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在中国城市化进程中,各城市存在大量流动人口,包括刚毕业的大学生和外来务工 人员,该部分群体需要大量的住房和消费。自2014年3月,国务院提 出“租售并举”和“大 力发展住房租赁市场”以来,各级政府相继出台了一系列鼓励发展住房租赁市场的政策。 在巨大的市场空间以及不断出台的利好政策的双重刺激下,房企 系、中介系、创业系、 酒店系等各路资本纷纷抢滩布局长租公寓市场,长租公寓欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在短短几年内规模迅速壮 大,中国长租公寓欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司将是一个万亿级的市场。 L长租公寓公司属 于房企系长租公寓企业,于2016年进入长租公寓欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,致力于 为广大客户打造自然、舒适、人文、富有生活气息的品位居所。经过四年多的快速发展, L长租公寓公司目前已布局 北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州等14个重点城市,累计拓 展房量位居欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司前列。随着国家鼓励住房租赁市场的政策相继出台,以及居民消费观念 的转变,长租公寓市场的需求有 可能进一步释放,但是同时欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的产品同质化情况较为 严重,竞争日益加剧。L长租公寓公司在前期的发展中逐渐形成自己的优势,但是也存 在一些薄弱环节,在这种背景下,如 何抓住机遇在激烈的市场竞争中获取长久的优势, 如何制定符合自身情况的战略来解决目前发展遇到的问题,成为L长租公寓公司的当 务之急,本文旨在研究并解决这一问题。 本文首先梳理了国内外相关的文献,然后以L长租公寓公司为研究对象,运用PEST 分析工具对L长租公寓公司所处的外部环境进行分析,运用波士顿矩阵对L长租公寓 公司的产品进 行分析,运用SWOT工具对L长租公寓公司所处的内外部环境进行分析, 最后制定出符合L长租公寓公司实际情况的发展战略方案、竞争策略和保障措施。 关键字:战略制定;战略 实施;长租公寓 II Abstract In China's urbanization process, cities have a large number of floating population, including recent college graduates and migrant workers, who need a lot of housing and consumption. Since March 2014, the state council put forward the "combination of leasing and sales" and "vigorously develop the housing rental market", governments at all levels have issued a series of policies to encourage the development of the housing rental market. Under the double stimulation of the huge market space and the continuous favorable policies, real estate enterprises, real estate agents, start-ups, hotels and other companies have entered the market of long-term rental housing. The long-term rental housing industry has grown rapidly in just a few years, and China's long-term rental housing industry will be a trillion-level market. L long-term rental housing company entered the long-term rental housing industry in 2016, striving to create natural, comfortable, artistic and warm residences for the customers. After more than four years of rapid development, L long-term rental housing company has now entered 14 key cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, shenzhen, hangzhou, etc., with the accumulative number of rooms rented by L long-term rental housing company at the forefront of the industry. With the national policies to encourage the housing rental market and the change of residents' consumption concept, the demand for long-rented apartments will be greater, but the industry competition is becoming more and more fierce. L the long rent apartment has formed its own advantages in the early development, but it also has some disadvantages. In this context, L long-term rental housing company how to seize the opportunity to win, how to develop strategies, in order to solve the current problems, this is the problem to be solved in this paper. This paper first sorted out relevant domestic and foreign literature, and then took L long -term rental housing company as the research object. By using PEST analysis tool and Porter's Five Forces model to analyze the external environment of L long-term rental housing company, By using SWOT to analyze the internal and external environment of L long-term rental housing company. On the basis of these analyses, the development strategy, competition strategy and safeguard measures of L long-term rental housing company are finally worked out.。。。。。。以下 内容略

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