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I 摘要 2007年私人银行服务在ZS银行推出以来,已逐渐成为中国管理客户数最多, 管理客户资产最多的银行。近两年,ZS银行在私人银行客户的体系内进行了客 户分层,1000万元金融资产以上的客户成为私人银行客户,并对5000万元金融 资产以上的客户称为超高端客户。随着私人银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务在北上广、各省省会等一、 二线城市蓬勃发展的同时,偏远地区的县域支行的高资产客户却很难受到同样 服务体系,此类地区的超高端客户中传统家族资产管理体系、低效的企业运作 模式、陈旧财富管理理念降低了财富增值的速度,增加了经营风险、债务风险、 传承风险、保障风险发生的概率。因此本文以ZS银行私人银行体系为例,通过 文献研究分析法、案例分析法、总结研究法首先从私人银行的基础理论开始, 解析私人银行国内外发展特点,在我国的模式、理论及历程,在理论的基础上 对CP县域支行私人银行服务现状进行深入研究,并通过XX集团家族的案例解 析,探讨非标准化服务模式及创新产品实施的可行性,从客户区域特征、市场 定位、营销模式等方面对ZS银行县域支行私人银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务提出改进策略。最后, 理论与案例的结合得出私人银行定制化服务解决策略。主要内容如下: 第一章,绪论部分。介绍了研究背景及意义;国内外文献综述;研究目的、 方法及内容。 第二章,在查阅了大量相关文献的基础上,对私人银行的定义、特点、产 品及服务模式进行系统性分析,重点通过全球资产配置理论,抓住私人银行的 理论核心要点。 第三章,结合CP县域支行私人银行服务现状,分析CP县区域经济特征、 ZS银行CP县支行服务模式及服务体系,发现存在的主要问题有人员结构导致的 专业维护能力不足、增值服务区域差异化导致的服务供给不足、现有体系下针 对CP县经济垄断体及其家族服务的无效性;在深入分析后找出ZS银行CP县支 行私人银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务存在的外部原因和内部原因。 第四章,通过CP县Z家族私人银行案例详细解读私人银行服务情况,深入 分析客户需求,解析CP县城Z家族定制化服务策略。 最后部分,提出私人银行定制化服务解决策略,主要从服务管理协作、定 摘要 II 制化服务、定制化资产配置三大方面进行阐述,一方面为私人银行中县域支行 的超高端客户定制化服务体系进一步完善做出一定的贡献,另一方面为家族宪 章这一概念性产品的实践提供案例提供参考。 关键词: 私人银行;定制服务;财富管理 Abstract III Abstract Since the introduction of private banking services at ZS Bank in 2007, it has gradually become the bank with the largest number of managed customers and the largest number of managed customer assets in China. In the past two years, ZS Bank has stratified its customers in the private banking customer system. Customers with more than 10 million yuan of financial assets have become private banking customers, and customers with more than 50 million yuan of financial assets are called super-high-end customers. Along with the vigorous development of private banking business in the first and second tier cities such as Shangbei-Guangzhou and provincial capitals, it is difficult for high-asset customers of county branches in remote areas to receive the same service system. Traditional family assets management system, inefficient enterprise operation mode and outdated wealth management concept are among the super-high-end customers in such areas. It reduces the speed of wealth appreciation and increases the probability of business risk, debt risk, inheritance risk and security risk. Therefore, taking the private banking system of ZS bank as an example, this paper starts with the basic theory of private bank, analyzes the development characteristics of private bank at home and abroad, and analyzes the mode, theory and course of private banking in China. On the basis of theory, this paper analyzes the private banking service of CP County branch. Through the case analysis of XX family, this paper explores the feasibility of implementing non-standardized service model and innovative products, and puts forward improvement strategies for the private banking business of ZS County branch from the aspects of customer regional characteristics, market positioning and marketing model. Finally, the combination of theory and case is the solution to customized service of private banks. The main contents are as follows: The first chapter is the introduction. This paper introduces the background and significance of the research, the literature review at home and abroad, the purpose, method and content of the research. Abstract IV In the second chapter, on the basis of consulting a large number of relevant literature, the definition, characteristics, products and service models of private banks are systematically analyzed, focusing on the global asset allocation theory, grasping the core theoretical points of private banks. In the third chapter, combining with the current situation of private banking services of CP County branch, the paper analyzes the regional economic characteristics of CP county, the service mode and service system of CP County branch of ZS bank, and finds that the main problems are insufficient professional maintenance ability caused by personnel structure, insufficient service supply caused by regional differentiation of value-added services, and the existing system aiming at CP. The ineffectiveness of county economic monopoly and its family services; after in-depth analysis, find out the external and internal reasons for the existence of private banking business of CP County branch of ZS bank. In the fourth chapter, through the case study of Z family private bank in CP county, the service situation of private bank is explained in detail, the customer demand is analyzed in depth, and the Z family customization service strategy in CP county is analyzed. In the last part, the paper puts forward the solution strategy of customized service of private banks, mainly from three aspects: service management cooperation, customized service and customized asset allocation. On the one hand, it contributes to the further improvement of the ultra-high-end customized service system of county branches in private banks, and on the other hand, it contributes to the family. The practice of the concept product of the charter provides a case for reference. Key words: Private Banks; Customized services; Wealth management V 目录 摘要...............I Abstract....III 目录..............V 第一章 绪 论...........................1 第一节 研究背景及意义......................1 一、研究背景............................1 二、研究意义............................1 第二节 国内外文献综述......................2 一、国外研究综述....................2 二、国内研究综述....................2 第三节 研究内容、方法及技术路线....4 一、研究内容............................4 二、研究方法............................5 三、 技术路线..........................6 第二章 基础理论.....................8 第一节 私人银行的定义及特点..........8 一、 私人银行的定义..............8 二、私人银行的发展历程及特点...........................9 第二节 私人银行的产品及服务模式10 一、私人银行产品..................10 二、私人银行服务模式..........14 第三节 全球资产配置理论................15 目录 VI 一、全球资产配置方法原理..15 二、VAR方法介绍...................15 三、全球财富配置系统的应用.............................16 四、全球财富配置结果解读..17 第三章 ZS银行CP县支行私人银行现状分析...19 第一节 CP县支行经营环境简介.......19 第二节 ZS银行CP县支行私人银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务概述..................19 一、ZS银行CP县支行简介...19 二、ZS银行CP县支行零售业务情况..................20 第三节 ZS银行CP县支行私人银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务存在的主要问题及改进措施.......21 一、支行理财经理专业能力不足.........................21 二、CP支行服务专员客户服务提升未到位........22 三、CP支行改进措施.............22 第四章 CP县Z家族私人银行案例.....................25 第一节 Z家族介绍.............................25 一、Z集团背景.......................25 二、Z集团实际控制人情况以及经营负责人基本情况......................25 第二节 CP县Z家族风险分析...........26 一、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司性风险分析..............26 二、上游铝土矿供应采购情况的风险分析.........26 三、盈利变化的风险分析......27 四、铝欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司需求的市场风险分析.........................28 五、铝欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司技术风险分析......29 六、经营风险..........................29 七、管理风险..........................30 八、财务风险..........................31 九、环保风险..........................32 目录 VII 第三节 根据Z集团风险情况运用SWOT分析客户.........33 第四节 CP县城Z家族定

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