting contract operation on the community marketing channels to improve channel operation efficiency and company business revenue, so to explore the more effective operation mode of the marketing channel under new situation. Through the in-depth research and study on YC Telecom, this article has adopted PEST analysis to deeply analyze the macro situation, national policies, social environment, technological environment and economic environment faced by the YC Telecom Branch, and SWOT analysis was carried out with the YC Telecom broadband business as an example, so to comprehensive analyze the current situation, advantages and disadvantages of the internal and external environment, and conducted strategic research based on the SWOT analysis. It was proposed that the YC Telecom needed to adjust the marketing channel structure, accelerate the channel construction, and optimize the channel layout in the community, at the mean time, it needs to optimize the channel operation model to improve the channel efficiency, stimulate the vitality of the channel by carrying out marketing channel contracting operations, and promote the marketing channel to conduct stock operations, so to achieve an increase of the company operation income, and further propose the overall objectives and principles of marketing channels for contract operations. This article has adopted the literature research method, comparative analysis method, and case analysis method, in-depth studied the urban marketing channel contract system operation strategy of the YC Telecom, and analyzed the effectiveness of marketing channel contract system in terms of sales volume increase, stock maintenance, and operating income enhancement. The research results was also able to provide recommendations for YC Telecom to further optimize the operation of marketing channels, and give some reference to the marketing channel operation strategies of other branches of China Telecom under the new situation. Keywords: Telecom Operator, Channel Operation, Subdividing Small Sontracts, Stock Operation III 目 录 第一章 绪论 ....... 1 1.1 研究背景 .......................... 1 1.2 研究意义 .......................... 2 1.3 研究目的 .......................... 3 1.4 研究方法 .......................... 4 1.5 研究内容 .......................... 5 第二章 理论基础和文献综述.... 7 2.1 关于组合营销策略的相关文献综述 .... 7 2.2 关于营销渠道管理的相关文献综述 .... 8 2.3 关于渠道激励机制的相关文献综述 . 11 2.4 关于委托代理关系的相关文献综述 . 13 2.5 关于存量经营策略的相关文献综述 . 16 2.6 本章小结 ....................... 17 第三章 YC电信营销渠道及市场环境分析...... 19 3.1 YC电信分公司简介 .... 19 3.2营销渠道运营概况及佣金体系 ............ 20 3.2.1 营销渠道运营概况 ..................... 20 3.2.2 营销渠道佣金体系 ..................... 21 3.2.3 佣金体系存在的问题 ................. 24 3.3 经营形势分析 .............. 24 3.3.1 基于PEST的内外部经营环境分析 .................... 26 3.3.2 基于SWOT的运营形势分析 . 28 3.3.3 SWOT交叉分析基础上的策略研究 .................... 31 3.4本章小结......................... 33 第四章 YC电信营销渠道承包制运营方案...... 34 YC电信营销渠道运营方案设计总体思路 ...................... 34 4.1.1 YC电信营销渠道承包制设计原则 ....................... 35 4.1.2 YC电信营销渠道承包制设计总体视图及目标 .............................. 36 4.2 YC电信营销渠道以店包片运营体系设计 ...................... 37 4.2.1 社区店的经营模式 ..................... 37 4.2.2 社区店的人员配置及职责 ....... 38 4.2.3 改革装维管理实现营维合一 .. 39 4.2.4 社区店日常工作内容 ................. 41 4.2.5 社区店承包退出机制 ................. 41 4.3 YC电信营销渠道以店包片佣金体系设计 ...................... 42 4.3.1 社区店承包佣金体系总体视图 ............................ 42 4.3.2 社区店承包的年度分成 ............ 43 4.3.3 社区店承包的月度激励 ............ 43 4.3.4 社区店承包的运营补贴 ............ 45 4.3.5 某社区店承包佣金的实例 ....... 45 4.4 YC电信营销渠道以店包片经营策略. 46 4.4.1 经营策略总体思路 ..................... 46 IV 4.4.2 聚焦收入承包目标 ..................... 46 4.4.3 开展小区差异营销 ..................... 46 4.4.4 构建存量运营体系 ..................... 49 4.4.5 精准画像降低离网 ..................... 51 4.4.6 强化支撑助力运营 ..................... 54 4.5 本章小结 ....................... 56 第五章 营销渠道实施承包制运营的成效 ....... 58 5.1 对市场覆盖率的提升作用 .................... 58 5.2 对销量和份额的提升作用 .................... 59 5.2.1 激发活力提升新量 ..................... 59 5.2.2 深耕小区提升份额 ..................... 60 5.3 对存量客户维系的提升作用 ............... 60 5.3.1 营维一体提升服务 ..................... 61 5.3.2 强化维系降低离网 ..................... 62 5.3.3 存量运营减少流失 ..................... 63 5.4 对经营效益的提升作用 ......................... 64 5.4.1 承包成本支出 64 5.4.2 承包收入完成 65 5.5 本章小结 ....................... 66 第六章 总结与展望 .................... 67 6.1 研究总结 ....................... 67 6.2 不足与展望 .................. 69。。。。。。以下内容略

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